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Adele Peters — Fast Company

What happens to all the World Cup stadiums now that the big event is over? Brazil spent around $4 billion on the stadiums used this year, including four new stadiums that are unlikely to ever see much action again. In Brasilia, a $900 million stadium has 72,000 seats, but local football teams will probably draw crowds less than a tenth of that size. In the heart of the Amazon rainforest, a little-used stadium will cost $250,000 a month just to maintain.

One suggestion is to turn the Amazonian stadium into a giant jail. But two architects have a more positive idea: Why not convert part of the old stadiums into much-needed housing?

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I am very pleased to announce the publication of my book “Reengineering Strategies & Tactics”.

The book is based on more than 2 decades in manufacturing & management consulting, and presents the new business model, the Holistic Business Model, that ties together operations, revenue generation and business strategy. It also enables one to do strategy sensitivity analysis, and much more. Watch the video. Buy the book & enjoy rethinking & re-strategizing your company.

I might add that this is much better than anything you can get out of McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group, Booz Allen Hamilton or Bain Capital.

The book details are:

Book details are:
Title: Reengineering Strategies & Tactics
Sub Title: Know Your Company’s and Your Competitors’ Strategies and Tactics Using Public Information
Publisher: Universal Publishers
Date: July, 2014
Pages: 315
ISBN-10: 1627340157
ISBN-13: 9781627340151

Publisher’s Link:

1st 25 pages(free):

The Holistic Business Model identifies, in a structured manner, the 48 structural positions and 32 strategies your company can effect, resulting in 2 million variations in your company’s strategic environment. This complexity is handled by three layers, consisting of the Operations Layer, the Revenue Transaction Layer and the Business Management Layer.

Strategy is the migration from one structural position to another in the Business Management Layer. Therefore, the Model prevents investors, business owners and corporate managers from making incorrect moves, while both, enabling them to see their future options, and enhancing the quality of their management decisions.

The Operations Layer explains why lean manufacturing (JIT and Kanbans) works when it does, when it does not, and the important considerations when setting up a manufacturing operation using lessons learned from the semiconductor and Fast Moving Consumer Goods industries. The Revenue Transaction Layer identifies how your company generates its revenue.

Based on 20+ years in manufacturing and management consulting in multinational, large, medium & small companies, Solomon invented the Holistic Business Model that only requires public information to determine your company’s and your competitors’ strategies. Four case studies are presented: a manufacturing operation, a home builder, a non-profit and a sea port.

Most of you will know that in December 2012, I wrote 4 blog posts here at the Lifeboat Foundation, explaining why Spaceport Colorado will be an enormous success. The blog posts are:

The Fabulous Spaceport Colorado (Part 1)

The Fabulous Spaceport Colorado (Part 2)

The Fabulous Spaceport Colorado (Part 3)

The Fabulous Spaceport Colorado (Part 4)

Here is the reason why I was able to do this. I spent many decades working in manufacturing companies and management consulting firms. I am now sharing this experience in a book titled “Reengineering Strategies & Tactics”. The book presents a new business model, the Holistic Business Model, that allows one to infer private information from public data.

If you have read the book, I would appreciate your feedback.

Book details are:
Title: Reengineering Strategies & Tactics
Sub Title: Know Your Company’s and Your Competitors’ Strategies and Tactics Using Public Information
Publisher: Universal Publishers
Date: July, 2014
Pages: 315
ISBN-10: 1627340157
ISBN-13: 9781627340151

Publisher’s Link:
1st 25 pages(free):

The Holistic Business Model identifies, in a structured manner, the 48 structural positions and 32 strategies your company can effect, resulting in 2 million variations in your company’s strategic environment. This complexity is handled by three layers, consisting of the Operations Layer, the Revenue Transaction Layer and the Business Management Layer.

Strategy is the migration from one structural position to another in the Business Management Layer. Therefore, the Model prevents investors, business owners and corporate managers from making incorrect moves, while both, enabling them to see their future options, and enhancing the quality of their management decisions.

The Operations Layer explains why lean manufacturing (JIT and Kanbans) works when it does, when it does not, and the important considerations when setting up a manufacturing operation using lessons learned from the semiconductor and Fast Moving Consumer Goods industries. The Revenue Transaction Layer identifies how your company generates its revenue.

Based on 20+ years in manufacturing and management consulting in multinational, large, medium & small companies, Solomon invented the Holistic Business Model that only requires public information to determine your company’s and your competitors’ strategies. Four case studies are presented: a manufacturing operation, a home builder, a non-profit and a sea port.

Aalborg University

A new study uses a four minute long mobile video as an example. The method used by the Danish and US researchers in the study resulted in the video being downloaded five times faster than state of the art technology. The video also streamed without interruptions. In comparison, the original video got stuck 13 times along the way.

- This has the potential to change the entire market. In experiments with our network coding of Internet traffic, equipment manufacturers experienced speeds that are five to ten times faster than usual. And this technology can be used in satellite communication, mobile communication and regular Internet communication from computers, says Frank Fitzek, Professor in the Department of Electronic Systems and one of the pioneers in the development of network coding.

