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FUTURISM UPDATE (November 25, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon


FINANCIAL TIMES: World’s most advanced hacking spyware let loose…z3K1HQu1wG

WALL STREET JOURNAL: Drone Flights Face FAA Hit. Looming Rule Proposal Would Restrict Commercial Uses, Require Pilot License Bill Gates predicted to be world’s first trillionaire

CNNMoney: Russia losing $140 billion from sanctions and low oil prices

The Independent: The world is due ‘a major cyber attack causing widespread harm’ before 2025, say experts

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: How permanent stress may lead to mental disorders

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: A wearable to help measure stress, epileptic seizures, activity, and sleep The world’s most hi-tech hotels. As consumer demands advance alongside technology, these hotels are responding with iPads, concierge robots and Google Glass

BBC News: Hi-tech cars are security risk, warn researchers

The Guardian: Russian Soyuz rocket delivers crew to International Space Station – video report

REUTERS: Cold hard facts: Underwater robot measures Antarctic sea ice

MOSCOW TIMES: Iran Talks Show Why West Still Needs Russia

REUTERS: In metro Houston, an uphill fight to build a Texas-size defense against the next big storm

REUTERS: EU digital tsar warns monopolists; Google foes play down call for break-up

REUTERS: Microsoft sues IRS for details of probe on internal transactions

FORBES: Big Data Revolution

Science World Report: The World’s Oldest Living People are the Same Despite Extreme Longevity. It turns out that having good or bad genes actually doesn’t influence whether you’ll live longer or not. Using fewer than 20 genes, scientists were unable to find rare protein-altering variants that were significantly associated with extreme longevity.

FINANCIAL TIMES: Spanish polls show Podemos surge is no aberration

POPULAR SCIENCE: The World’s First Programmable Nanoprocessor Takes Complex Circuitry to the Nanoscale

THE ECONOMIST: The Economist explains: what happens when a country goes bust


White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article)



Henry Ford’s Success Prescription


Without getting into deep waters, I have always admired the technical achievements of Mr. Henry Ford. In the process, I have had held a great perspective about any developments by the Ford Motor Company as well.

Interestingly enough and in all formality, R&D in Ford means R&D&Innovation.

Whenever they want to and as they already have, Ford Motors Co. can change the world again and again and again, without constraints. Actually, it is their decision.

I am not only in admiration regarding the Henry Ford’s teachings about the assembly line went so universal to this date. First, said teachings went to nascent automakers from Japan, Germany, and Italy and then NASA.

Yes, NASA. I had a close professional relationship with a NASA physicist and engineer who told me that NASA, in order to get launched first during the Cold War I, carefully studied many, many technical achievements and developments, starting with those of and by Mr. Ford were the most important at the time.

I have this stern habit to root-cause-analys everything, both in profession and beyond. So, when I became fluent on Mitsubishi Motors’ and Toyota Motors’ corporate culture and procedures and approaches, I clearly understood that the stepping stone, as canonical milestone #1, had been Ford.

The Japanese Industrial Miracle, caremakers-wise, hence began with Ford Motors Corp. As much as I like many aspects of the Japanese practical notions of quality assurance and continuous improvement and reliability, I was always reverse-engineering my (gendaken) thought experiments, attempting to find where the common grounds (point of intersection) between the Japanese and Ford were located. A magnificent long story that I explained at a better length in the White Swan book.

The more and more I reflect on it, the more I get marveled at the high-end quality manufacturing of and by the Japanese. But I cannot stop thinking either about the great U.S. Scientists who taught the Japanese about Quality Control procedures.

German Quality Assurance is also magnificent.

Every form of Quality Control, whatever is called and as that it is known to me, daily takes place in large corporations in which they Management Best Practices are gargantuan balancing acts, duly orchestrated, second for second.

Most probably the type of Quality Control I am talking about that came to my hands and eyes was the one by the U.S. Navy, Los Alamos National Laboratories, Royal Dutch Shell, as well as by luminaries as W. Edwards Deming, Joseph Juran, Bill Conway, Sakichi Toyoda, Kiichiro Toyoda, and the Taiichi Ohno.

All of these institutions and people are all about the Power of Complexity. From there, they then exploit, as possible, the Power of Simplicity. Ergo, the Power of Simplicity is a direct function of the Power of Complexity, never the other way around.

But these and them, as many c-level executives I have had the pleasure to meet or worked with, know exactly that the corporate complexity of multinationals is beyond unprecedented and is not, by way of example, found within the enterprising theater of operations of so-called: Start-ups, SMEs (Small and medium-sized enterprises).

