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Three life-saving truths are shunned by all grownups to date:

T 1 – The “Mandela Planet” can be implemented to date

Everyone is aware that planet-wide elections are no problem to hold in our time. The resulting world constitution will contain a safeguard that protects the status quo of the privileged countries for a limited length of time in the footsteps of the South African constitution. So the world constitution poses no risk to the mighty while war and cruelty suddenly are a thing of the past.

T 2 – An “Offer of Reunification to Israel” can be made by Germany to date

The Palestine conflict then suddenly belongs to history while the sea of tears can at long last flow. Paying the Palestinians full recompense for their lost territory is part of the offer. Today’s inhabitants of Germany are ready to return to Anne Frank her German citizenship – and along with her to her once German speaking people. The gesture is what counts, acceptance is another matter.

T 3 – A U.N. order for CERN to “Renew their 6 years old safety report” can be issued to date

Alarming scientific results have accrued in the literature during the past six years – evidence no company could afford to ignore. The nightmare of the planet being at risk of getting shrunk to 2 cm in the impending future cannot be allowed to go on (see “Honey I shrunk the Earth”). Search for a counter-proof is a planetary duty. Six years without safety report dwarf the Manhattan project.

The Three Truths

are wished to come true by every child because children harbor an unlimited trust in the grownups. The children cannot understand the global lack of action on their behalf. No child objects to being loved. Only the adults find it an embarrassing task to show affection. The grownups are no longer used to being deeply loved – unless they have young children. Allow me to turn to you, my dear grownup friends, in the children’s name with the three heart-warming truths T1 to T3.


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ISIS Is Entering U.S. Through Our Open Southern Borders

TECH TIMES: New satellite images show rapid decline of ice sheets in Greenland, Antarctica…ign=buffer

BLOOMBERG: China Said to Consider $16 Billion EV-Charging Fund…nding.html

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WALL STREET JOURNAL: Changing Corporate Culture Is Hard. Here’s How Lenovo Did It.…ign=buffer

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WASHINGTON POST: For sale: Systems that can secretly track where cellphone users go around the globe…ingtonpost

REUTERS: Google buys video-processing service provider Zync Render…nologyNews

SCIENCE DAILY: Scientists grow an organ in an animal from cells created in lab

HUFF POST: Bill, Melinda Gates Donate $1 Million To Gun Control Campaign

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MASHABLE: Report: Snapchat Valued at $10 Billion in Latest Investment…-main-link

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REUTERS: CFTC fines Merrill Lynch $1.2 million for client fee errors…sinessNews

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NEXT GOV: Thousands of Weather Satellite Bugs Won’t Be Fixed For Years…ars/92465/

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TECHCRUNCH: Seagate Ships An 8 Terabyte Hard Drive, Perfect For All Of Your Totally Legal And Not Pirated Stuff…ted-stuff/

BRITAIN’S MOST ACCOMPLISHED SCIENTIST AND ASTRONOMER ROYAL Martin Rees PhD.: Can we prevent the end of the world?

MASHABLE: The Australian Workplace of The Future Is Here and It’s a Bit Blurry…source=rss

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KAI: ‘Robo Brain’ will teach robots everything from the Internet…e-internet

RED ORBIT: NASA Selects Proposals To Increase STEM Education At Community And Technical Colleges…wZ37mEE.99

KAI: How to enable the Internet of Things without batteries…ign=buffer

THE GLOBE AND MAIL: Five things all Canadian cities should stop ignoring…e20131211/

HARVARD UNIVERSITY: Contextual Intelligence

FORTUNE: New Bitcoin challenger launches…-for-free/

WIRED: Radical New Theory Could Kill the Multiverse Hypothesis

POPULAR MECHANICS: The Electric Anticancer Helmet Battles Brain Tumors…t-16811299

IEET: Can Brain Implants Make Us Smarter?

THE GLOBE AND MAIL: Global warming could be irreversible, UN report says…e20210954/

An Advanced Society, Especially a Balkanized Advanced Society!

