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“Automated logistics roads are designed to get the most out of road space by utilizing hard shoulders, median strips, and tunnels beneath the roadway,” Muramatsu explained.

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The project involves installing automated conveyor belts in tunnels beneath major highways, on above-ground tracks in the middle of roads, and along hard shoulders. This innovative approach aims to optimize existing road space and enhance freight movement efficiency.

Transcend us, AI friends!

👉 Researchers from Harvard University, UC Santa Barbara, and Princeton University show in a new study that generative AI models can outperform their human trainers through “transcendence”

New research shows that generative AI models can surpass their human trainers. The researchers call this phenomenon “transcendence” and demonstrate it using the example of chess.

AI models are typically trained to imitate human behavior. However, is it possible for these models to outperform their human “trainers” in certain areas? Researchers from Harvard University, UC Santa Barbara, and Princeton University show in a new study that this is possible through what they call “transcendence.”

A team led by NCI researchers has developed an artificial intelligence (AI) tool that uses data from individual cells inside tumors to predict whether a person’s cancer will respond to a specific drug. Learn more about how these findings hold promise for optimally matching cancer drugs to patients:

Precision oncology, in which doctors choose cancer treatment options based on the underlying molecular or genetic signature of individual tumors, has come a long way. The Food and Drug Administration has approved a growing number of tests that look for specific genetic changes that drive cancer growth to match patients to targeted treatments. The NCI-MATCH trial, supported by the National Cancer Institute, in which participants with advanced or rare cancer had their tumors sequenced in search of genetic changes that matched them to a treatment, has also suggested benefits for guiding treatment through genetic sequencing. But there remains a need to better predict treatment responses for people with cancer.

A promising approach is to analyze a tumor’s RNA in addition to its DNA. The idea is to not only better understand underlying genetic changes, but also learn how those changes impact gene activity as measured by RNA sequencing data. A recent study introduces an artificial intelligence (AI)-driven tool, dubbed PERCEPTION (PERsonalized single-Cell Expression-based Planning for Treatments In ONcology), developed by an NIH-led team to do just this.1 This proof-of-concept study, published in Nature Cancer, shows that it’s possible to fine-tune predictions of a patient’s treatment responses from bulk RNA data by zeroing in on what’s happening inside single cells.

One of the challenges in relying on bulk data from tumor samples is they typically include mixtures of like cells known as clones. Because different clones may respond differently to specific drugs, averaging what’s happening in cells across a particular patient’s tumor may not provide a clear picture of how that cancer will respond to a drug. Being able to capture gene activity patterns all the way down to the single-cell level might be a better way to target clones with specific alterations and therefore see better drug responses, but so far, single-cell gene expression data haven’t been widely available.

Influencer makes AI clone of herself. But it turns out badly.

Caryn Marjorie is a social media influencer whose content has more than a billion views per month on Snapchat. She posts regularly, featuring everyday moments, travel memories, and selfies. Many of her followers are men, attracted by her girl-next-door aesthetic.

In 2023, Marjorie released a “digital version” of herself. Fans could chat with CarynAI for US$1 per minute – and in the first week alone they spent US$70,000 doing just that.

Less than eight months later, Marjorie shut the project down. Marjorie had anticipated that CarynAI would interact with her fans in much the same way she would herself, but things did not go to plan.

Stanford’s new tiny, cheap laser:

Researchers have achieved a potentially groundbreaking innovation in laser technology by developing a titanium-sapphire (Ti: sapphire) laser on a chip. This new prototype is dramatically smaller, more efficient, and less expensive than its predecessors, marking a significant leap forward with a technology that has broad applications in industry, medicine, and beyond.

Ti: sapphire lasers are known for their unmatched performance in quantum optics, spectroscopy, and neuroscience due to their wide gain bandwidth and ultrafast light pulses. However, their bulky size and high cost have limited their widespread adoption. Traditional Ti: sapphire lasers occupy cubic feet in volume and can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, in addition to requiring high-powered lasers costing $30,000 each to feed it the energy it needs to operate.