Nonetheless, one day, some four years ago or so, I got lucky. I got a computer update and notice about a gentleman speaking about some serious Quality Assurance back in 2011. I paid attention and observed that he was highly specialized in the field and asked him about a book for me to read on the subject.

He immediately suggested the following:

Kaizen: The Key To Japan’s Competitive Success
Nov 1, 1986. By Masaaki Imai
ISBN: 978–0075543329

Then, time elapsed. Once on a while, I was though noticing some of his content-enriched updates as I was paying undivided attention, nurturing my POVs even further.

As years went by, and I was seeking a better understanding to further my knowledge base in hard-core management, I got to exchange a couple of electronic messages with this gentleman and professional.

In the process, I learned that he has been the key and highest Quality Assurance executive at Ford Motors Co., with an amazing proven-track record and professional trajectory. He had both the merits and outcomes on his behalf.

Then, I immediately realized that he belonged to my natural “…Complexity Ballpark…” People who understand said Complexity Ballparks in times in which most firms are too tiny to understand him or me or “Neutron Jack” (General Electric’s worldwide CEO, Jack Welch), in a millennial era in which entrepreneurs fly solo or duo.

He had access to some of my writings and understood where I was coming from, using extremely holistic and exceedingly preemptive beyond-insurance risk management, while adhering to chapters of Kaizen, Toyota Production System, Six Sigma, Lean, Agile, and Juran Prescription, as those are structurally embedded in my proprietary Transformative and Integrative Risk Management (problem-solving) methodology.

To this date, we keep each other’s professional development in and within our respective loop.

Suddenly, some months ago, he had a special kindness, that I am in great gratitude for, when he wrote:

“ … Andres is the greatest critical thinker I know, need I say more? For those clients seeking wisdom and rightness (which the wise ones do!) should contact this brilliant right brain thinker immediately …”

Authored By Copyright Mr. Andres Agostini

White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article)

Authored By Copyright Mr. Andres Agostini

White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article)

Success Through Swiss Specialness

parque de chile

I have a most-successful well-to-do Swiss friend in Zurich, operating worldwide, who argues, “…Andres, doing business is holding a conversation with the right people …” You share his thought in North America and people think it a naivete. My friend is, regardless, absolutely wise by any known and unknown measure.

I have known penniless educated people, both young and in advanced ages, with great smarts and promissory ideas, but extremely imprudent and tactless that keep themselves in a limbo loop of not accomplishing anything because of their abject lack of true immemorial wisdom. Well, this friend of mine is exactly a testimony of the outright contrary.

He is the most industrious and fun person I have ever met, from Monday through Monday, 24÷7÷365, all of the time. He strongly reminds me of my thyself.

In the mean time, he is an actuary, a physicist with advanced deep studies in high finance, insurance, risk management, I.T., and China. He has many companies, including one manufacturing solar panels. And he is guiding thousands of highly-educated Chinese investors into higher-yield investments around the world.

His morality and ethics are beyond any shadow of doubt. He observes timeliness and even through difficult challenges, he keeps a cool and positive environment.

All Swiss are polyglot. This one though also speaks and writes perfect Mandarin, Russian, and Spanish.

Swiss are punctual, industrial, elevated, and refined. I just loved their Draconian application of Accurate Timeliness. NYC Bohemian Hippie Major, the self-called into “…sluggishness…”, faces, day by day, the Antichrist when attempting to conform to the Swiss Timeliness of my friend and mine.

A guy named Bob asked me to further internationalized his company around the globe. I asked him if it was alright for me to speak to my special Swiss friend to that end. Bob said yes. Then, my friend and I presented an unimpeachable detailed listing with over 10,000 contacts (business candidates) around the developed and developing world, indicating full names, full physical and mailing address, and other contact information. Bob, as a rude provincial peasant, was so in shock that he never got back to our messages, disrupting his reputation.

You see, my Swiss friend was a champion at a Swiss re-Insurance company and a world-class Consultancy. And when you are so, your core-business’ mandate is to meet zillion people from the so-called four corners of the world. And he has been keeping, for several decades, updated personalized records to that end. Bob, was expecting an Alabama-type-of standard when he encountered the fearless way of doing business a la Zurich.

This morning, he kindly wrote the following:

(He is a most-ironclad friend of mine but he does not give away compliments, but public expressions strongly cemented on verified merits and business transactions through many, many years).

“… Andres has proven to be a high professional in his field of work. He is direct, has strong analytic skills and comes with fit solution to the issues he comes across. He has a sharp eye for details, while at the same time maintains a helicopter view and is an out-of-the-box thinker. All in a balanced way. These qualities are very essential for project management. I strongly recommend Andres to all my friends, peers and colleagues! …”

Authored By Copyright Mr. Andres Agostini

White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article)

Authored By Copyright Mr. Andres Agostini

White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article)

By — Huffington Post

While normally just a vehicle to get food from plate to mouth, chopsticks have been capable of some pretty incredible feats — like creating a larger-than-life portrait of Jackie Chan. And in the very near future, they’re being programed to do a whole lot more.

