Ten of the alien worlds that represent our best hope for alien life beyond the solar system, according to the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo.
Bioviva a Seattle, WA, based biotech is ambitiously moving forward with gene therapy in people to mitigate the consequences of aging. They have not gone for the low hanging fruit either, they are being supported by Maximum Life Foundation to raise enough to run a clinical trial to try to cure Alzheimer’s! They are targeting the supporting Microglia cells in the brain to help regenerate them and hopefully reverse the effects of the disease. A worthy cause if ever I saw one and if it works could translate to other similar conditions like Parkinson’s and ALS. Lets hope they can get this vital work underway. This will then be the first example of regenerative medicine in a person that treats the dysfunction of aging.
After Facebook’s video strategy turned out to be a success, the social network giant’s CEO is now eager to completely revolutionize the way we communicate by mastering virtual reality technologies.
This sequel to 2012‘s “Deus Ex: Human Revolution” (itself a reboot of the iconic original trilogy that debuted June 17, 2000, on the PC) looks to be yet another beautifully detailed, superbly written, and amazingly immersive look at both the promise and peril of the coming Technological Singularity.
Not to mention being a hell of a fun game to play!
HIGHLY recommended!
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While the US has plenty of representation in the current TOP500 list of the fastest supercomputers in the world, it lost the #1 slot to China’s Tianhe-2 several years ago. President Obama wants to fix that immediately.
A newly developed vaccine against the deadly Ebola virus being trialled in Guinea is “highly effective,” the World Health Organization said Friday.
The genetic material from two parents combines to form a child. Can we throw a third set of genes into the mix?