I was asked by a journalist friend to present my “revolutionary” results in a way that every lay person can understand to thereby enable the world’s media – if they so wish – to distribute this information in simpler form.
I first have to say who I am, background-wise. I am a “specialist for non-specialization” in the words of my late Austrian friend Konrad Lorenz, and an “interdisciplinary hybrid” in those of my late American friend Bob Rosen. In other words: I have “no character” (only a nose). A little bit known is my work in chaos theory where I discovered a so-called attractor or “reproducible dynamic phenomenon” which everyone knows from experience (a hoarse voice and an idling motorcycle’s noise being examples). Crying babies can produce “hyperchaos” which got turned into a diagnostic tool in wards for the newborn (by H. Herzel). My “brain equation” is getting some recognition lately. A “smile theory” is my oldest but hardest to understand theory (only children have no difficulty). And my recent “Telemach theorem” – named after Ulysses’ son Telemachus – forms the connection to our frightening topic.
A proven finding – a theorem – is true until a counterargument is found that topples it. The mentioned name has to do with an ancient youth who recognized his long believed-dead father cloaked in a beggar’s garment. At the same time the acronym stands for Time, Length, Mass and Charge (T, L, M, Ch) – four entities that can be measured in everyday life by means of simple devices called clocks and meter sticks and scales and volt meters. You probably already know that there exists no “Ur-Second” in physics (because of Einstein’s work); but an “Ur-Meter” and an “Ur-Kilogram” and a “Universal Unit Charge” are believed to exist and well known to date. The Ur-meter and the Ur-kilogram are actually quite expensive and were hard to arrive at in empirical struggles that took scientists and engineers many decades in a science of its own called Metrology (the science of measurement). Therefore it is of some interest perhaps that young Telemach summarily says that three “Urs” do not exist. The Ur-meter, the Ur-kilogram, the Ur-charge all three are as non-existent as the Ur-Second, dethroned 105 years ago, and the “Ur-Pound,” dethroned almost 350 years ago. The latter was proven to be nonexistent by Isaac Newton, the Ur-Second by Albert Einstein as mentioned.
There must be a cry of excitement owing to the newly eliminated three “Urs” – you might expect. The reality is silence. This is surprising since popular opinion holds that new findings are automatically embraced because new machinery can be built and new money be made. But there are always the old manufacturers as it were. Something radically unexpected is never accepted without delay.
No doubt you are skeptical here: “three major new things and no resonance” is implausible. Could an offered “new science” not be crazy? No one said so up until now — yet hopefully the “counter-reaction” will come soon. For, the present confession is not meant as a strife for scientific recognition with three grand new theorems L, M, Ch as you might expect. On the contrary I do not like these results: I wish them to be proven wrong. The story might therefore interest you. As a normal planetary citizen you have, as AnthonyL showed me, a right to be informed with the utmost patience much more so than I had imagined. I wrongly felt that everyone would understand me if I just made allusions to the relevant scientific catchwords. This was a big mistake and I apologize dor it. Thank you for allowing me to continue.
The key word “LHC” is on line now: the biggest machine of history after the pyramids, the largest concerted endeavor of humanity of the past. It cost about ten billion dollars and like the interior of the pyramids is well protected, located hundreds of feet underground, underneath CERN and adjacent to UNO. Almost no one is afraid of it except me. Of course I am not the only critic, but while the others speak of “possibilities” I speak of “proven probabilities” which is a different matter. Specifically I am saying for 4 years: “You have to stop immediately until your safety has been assessed in a scientific safety conference.” And for a whole year by now, even a court says the same thing – but no one in the public is allowed to know this except the profession of medical laboratory assistants (since a member had filed the suit). This silence has to do with the logic of the media that I have so much difficulty to absorb. I continue to follow the advice of a media man by baring my heart in front of you in the simplest and most honest way: Why should such a beautiful experiment, the most expensive of history, wait a little bit of time until a conference about “mini black holes” has taken place? You guess it: It is because of Telemach. Much like Diogenes in the ton asked Emperor Alexander the Great to go out of his way a bit to let the sunshine reach him? This is bound to be crazy.