Chinese search engine Baidu is working on a technology for chopsticks, called Kuaisou, that’ll enable them to test PH levels, the temperature of food and track nutritional information. They’ll also be able to detect the freshness of oils, helping to prevent the use of contaminated foods like gutter oil. (Gutter oil is something that should never — EVER — exist, but does in Chinese and Taiwanese street food.)

Read more

If I were young, I would jump the bandwagon of cryodynamics and the implied new cosmology and free energy.
And I would motivate friends to help me write down the new global–c transform of general relativity.

And above all, I would tell my elders that f&w – food and water – is the only way to stop the exponential growth of Ebola on a continent.

You can make a difference, my young friends, please, start. Politics is boring and sterile. This is a young planet on which you can make a difference. Don’t let the establishment kill Africa. You can stop CERN and you can save Liberia. Monrovia is about to die, see J.A. Lewnard, M.L. Ndefoh Mbah, Yale University,

Be human. Don’t kill by inaction like your elders do. f&w is the only lifeline of a mega city and, at the moment, its West Point area. Please, start.

What advice can you hand out to me in return?

FUTURISM UPDATE (November 24, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon

0   Outliers

FORBES: How Nanotechnology Is Gaining Momentum In Manufacturing

CNN: Wireless electricity? It’s here

BBC NEWS: Scientists develop thought-controlled gene switch

GIZMODO: SpaceX Is Testing Autonomous Space Rocket Landing Ships

Huffington Post: Are Mini-Drones the Future?

UNIVERSE TODAY: Elusive Dark Matter Could Be Detected with GPS Satellites

EXTREME TECH: Google X reveals Project Wing, autonomous drones that can deliver things ‘in just a minute or two’

NATURE: Autonomous drones flock like birds. Copters can arrange in formation and coordinate flight patterns without central control.

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: General Motors Reportedly Launching Cars That Detect Distracted Driving

CIO: The Dangers of Dark Data and How to Minimize Your Exposure. Structured data, like content in a database, is relatively easy to manage. However, confidential or sensitive unstructured information — log archives and other untagged, non-inventoried data — presents a real challenge to CIOs. Find out why ‘dark data’ can be a security risk and how you can protect your organization.

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Spacetime Is Not Necessarily Continuous

MIT NEWS: Two sensors in one. Nanoparticles that enable both MRI and fluorescent imaging could monitor cancer, other diseases.

TECH CRUNCH: Convergence In The Internet Of Things Is Priming The Tech World For A Major Cultural Shift

ZDNet: The myth of technology convergence

Risk Science Center: Framing Emerging Technologies. How do we chart a path forward toward the effective and responsible development and use of new technologies? For the next two years, the World Economic Forum Meta-Council on Emerging Technologies will be tackling this and other questions as it develops ways of supporting informed decisions on technology innovation in today’s rapidly changing world.

NIPPON COM: Charting the Future with Big Data

Economic Times: US President Barack Obama has felicitated Indian-American scientist Thomas Kailath with the top presidential medal for transformative contributions to the fields of science and technology. “Thomas Kailath came to this country from India at the age of 22, with a research assistantship that took him to MIT, and then Stanford, where he made critical contributions in information theory and statistics, and mentored more than 100 scholars along the way,” Obama said.

Look To The Stars: Internationally renowned primatologist, Dr Jane Goodall DBE has spoken out against the suffering of primates at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics (MPI) in Germany.

CBS Local: UC Davis Researchers Erase Specific Memories In Mice Using Pulses Of Light

CBS Local: UC Davis Researchers Erase Specific Memories In Mice Using Pulses Of Light

FOREIGN AFFAIRS: The Myth of the Caliphate. The Political History of an Idea

Foreign Affairs: Golden Rule. Why Beijing Is Buying. If China were to convert a relatively modest part of its $4 trillion foreign exchange reserves into gold, the country’s currency could take on unexpected strength in today’s international financial system. It would be a gamble, of course, for China to use part of its reserves to buy enough gold bullion to displace the United States from its position as the world’s largest holder of monetary gold. (As of spring 2014, U.S. holdings amounted to $328 billion.)