NEW YORK TIMES: Nonprofit Hospitals’ 2013 Revenue Lowest Since Recession, Report Says…html?_r=0

POPULAR SCIENCE: The Future Of Urban Planning: Zoning For Drones

Shakespeare: To Kaisen or not To Kaisen, To Fukushima or not to Fukushima!…-fukushima

Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador White Swan Update and Published Amazon Author by Andres Agostini at href=“” target=“_blank”>

— Coindesk
Since opening its doors on 3rd August of last year, major bitcoin mining pool operator has generated nearly $250m in bitcoin, according to a new infographic released by the company.

The pool has produced 413,752.01889456 BTC since it first began hashing in 2013, an amount worth $248,251,211.33 according to the CoinDesk USD Bitcoin Price Index.

Read more

Jacque Fresco’s futurist book, Designing the Future which serves as something of an introduction the revolutionary Venus Project, is a manifesto for redesigning civilization itself.
Jacque makes a call for a renewed modernism: “The application of scientific principles, for better or worse, accounts for every single advance that has improved people’s lives.” However, the real aim of the Venus Project is the abolition of money, which is described by Jacque as nothing but a source of debt, servitude and other injustice.
The book elaborates an anti-war and one-world vision that is very difficult to oppose. Indeed, its statements reflect some of the most enlightened views in the world today, with its staunch opposition to nationalism. Conflict, Fresco states, “is now totally unacceptable and dangerous because of war’s extreme human and environmental costs.” Even more appealing is Fresco’s encouragement that we treat the world as an “interrelated system with all its people as one family.” This amounts to an open-borders and anti-militarist position that I think reflects the aspirations of some of the most desperate and mistreated people on Earth and could lead to a profound reduction of hostility for all (p. 4–5).
Jacque writes that we need “new outlooks and approaches” and we should “direct the future”. This is a call for everyone to get involved – not just the elite. He challenges us to think how we might organize the world, if it were up to us. Personally, I do not feel qualified to organize the world, although I do think we can all say what we don’t think should happen. The solution, Jacque writes, must be “free of bias and nationalism”, which translates to an acknowledgment that Nineteenth Century nation-states are well beyond their best-before date.
In recognizing that nation-states are obsolete, Jacque warns we should still avoid generating “bad feelings” (p. 6–7). Jacque forewarns that what he is advocating is a “difficult project requiring input from many disciplines”. This recognition of the academic side of what he is advocating makes me bring in another respected theorist, Immanuel Wallerstein, whose work has focused on “reconceptualizing” the world to understand things like nation-states and vast global inequalities as production relations.
In a way, I am fully onboard with what Jacque is advocating already. If we could reconceptualize global society at a more popular level, rather than purely at an academic level, our task would be somewhat similar to the popularization of science attempted by such people as Carl Sagan. Nations, within the global social system, are only fleeting entities. If we could get people to accept that interpretation of society, we would accomplish what Jacque Fresco is talking about, but it is hard. I consider my own anti-statist essays as a contribution in that direction, and I would encourage other commentators to do their part, using whatever rhetoric or teaching methods they think best.
Jacque puts forward the idea that the scientific method should be rigorously applied to avert some of the biggest killers in modern life, e.g. car crashes (p. 15–17). This is a fairly convincing case, and one that I think has not been advocated yet by any other theorist, so Jacque deserves a lot of credit for it. The way to achieve it would probably involve integrating the local authorities with scientific advisory boards and ethics committees. This would have the added benefit of creating nice jobs for a lot of the students who tend to be thrown into positions that do not let them fulfil their true potential. One could argue that there are already plenty of science committees influencing governments, but it is not unreasonable to advocate there should be more, and at more local levels.
Matching what many intellectuals have pointed out, Jacque says “technology is moving forward but our societies are still based on concepts and methods devised centuries ago”, calling out the “obsolete values” that still shape many countries (the US not least of all) (p. 9). Another grievance mentioned is the corporate takeover of government, as protested against by the #Occupy movements. There are, today, “common threats that transcend national boundaries”, e.g. hunger, natural disasters of the kind that UN agencies are already attempting to combat (p. 10).
One of Jacque’s ideas resembles extropy, as articulated by Kevin Kelly. He states, “The history of civilization is the story of change from the simple to the more complex” (p. 13–14). Change is the “only constant”, the biggest enemy of which is the people in power who have trade advantages over others and strong reasons to maintain the status quo.
The best side of Jacque’s book is found in the compelling images of future architecture and design solutions that would reflect an economy geared towards human needs rather than profit. At least some of these principles will almost certainly become a reality in the future (p. 29–44, 48–52). However, Jacque’s ideas can be attacked from many angles, and these make it hard to accept the abolition of money that is really the core of his thesis:

“A much higher standard of living for everyone all over the world can be achieved when the entire Earth’s resources are connected, organized, monitored, and used efficiently for everyone’s benefit as a total global system – not just for a relatively small number of people.”

The problem with the above is that it is advocating globalization as it already exists, but neglecting a very fundamental element of that globalization: financial globalization. It is harder to believe that we can connect the entire world together solely in terms of resources than that we can connect it together financially. It is likely that going back to resource-based disparity rather than money disparity would lead to a more localized and therefore tribal existence with states becoming more possessive over natural resources. This would not be consistent with globalization as we have seen it thus far.
Jacque expresses the view that rather than laws and ethical people (as envisaged since as far back as Aristotle), we only need “a way of intelligently managing the Earth’s resources for everyone’s wellbeing” (p. 18–21). He is of the school of thought that “when we look at things scientifically, there is more than enough food and material goods on Earth to take care of all people’s needs – if managed correctly” (p. 19). This is also a view articulated by Ramez Naam in The Infinite Resource (2013), and that I have responded to in the past. The only problem is, it isn’t true. There are almost no distinguished scientists and scientific bodies who have stated that there are enough resources as we currently understand them to support the expanding population. There are even some prominent scientific bodies like the Club of Rome and various committees warning about our dwindling resources, constantly stating the exact opposite of what Jacque and Ramez have stated.
As much as I agree with what Jacque is trying to accomplish, it is patently false to say that looking “at things scientifically” is the same as using the scientific method, or that the scientific methods leads to redistributing resources to support everyone. Most scientists would disagree with what Jacque is saying. However, I am not arguing that they are right. I am arguing that we need to learn to tolerate how radical the idea of supporting everyone on the planet through the intelligent application of emerging technologies is, and how hazardous it could actually be. If we take the leap, we must wholeheartedly take any burdens and possible hazards into account as we do so. Humanity must know the risks, and not be persuaded to walk blithely towards something that still has so many unknowns.
Jacque lays out his case for abolishing all money. He gives 14 succinct grievances against the monetary economy that has been the norm for quite a few centuries. Most of these 14 points reiterate the same basic grievance that money enables people to be super-rich and others laden with debt, because… the rich people control it. However, in repeating these grievances against money and giving each of them more credit than they deserve, Jacque neglects the good points about money. It is still the only thing a lot of poor people have, and is the only way they can get their next meal.
It is not the unfair distribution of money, but the unfair distribution of resources, which keeps people and states poor or powerless. The rich are not rich because they have more money in their pockets, but because they physically control the resources that make money. They own keys to the factories and stockpiles. Rich states physically possess and control the world’s mineral wealth, and the labs where high-tech products are designed and tested. They use money merely as a way of throwing scraps to poor people where it would have been too inconvenient to give shares of their resources. So, if anything, money exists as a tool of remuneration to poor people, and would actually be a necessary component in any scheme to create more equality.
I, unlike Jacque, am what most people would call poor. If my money became worthless tomorrow, I would not be grateful. In fact, I would have few means of survival, and would wander the world begging for actual food and other resources from people and providers who are fortunate to possess a stockpile of resources. These providers in turn would wander the world begging for supplies, and other essentials they require to stay active. Therefore, the vacuum left by abolishing money would be more oppressive than any amount of debt, and it would also consume a lot more time and energy for everyone.
