He lost the debating battle with me but does not correct his prior public statements that reflect a state of debate prior to our only verbal discussion that took place in March 2009.
I would very much like to hear from him why he upholds the impression, both before his own scientific institution (the Max Planck Institute of Gravitation Physics or “Albert Einstein Institut”) and cooperating scientific institutions like KET and CERN, and before the whole world: that he could prove my Telemach theorem wrong even though he never came up with any criticism. The scientific journal to which I submitted the theorem via his desk also never responded although doing so is a professional duty.
I agreed with him in our only discussion that the new “non-conservation of charge” implicit in my result is revolutionary if correct. So it would be his first duty to respond to my disproof of his (admittedly high-caliber) counterargument, given in a still assailable form that very afternoon and in finished form the next morning. It constitutes the main finding (the “Ch”) in the Telemach theorem.
TeLeMaCh means that T and L and M and Ch all change by the gravitational redshift factor (in the last two cases it is the reciprocal). T is time, L length, M mass and Ch charge. Telemach greatly profited from that fateful discussion 2 ½ years ago without which he might never have seen the light of day. So I am greatly indebted to Professor Nicolai.
Even greater, however, is my obligation to tell the world that Professor Nicolai has nothing to offer any more to support his outdated claim that my results were false. A scientist who refuses to take back outdated claims violates the rules of the trade, the rules of honor and the rules of responsibility toward the scientific community. In the present case, in addition the whole world is put at risk because CERN is misled into believing that Telemach were false on the authority of the leading physicist of the Albert-Einstein-Institute, the only oneof its kind on the planet.
Please, dear venerated colleague Hermann Nicolai: do care to reply at long last. The world is hanging on your lips in two senses of the word.
No one can take the responsibility for the whole world on his shoulders and then refuse to give a reason for doing so. I do not say you cannot possibly have a good reason — you may possess the insight that the whole establishment credits you with possessing. I only say: Please, dear colleague, Professor Nicolai, do not hide your privileged reason any longer from the least worthy of the world’s inhabitants, me, and everyone who listens to me. I would love to believe that you are right but I cannot do so without your giving me and the world a hint.