BUSINESS INSIDER: South Korea Is Caught Between Cheap Chinese Goods And A Plunging Japanese Yen

Phys.Org: After nuclear phase-out, Germany debates scrapping coal

PCWorld: As Moore’s Law approaches 50, Intel’s battling to keep up

FINANCIAL TIMES: Long heralded internet of things comes of age

WEB: The Internet of Me: Creating a Personalized Web Experience

WIRED: The Internet of Anything: The Little Box That Hooks Your Old Car Up to the Internet

GIZMAG: Drone delivery nets could be the mailboxes of the future

BLOOMBERG: China Needs 1,000 Nuclear Reactors to Fulfill Its Climate Pledge

BUSINESS INSIDER: PUTIN: We’re Stronger Than Everybody

THE ECONOMIST: Why heroin has made a comeback in America


White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article)



Quoted: “Ethereum will also be a decentralised exchange system, but with one big distinction. While Bitcoin allows transactions, Ethereum aims to offer a system by which arbitrary messages can be passed to the blockchain. More to the point, these messages can contain code, written in a Turing-complete scripting language native to Ethereum. In simple terms, Ethereum claims to allow users to write entire programs and have the blockchain execute them on the creator’s behalf. Crucially, Turing-completeness means that in theory any program that could be made to run on a computer should run in Ethereum.” And, quoted: “As a more concrete use-case, Ethereum could be utilised to create smart contracts, pieces of code that once deployed become autonomous agents in their own right, executing pre-programmed instructions. An example could be escrow services, which automatically release funds to a seller once a buyer verifies that they have received the agreed products.”

Read Part One of this Series here » Ethereum — Bitcoin 2.0? And, What Is Ethereum.

Read Part Two of this Series here » Ethereum — Opportunities and Challenges.

Read Part Three of this Series here » Ethereum — A Summary.

By — The Consumerist


For years, laws have been put into place to discourage distracted driving: no texting while driving, no talking on the phone while driving, the list goes on. General Motors is taking things a step further by commissioning a vehicle that detects and alerts drivers to their distracted behavior.

The Financial Times reports that General Motors is preparing to launch the first mass-produced vehicles with eye- and head-tracking technology to detect distracted behaviors in drivers.

Read more

FUTURISM UPDATE (November 23, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon

0  Jobs Versus Bots

THE ECONOMIST: Quantum biology. How quantum theory is helping to explain the mysteries of life science

FOREIGN AFFAIRS: The Genetics Epidemic. The Revolution in DNA Science — And What To Do About It

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Neuronal “Superhub” Might Generate Consciousness. Could a thin, enigmatic layer of nerve cells be a key component of the networks generating conscious experience?

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Amazon and Google Change Places on Going Green. Google recently explained its pullback on sustainability while Amazon has just announced a “long-term commitment” to achieve 100 percent renewable energy use

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: Oxford University researchers trial drugs against Ebola

FORBES: Cloud Computing Adoption Continues Accelerating In The Enterprise

THE REGISTER: Renewable energy ‘simply WON’T WORK’: Top Google engineers. Windmills, solar, tidal — all a ‘false hope’, say Stanford PhDs

IBM: Does ubiquitous connectivity mean less security? Take a closer look at today’s security risks—from new threats arising on the Internet of Things, to the sources of malware and botnet infections

WALL STREET JOURNAL: Drones Sighted by Pilots Landing at JFK Airport in New York City Show New Risks. One Drone Came Within 5 to 10 Feet of a Jetliner’s Wing

TECH CRUNCH: Makerclub Helps You Learn 3D-Printed Robotics

IEEE Spectrum: DARPA Wants to Turn Military Planes Into Flying Drone Aircraft Carriers

FUTURE OBSERVATORY: China unveils first amphibious UAV

THE ECONOMIST: If Obama’s actions really do defy the people’s will, Republicans will soon be in a great place to undo them

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Banking Culture Primes People to Cheat

NEW YORK TIMES: In Change of Strategy, China Cuts Interest Rate

WASHINGTON POST: How the United States can counter the ambitions of Russia and China

BLOOMBERG: Printable Rockets, Brought to You by Geeks With Deep Pockets : IARPA unveils work on predictive intelligence

GIZMODO: These Tiny Robots Are Designed To 3D Print Whole Buildings

Archinect: Mini-robots may outcompete 3D printing in the evolution of construction


White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article)




Photo from

Russia’s ‘Breakthrough’ energy project enables closed a nuclear fuel cycle and a future without radioactive waste. The first batch of MOX nuclear fuel has been manufactured for the world’s only NPP industrially power generating breeder reactors.

The first ten kilograms of the mixed-oxide fuel (MOX) — a mixture of plutonium and uranium dioxides (UO2 and PuO2), have been industrially produced by Russia’s nuclear monopoly, Rosatom, at the Mining & Chemical Combine (GKhK) in the Krasnoyarsk region.

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