Not only would the abolition advocated by Jacque make life a lot more difficult for most poor people and businesses, but it would lead to the loss of a very basic source of dignity for the poor – the only medium with which they could actually buy and share resources. No matter how detrimental monetary greed can be, a poor man or business will always be grateful he can carry a wad of money around. He can’t pick up and carry a resource. One would hope that Jacque would at least try to overcome this terrible paradox of what is going to take the place of that money in a poor person’s hand, but he doesn’t. What is advocated instead is idealistic at best, and leaves one feeling hungry for the pizza that is probably never going to be delivered to your door by a drone if we really do get rid of money.
In fact, the form of remuneration posited by Jacque relies on “distribution centers” from which anyone can order an unlimited quantity of anything to their very door due to the unlimited capacity of the technology of the future (p. 76–78). If such a thing is inevitable from existing engineering trends, then we should be in awe of that technology, and not the Venus Project.
Something similar to the above occurs when Jacque states “Machines of the future are capable of self-replication and improvement, and can repair themselves and update their own circuitry.” Once again, this makes me ask, why then advocate Resource-Based Economy, if in the end we are always going to stand in awe of the machines and get unlimited free pizzas delivered to our doors anyway?
In a Resource-Based Economy, it is established there is no money, no credits, no debt, and no servitude. Here, “all of the world’s resources are held as the common heritage of all of Earth’s people” (p. 21). Unfortunately, the thing getting in the way of declaring our resources as a common heritage isn’t money, but the resources themselves. Just look how some states and firms have better resources than others, be it in the form of more high-tech facilities or more qualified personnel. One can’t just declare these people and things to be equally owned by all, or change their status in any significant way, by abolishing money, because they are still physically located in certain more advanced states (usually the US).
When it comes to how the RBE would manifest in practice, Jacque argues that all wealth and wellbeing should be based on immediate resources, such as water and fertile land. Unfortunately, this means areas with more resources would be better-off than those without, which takes us back to the problem already highlighted above.
Jacque says that increasing automation and peak oil are signs of “collapse” (p. 22), and that this collapse will provoke people to “lose confidence” in monetary economics. People will then turn to a global Resource-Based Economy as the solution. Unfortunately, this is not what usually happens in a collapse. In a collapse, people do not actually grasp at the most ideal solutions, never mind solutions prematurely based on future technologies. Just look at Iraq and Syria, where the failures of the state did not lead to a utopia but to a vacuum filled by pseudo-religious terrorist authorities.
The prediction that removing capitalistic competition by getting rid of money would result in the hippie-like outcome of peace and harmony (p. 69–76) is not convincing. If Christianity got one thing right, it is that humans are prone to sin. Even in a system with unlimited resources, there would be factionalism, security concerns, hoarding, vanity, greed, jealousy, power-mania, sex offenses, plain insanity and a plethora of other reasons for people to do evil. In sum, law enforcement and compliance would still be necessary.
Rethinking society is important, but the catalyst should be technology itself and the results spontaneous, rather than someone’s grand design. People should be in awe of the amazing things being made possible by nanotechnology and biotechnology, but they should be advocating that people invest in these technologies. Abundance is almost certainly going to rely on biotechnology, but there are many grievances against this field and promoting it might involve tolerating the directions taken by some large and rather controversial corporations.
Transhumanism differs from social design in that transhumanism is advocating the redesign of the human individual; a departure from our biological limits themselves as a way of escaping scarcity. Transhumanism is about maximizing the available choices and chances of survival of every human individual. We could go even further, and biologically re-engineer the world to access more resources, as I argued in my outlandish “terra-enhancement” article.

