

Search results for 'Humanity': Page 13

Sep 22, 2022

Scientists Relieved To Discover Mysterious Creature Is Not Humanity’s Earliest Ancestor

Posted by in category: futurism

An international study team has found that a mysterious microscopic creature assumed to be the ancestor of humans actually belongs to a different family tree.

The Saccorhytus is a spikey, wrinkly sack with a huge mouth surrounded by spines and holes that were interpreted as pores for gills – a primitive feature of the deuterostome group, from which our own deep ancestors emerged.

But a thorough examination of fossils from China that date back 500 million years has shown that the holes surrounding the mouth are actually the bases of spines that split during the process of fossil preservation, finally revealing the evolutionary affinity of the microfossil Saccorhytus.

Sep 18, 2022

Super-intelligent AI could become ‘dangerous for humanity,’ warn researchers

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

ARTIFICIAL intelligence has been concerning some of science’s top minds due to the potential that it might threaten civilization as a whole.

A group of researchers came to the frightening conclusion that super-intelligence AI may not be able to be contained, according to the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.

The study found that controlling a super-intelligence would be beyond human comprehension.

Sep 17, 2022

Why humanity is needed to propel conversational AI

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, finance, robotics/AI

Conversational AI is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows consumers to interact with computer applications as if they were interacting with another human. According to Deloitte, the global conversational AI market is set to grow by 22% between 2022 and 2025 and is estimated to reach $14 billion by 2025.

Providing enhanced language customizations to cater to a highly diverse and vast group of hyper-local audiences, many practical applications of this include financial services, hospital wards and conferences, and can take the form of a translation app or a chatbot. According to Gartner, 70% of white-collar workers purportedly regularly interact with conversational platforms, but this is just a drop in the ocean of what can unfold this decade.

Despite the exciting potential within the AI space, there is one significant hurdle; the data used to train conversational AI models does not adequately account for the subtleties of dialect, language, speech patterns and inflection.

Sep 15, 2022

Humanity’s Transition to Superintelligence

Posted by in categories: economics, transhumanism

Sustensis is a Think Tank providing inspirations, suggestions, and solutions for Humanity’s transition to the time when it will coexist with Superintelligence. In some way it falls into a broad spectrum of Transhumanism. However, we only consider certain aspects of Transhumanism, emphasizing technological progress, which may ultimately lead to the emergence of a new species – Posthumans. Thus for us “Transhumanism is about Humanity’s transition to its coexistence with Superintelligence until it evolves into a new species”. Such a transition must start with an urgent reform of democracy, promoting a planetary outlook, and evolving the most mature organisation, such as the European Union, into a Human Federation. That is covered by our subsidiary website Euro Agora.

Our websites have been designed using our own Digitized Structured Content. It can be used for debating complex political, social, scientific or economic problems. On this website it is focused on minimizing the risk of developing a malicious Superintelligence, which requires a global co-operation. Similarly, as in a book, the Content (in this case – the problem area) is described in chapters. As you move from left to right, the numbered top level tabs describe the problem in more detail.

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Sep 14, 2022

AI may destroy humanity, DeepMind scientists claim in co-authored paper

Posted by in categories: existential risks, robotics/AI

The paper argues that AI may want to take control and do its own thing.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making impressive progress and has, in many ways, improved the world. But could it become dangerous? A new paper co-authored by the University of Oxford and Google DeepMind researchers published last month in the peer-reviewed AI Magazine.


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Sep 13, 2022

Google Deepmind Researcher Co-Authors Paper Saying AI Will Eliminate Humanity

Posted by in categories: information science, robotics/AI

Superintelligent AI is “likely” to cause an existential catastrophe for humanity, according to a new paper, but we don’t have to wait to rein in algorithms.

Sep 13, 2022

Is the universe a graveyard? This theory suggests humanity may be alone

Posted by in category: alien life

Ever since we’ve had the technology, we’ve looked to the stars in search of alien life. It’s assumed that we’re looking because we want to find other life in the universe, but what if we’re looking to make sure there isn’t any?

Sep 12, 2022

Beyond bionics: how the future of prosthetics is redefining humanity

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical, cyborgs, robotics/AI, transhumanism

Bionic technology is removing physical barriers faced by disabled people while raising profound questions of what it is to be human. From DIY prosthetics realised through 3D printing technology to customised AI-driven limbs, science is at the forefront of many life-enhancing innovations.

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Sep 5, 2022

The modern OS desktop is a crime against humanity

Posted by in category: futurism

Just one big GUI mess.

Sep 1, 2022

Building a better humanity

Posted by in category: engineering

For those who haven’t been keeping up with our team directly on Discord, we’re currently focused on engineering, testing, and debugging the next-generation system.

Continue reading “Engineering In Progress”.

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