At this point my defense speech – in defense of the planet – begins with Telemach in the witness stand. L-M-Ch are the crucial new letters added to Einstein’s T. T means that the Time valid more downstairs in a long vertical rocketship that is in constant acceleration in outer space, is slowed-down compared to the tip. I skip the proportionally enlarged L (for Length) and the proportionally reduced M (fore Mass) here and concentrate on the Ch which stands for Charge. At least this third new claim – that charge is not conserved in nature just as the unit time – is absolutely ridiculous: So almost every physicist must feel after almost two centuries in which science taught that the opposite holds true. And if the tail of Telemach, the Ch, is false, the Large Hadron Collider experiment (LHC) at Geneva is predictably safe from my point of view? Yes.
Are not the well-known textbooks a stronger guarantee than a single guy’s proof — even if the latter is as youthful and old as Telemachus? I admit that this rule ordinarily holds true but, on the other hand, young David, sculptured by Michelangelo, still exhibits proudly his nakedness – and so at this moment does young Telemach.
What he stands up against is a most “noble” mathematical result supported by two centuries. It says in its current physical application that if you have managed to put a given charge (think of an electron) into a bounded surface (a closed sack of any shape), then there is no way to diminish the sack’s attractive power on another sack containing the opposite charge (a positron, say) no matter how you might internally displace the charge in you sack: “The number of field lines leaving the sack is always constant.” Two famous 19th century mathematicians, Gauss and Stokes, guarantee this up to this day in the opinion of the highest-ranking specialists in the field, so I was told by one of them who quoted Robert M. Wald’s masterly book “General Relativity” of 1984 (witness pages 432–434). Gauss’ and Stokes’ result remains very intimidating – but no one can blame them for not yet knowing about black holes.
Black holes thus are the magic word. The name is the brainchild of my late friend John Wheeler (and at the same time that of an ancient farm near Tübingen called “Schwärzloch”). The issue is about “my black holes” versus ”their black holes.” David against Goliath? The new knowledge revealed by Telemach on the one hand and the teaching of the better part of a century on the other are pitted against each other. The Ch of TelemaCh says, applied to black holes, that any charge eaten by a black hole disappears. Therefore if you put a tiny black hole into the above sack along with the charge, Gauss and Stokes remain valid until you bring the charge close to the black hole and even let it fall down towards its surface. Then the sack becomes totally uncharged by virtue of Telemach Gauss and Stokes notwithstanding. Yet so of course only if Telemach is the vigorous youth brought to life in Michelangelo’s David. “David versus Goliath or Telemach versus the suitors at CERN”?
The CERNians by their openly ignoring Telemach insist that Penelope – their beautiful “black-hole factory LHC” as they call her with affection – belongs alone to them as their property. Telemach objects.
The whole world is watching breathlessly? Not at all: The suitors — CERN (forgive me for the indictment before I have clinched the case) — do not want the world to know that they are in trouble. Even the United Nations Security Council – located not far from CERN – stands firm on the suitors’ side. Therefore the media of the planet keep strict silence. The fact that on September 10, 2008, more than 500 international newspapers had reported on my engagement against CERN is forgotten. Fortunately so or unfortunately so?
Suppose Telemach were true – then the miniblack holes hoped to be produced at CERN can, # 1, not even be detected at CERN. And when, # 2, eventually a sufficiently slow specimen is amongst them, as unavoidably occurs in the long run, it will settle down inside planet earth to grow there exponentially as a mini-mini-quasar, putting the planet’s short-term survival to an end through turning it into a 2-cm black hole in a few years’ time. This scenario is “absolute nonsense” as a scientist at CERN said – if Telemach is not true. All I am asking my readers is to find out whether or not the youngster is right. In other words: to put a little bit of time aside so the question can be discussed by the best experts. This is all I ever requested: the benefit of the doubt.