By Harry J. Bentham - More articles by Harry J. Bentham

Originally published at h+ Magazine on 19 August 2014

Stripe is diving into digital currency in a big way.

The San Francisco-based startup, whose technology lets businesses accept online payments, helped introduce a new Bitcoin-like currency on Thursday called “stellar,” as well as a payments network that lets users send any kind of traditional and digital currency including U.S. dollars, pesos, euros and Bitcoins. People will be able to send one kind of currency across the globe and have it automatically converted into another — a sort of all-inclusive online money exchange.

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0  wildest

A 93% of the inhabitants of the used-to-be developed world has, for forty decades, gravely violating the ensuing timeless imperatives of the wisdom.

All of the present content available in this Article is an except quoted from Mr. Agostini’s White Swan book. HOW TO FUNDAMENTALLY SOLVE THIS CHALLENGE, IT ALSO ADDRESSED, AT GREAT LENGTH, IN THE PRECEDING BOOK.


[No. 1 of No. 15] «…The future is not a destination; it is the result of actions that we take today, individually and together. If we can dare to envision the widest number of potential futures, then perhaps we can plan our actions more wisely today…»

[No. 2 of No. 15] «…The future is an act of will…»

[No. 3 of No. 15] «…And the future is now and about change…»

[No. 4 of No. 15] «…The future is not an echo of the past…»

[No. 5 of No. 15] «…The future is not what will happen; the future is what is happening…»

[No. 6 of No. 15] «…The future will happen with or without you … and the future is now and is about change…»

[No. 7 of No. 15] «…The future is hidden in plain sight. it’s right in front of us, if only we could see!…»

[No. 8 of No. 15] «…The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed…»

[No. 9 of No. 15] «…The goal of the future is full unemployment, so we can play…»

[No. 10 of No. 15] «…For the future is not what will happen; the future is what is happening…»

[No. 11 of No. 15] «…The future is not an extrapolation of the past…»

[No. 12 of No. 15] «…The problem with the future is that is different…»

[No. 13 of No. 15] «…The future is not an echo of the past…»

[No. 14 of No. 15] «…The future is not a privilege but a perpetual conquest…»

[No. 15 of No. 15] «…The future is not something we enter. the future is something we create…»

«…The Future is S-H-A-Z-A-M (“…The wisdom of Solomon, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury…»

A 93% of the inhabitants of the used-to-be developed world has, for forty decades, gravely violating the ensuing timeless imperatives of the wisdom.

All of the present content available in this Article is an except quoted from Mr. Agostini’s White Swan book. HOW TO FUNDAMENTALLY SOLVE THIS CHALLENGE, IT ALSO ADDRESSED, AT GREAT LENGTH, IN THE PRECEDING BOOK.


[No. 1 of No. 15] «…The future is not a destination; it is the result of actions that we take today, individually and together. If we can dare to envision the widest number of potential futures, then perhaps we can plan our actions more wisely today…»

[No. 2 of No. 15] «…The future is an act of will…»

[No. 3 of No. 15] «…And the future is now and about change…»

[No. 4 of No. 15] «…The future is not an echo of the past…»

[No. 5 of No. 15] «…The future is not what will happen; the future is what is happening…»

[No. 6 of No. 15] «…The future will happen with or without you … and the future is now and is about change…»

[No. 7 of No. 15] «…The future is hidden in plain sight. it’s right in front of us, if only we could see!…»

[No. 8 of No. 15] «…The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed…»

[No. 9 of No. 15] «…The goal of the future is full unemployment, so we can play…»

[No. 10 of No. 15] «…For the future is not what will happen; the future is what is happening…»

[No. 11 of No. 15] «…The future is not an extrapolation of the past…»

[No. 12 of No. 15] «…The problem with the future is that is different…»

[No. 13 of No. 15] «…The future is not an echo of the past…»

[No. 14 of No. 15] «…The future is not a privilege but a perpetual conquest…»

[No. 15 of No. 15] «…The future is not something we enter. the future is something we create…»

«…The Future is S-H-A-Z-A-M (“…The wisdom of Solomon, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury…»

NB: Sorry, in my case, I am not surprised at all. My maternal grandmother was a Professional Futurists to cite one reason.

By Andres Agostini
White Swan


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Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador White Swan Update and Published Amazon Author by Andres Agostini at

— Coindesk

Global payments giant Visa earned the ire of the bitcoin community earlier this year when CEO Charlie Scharf stated that he didn’t see bitcoin and its technology as posing a significant threat to its operations.

Now, however, new comments from Visa senior vice president of digital solutions Sam Shrauger suggest that the company may be reevaluating bitcoin.

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ECNS: Anti-monopoly actions unlikely to affect Swiss companies

FORBES: Here’s How Obama’s Russia Sanctions Will Destroy Vladimir Putin…mir-putin/

HUFF POST: 150 Years After the First Geneva Convention, Switzerland and the ICRC Call for Greater Respect for International Humanitarian Law…02658.html

ABC NEWS: Former Japanese PM Naoto Kan urges Australia to wean world off uranium, focus on renewables–08-22/move-towards-renewables-forme…ia/5691118

FORBES: Here’s What Ukraine’s Poroshenko Should Offer Vladimir Putin Next Week In Minsk… Nothing…-in-minsk/

FOREIGN AFFAIRS: Alexander Dugin and the Philosophy Behind Putin’s Invasion of Crimea…tins-brain

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Japan’s Offshore Wind Power Rises within Sight of Fukushima Nuclear Plant…ear-plant/

BLOOMBERG: Fukushima Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Starts Generating…power.html

REUTERS: Fancy flying to work on a Hoverbike?

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Tell Us How You Would Upgrade Your Brain…ou-change/

FASTCOEXIST: The Promise Of A Cancer Drug Developed By Artificial Intelligence…telligence

FORBES: Alien Artifacts On The Moon?…artifacts/

SCIENCE ALERT: Alzheimer’s patients to be treated with the blood of under-30s

DISCOVERY: Google Aims to Archive All Human Knowledge…NewsSocial

NANOWERKL A breakthrough in imaging gold nanoparticles to atomic resolution by electron microscopy

SPLOID: Space station cosmonauts find life in the vacuum of space…socialflow

WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM: How can we make our cities carbon-free?…ign=buffer

WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM: Google: the search engine pioneering our future

WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM: How can central bankers avoid another financial crisis?

REUTERS: Obama orders review of police use of military hardware: official…O920140823

REUTERS: Merkel says tightening Ukraine-Russian border is key to peace deal…IS20140823

REUTERS: Egypt calls for Gaza ceasefire as fighting rages

REUTERS: Apple iPhone 6 screen snag leaves supply chain scrambling

REUTERS: Amazon developing own online advertising software: WSJ…7420140823

REUTERS: Walgreen stores go offline due to technical glitch…1O20140822

REUTERS: Obama tech policy maven moves to Silicon Valley role…Y820140823

BBC: Why reprogramming tiny life could reap rich rewards

DER SPIEGEL: A Crazy Plan for a Mars Colony…87080.html

DER SPIEGEL: Is the Islamic State Beating Al-Qaida?…87294.html

THE GUARDIAN: US ‘set to launch air strikes’ on senior Isis terror chiefs in Syria…considered

THE GUARDIAN: Ebola outbreak: British national living in Sierra Leone tests positive for virus…s-positive

THE GUARDIAN: Volcanic eruption beneath Iceland’s Dyngjujökull glacier sparks red alert…on-glacier

THE GUARDIAN: Ed Balls says Scotland would have to join the euro as ‘least bad’ option…dependence

THE GUARDIAN: What is it like for a small business when your website gets hacked?…r-security

THE GUARDIAN: Google’s prototype self-driving car will have a steering wheel after all…ring-wheel

THE INDEPENDENT: Two Galileo satellites launched into space by European Space Agency to create rival to GPS system end up in the wrong orbit…87438.html

THE INDEPENDENT: Spain’s ‘Google Tax’: will charging companies to link to articles help or hurt newspapers?…79248.html

THE LOCAL: Merkel & Obama fire warning to Russia

THE LOCAL: Crimea annexation unnerves Germans: Poll

DER SPIEGEL: Impending volcanic eruption: Iceland imposed Red Alert

DER SPIEGEL: Exposed to European satellite in the wrong orbit: navigation system Galileo

DER SPIEGEL: Risky cheap energy: madman brown coal boom

DER SPIEGEL: Fish and coral reefs destroyed avoid

DER SPIEGEL: Related to Ebola: New drug protects monkeys against Marburg fever

DER SPIEGEL: Glacier data from space: Less ice, more sea

AUSTRIAN TIMES: Austrian economy falls in line with the European trend…pean_trend

AUSTRIAN TIMES: Austrian company to build Irish motorway…h_motorway

AUSTRIAN TIMES: Russia and Austria sign major gas deal…_gas_deal_

FOX NEWS: Iceland says subglacial eruption is under way…latestnews

FOX NEWS: Can Ford’s Next Hybrid Beat the Prius?…eat-prius/

FOX NEWS: ‘Very dangerous’: Pentagon says armed Chinese jet did ‘barrel roll’ over US aircraft…latestnews