I stumbled across Telemach when I had followed up – more diligently than this had been done before, perhaps – on the 28 years old young Einstein’s “happiest thought” (as he always called it because it was the breakthrough toward his life’s work). It had to do with his stomach of all things (the story is well known among physicists). He was standing in front of the open window in the Swiss patent office in which he was employed, feeling an aching pull from the weight of his stomach after a heavy meal. And for some crazy reason he fleetingly imagined jumping out of the window right away – to experience in his mind’s eye an instant relief imn his stomach. For he realized in a flash that his stomach would cease pulling down on him as soon as he was in free fall. And indeed, anyone in free fall like an astronaut in outer space is weightless with all of his organs as we know today from broadcasts from the International Space Station. In outer space as Einstein knew, the exact laws which apply are the very laws of special relativity discovered by himself two years before. So he realized in a flash that he was empowered to solve the riddle of gravity.
The first thing he found was the “T” of Telemach: that Time and all clocks are slowed down closer to the surface of the earth than farther up – a phenomenon well known from the operation of the GPS system to date. Regarding the other three letters of Telemach, it is easy to see that they could NOT be discovered at the time. But this takes a moment to explain.
Stemming from this happiest thought, the capital T of Telemach is absolutely accepted today. The other three letters – L, M, Ch (if Ch is understood as a single letter like Chi in the Greek alphabet) – are new as mentioned, the last one is barely 5 years old. Now you want me to show why Ch is diminished by the same factor by which time is slowed down. For it is this letter Ch which our survival depends upon. Ch is reduced in proportion to the “redshift” – reduction in ticking rate or frequency – of the light that emerges from the bottom of a rocket to its tip, or from the surface of a gravitating body towards a higher-up position. The emitted light down there has a lower frequency if time T ticks more slowly there, a well-known fact which is called “redshift” since red light has a lower frequency in our visible spectrum of colors.
On a black hole, now, gravity is so strong that the redshift is infinite there so that the energy (mass) of any ascending photon approaches zero without this fact being noticeable for a hypothetical local equally slowed-down inhabitant. Every material object is transformable into photons locally. Since physicists like to think concretely, imagine a so-called positronium atom down there which can be “annihilated” into two gamma photons and vice versa as is well known. Photon mass and particle mass hence are altered in parallel if it is true that all local masses are reduced in their mass-energy by the redshift factor of the photons as we saw. But locally, mass and charge do keep their fixed ratio as we know (since you can release the mass into free fall locally and it immediately is as in free outer space locally even though while freshly dropped it is still momentarily indistinguishable from its un-released equally motionless twin). So the (compared to the outside world) virtually massless positronium atom close to the surface of a black hole is equally virtually charge-less compared to the outer world.
This was the whole Telemach story put in the form of a logical proof – sorry I probably went too fast. But if I was not clear enough – or not right –, this does not matter at this point because to check on this iresult s precisely the task of the scientific “safety conference” asked for by the Cologne Administrative Court on January 27, 2011. No specialist ever stood up so far to say, “I, the author of XX, contradict the Ch result or the full Telemach for that matter. They just for some reason refuse to answer: presumably because then my planet-wide pledge to be criticized in a public dialogue or conference — which CERN abhors — would be fulfilled on the spot.
A maximally simple scientific question is waiting to be answered publicly on our planet: Is it true that clocks slowed down in gravity are larger and less massive and less charged? So that the field lines observed on neutron stars are induced by more although less powerful charges on their surface than assumed so far? And that the distance to Andromeda really longer, light-years wise, owing to earthly yardsticks make for somewhat too long meter sticks?
You by now can perhaps understand why close to no one wanted to hear all that stuff so far – imagine: “Gauss and Stokes toppled because of Einstein almost half a century after his passing away.” Most every specialist is laughing with a good conscience ready rather to die than believe such nonsense. But why is their innocently refused dialogue unethical? This is only because of the lack of time that we have in the face of a huge machinery that needs money and public support on a democratic and popular-mood dependent basis. If your credibility rates can be stepped-down any moment, would anyone act rationally in CERN’s place?
After my rambling rendition of a partially ancient story, I now ask Anthony to kindly improve upon the text so that a respectable mass medium can accept it ‚or shorten it, or quote from it, or transform it into an understandable piece so that everyone on the planet can be informed about the new three letters “LHC” – as well as the correlated other three letters “LMCh” referring to a youthful David with an ancient Greek name. What will the media find to be the most interesting in the above unprofessional rambling produced by a journalistic greenhorn? (For J.O.R.)