FOX NEWS: Should eBay rebrand itself as PayPal?…show-clips

FOX NEWS: Malicious software in cash registers could affect more than 1,000 US retailers, gov’t warns…=obnetwork

FOX NEWS: Could Apple’s CarPlay confuse?…=obnetwork

THE GLOBE AND MAIL: Canada and U.S. central bankers struggle to make sense of mixed jobs data…e20184968/

THE GLOBE AND MAIL: Vancouver housing data reveal Chinese connection…e20164662/

THE GLOBE AND MAIL: Over 1,000 U.S. businesses affected by same cyber attack that hit Target…e20179782/

THE GLOBE AND MAIL: Data-mining retailers prove it’s hip to use Square…e20163942/

THE TIMES: Police set to launch raids in hunt for ‘Jihadi John’

THE TIMES: Police ‘turned blind eye’ to killing spree by neo-Nazi gang

EL PAIS: The Twitter of the homeless

EL PAIS: Samsung buys Quietside

EL PAIS: Brazil prohibits Secret, an application that publishes anonymously

EL PAIS: The fiber now accounts for 73% of new broadband lines

DVICE: 5 artificial organs getting better by the day

LE MONDE: China denies endangering American fighter aircraft

LE MONDE: “The Islamic state, the alliance between al-Qaida and Call of Duty”

THE ECONOMIST: Davy Jones’s heat locker…swer-seems\

ENTREPRENEUR: How to Win Clients Your First Week in Business

CBSNEWS: 3D-printed vertebra used in spine surgery

WEARABLE TECHNOLOGIES: Himax-Lumus Collaborate to Develop The Next Generation Of Smart Glasses…t-glasses/

DAILY MAIL: Is this America’s new ‘space taxi’? Boeing blasts into the lead in race to replace the shuttle…boost.html

DAILY MAIL: Evidence of one of the universe’s oldest stars discovered — and it may been have hundreds of times more massive than the sun…e-sun.html

CBSNEWS: SpaceX rocket explodes during test flight in Texas

CBSNEWS: Paparazzi now using drones to hunt down and photograph stars…th-drones/

HUFF POST: Why I Don’t Want My Kids to Succeed…mg00000023

GIZMODO: The Ultra-Laborious Way the FBI Matched Fingerprints to Paper Files…socialflow

DAILY MAIL: Car bombs kill 30 Baghdad and Kurdish-held Kirkuk as Syrian warplanes bomb caliphate capital…z3BGWPca4n

FOX BOSTON: Counter-terrorism expert weighs in on ISIS threat, says citizens should be vigilant…e-vigilant

WALL STREET JOURNAL: Amazon Prepares Online Advertising Program…1408747979

BIOSPACE: Move Over San Francisco: Boston Showing Its Pharmaceutical Potential — See more at:…GOkOP.dpuf

CNBC: Future Fashion: 10 Wearable Tech Trends to Watch

COGNIZANT: The Internet of Things (IoT) is turning out to be bigger than the Internet itself.…pportunity

THE ATLANTIC: Facebook and Google Own the Future of Advertising—in 2 Charts…ign=buffer

DAILY MAIL: The moment paralysed woman served herself first cup of coffee in 15 years… thanks to robot arm activated by mind-reading brain implant…plant.html

TECHCRUNCH: Clean CRM Data Starts With A Great Mobile Experience…um=twitter

WIRED: 100 Years of Automotive Innovation, in One Amazing Display…id-1431071

WALL STREET JOURNAL: More Than 1,000 Businesses Affected by ‘Backoff’ Malware…1408746408

NASA WATCH: SpaceX’s Dragon Carrying NASA Cargo Resupplies Space Station

FINANCIAL POST: Draghi says ECB ready to do more, eurozone recovery remains ‘uniformly weak’…rmly-weak/

FINANCIAL POST: Argentina lashes out at U.S. judge for ‘imperialist’ comments amid debt saga…debt-saga/

Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador White Swan Update and Published Amazon Author by Andres Agostini at href=“” target=“_blank”>