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German, U.S. Home Energy Storage Incentives Offer Divergent Visions for the Smart Grid…mart-grid/

Google Set to Kick-Start the Driverless Car Supply Chain

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With $350M Research Center, MIT Bets Big On Nanotechnology

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String Field Theory Genius Explains The Coming Breakthroughs That Will Change Life As We Know It…2014-3

October Rendezvous of Comet with Mars Has NASA Assets on Alert

Scientists may have cracked the giant Siberian crater mystery…?tid=sm_fb

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In the wake of Toledo, we need innovations to prevent a world water crisis…er-crisis/

A New Drug Has been Found Which Reverses Alzheimer’s On Animals…2014-8

‘Rewired’ mice show signs of longer lives with fewer age-related illnesses…-illnesses

Atomically precise self-assembling nanoscale fibers mimic living cells…ving-cells

‘Active’ surfaces that control fluids or particles

FORBES: Why Physicians Are Turning To Startups…-startups/

Getting Funded by DARPA soonest!…pa-soonest

Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador White Swan Update and Published Amazon Author by Andres Agostini at AND

Julia Angwin — Nation of Change
Article image
A new, extremely persistent type of online tracking is shadowing visitors to thousands of top websites, from to

First documented in a forthcoming paper by researchers at Princeton University and KU Leuven University in Belgium, this type of tracking, called canvas fingerprinting, works by instructing the visitor’s Web browser to draw a hidden image. Because each computer draws the image slightly differently, the images can be used to assign each user’s device a number that uniquely identifies it.

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The Xodus One Foundation will be conducting workshops on Gravity Modification, based on Ben Solomon’s 12-year study titled “An Introduction to Gravity Modification” and other later peer reviewed papers. And has been vetted by the Foundation’s Chief Science Office, Dr. Andrew Beckwith.

This thought provoking & bleeding edge physics/technology workshop will assists attendees to understand how the future of propulsion technology is changing. And therefore, adjust their corporate programs to expect these future technologies and research programs.

Note, my peer reviewed paper “New Evidence, Conditions, Instruments & Experiments for Gravitational Theories”, Journal of Modern Physics, Volume 4, Number 8A, August 2013 (Special Issue on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology) has as of August 05, 2014, had 3,482 downloads since publication August 27, 2013. This paper details the issues with contemporary physics that has hampered the discovery of gravity modification physics and proposes possible solutions.


1. Types of Workshops:: There are 2 types, the Short 1-day and the Long 2-day.
2. Who Should Attend: Engineers, Physicists & Corporate Managers responsible for propulsion research programs.
3. Workshop Fees: See respective brochures, below. Workshop fees are tax deductible.
4. Workshop Payment: Uses secure Amazon Payments. If you don’t have an account please sign up a head of time, prior to making tax deductible workshop fee payments.
5. Seating: On a First Come First Served basis, based on payment dates. In the event of overbooking, later registrants will placed in the next business day workshops. If you are attending the Long workshop, please confirm seating dates before finalizing travel arrangements.
6. Future Schedule: Link to Future Schedule
7. Some Comments: Thorough, Well Thought Out, Brilliant …


Short Workshop:
Type: This is a 1-day workshop.
Brochure: Link to brochure.
Location: Webcast
Workshop Date: August 20, 2014. Future dates to be determined.
Pay By Date: August 13, 2014. Future dates to be determined
Payment: Use donate button below to make $100 payment via Amazon Payments


Long Workshop:
Type: This is a 2-day workshop, still under development:
Brochure: See tentative brochure.
Location: 1624 Market St., #202, Denver, CO 80202.
Workshop Date: To Be Determined
Pay By Date: To Be Determined
Payment: Payment button coming soon.


Mike Wall —

Image: Unconventional propulsion

NASA researchers have reported fresh evidence that an “impossible” space propulsion technology might actually work.

A study from NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston says a microwave thruster system that requires no propellant appears to generate a tiny amount of thrust. If the technology pans out, it could make spaceflight far cheaper and speedier, advocates say. They argue that the thruster harnesses subatomic particles that pop into and out of existence in accordance with quantum physics — a hypothesis that’s mentioned in the study.

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Getting the Corporate Ears of the People Who Rule the World! By Andres Agostini at


If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Los Alamos National Laboratory and Procter & Gamble, talk to them through the notions of and by Process Re-engineering.

If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at GE, talk to them through the notions of and by Six Sigma.

If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at RAND Corporation, talk to them through the notions of and by Herman Khan’s (Dr. Strangeloves’) Scenario Methodology.

If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Mitsubishi Motors and Honda, talk to them through the notions of and by Kaisen.

If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at NASA and DARPA and the Industrial-Military Complex, talk to them through the notions of and by Systems Approach with the Perspective of Applied Non-Theological Omniscience.

If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Lockheed Martin, talk to them through the notions of and by Six Sigma and Skunk Works.

If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Toyota, talk to them through the notions of and by Toyota Production System (methodology).

If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Royal Dutch Shell, talk to them through the notions of and by Pierre Wack’s Scenario Methodology.

If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Mayo Clinic, talk to them through the notions of and by Dr. Joseph Juran’s (Total Quality Assurance) Prescription (ISBN: 978–0787900960).

If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Google, talk to them through the notions of and by Strong Quantum Supercomputing and Reversing of Human Death.

If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Xerox, talk to them through the notions of and by PARC (Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated).

If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at ExxonMobil, talk to them through the notions of and by Efficiency and Productivity as well as Return On Investment (ROI) per Petroleum Barrel produced (outputted).

If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Boeing, talk to them through the notions of and by Aerospace Engineering, Avionics, Systems Engineering, Reliability Engineering, Safety Engineering, Industrial Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.

If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Loyd’s of London, Swiss RE, Munich RE, talk to them through the notions of and by Minimax, Statistics, Actuarial Science, Predictive Analytic, and Systems Engineering.

(A Brief Excerpt of the White Swan book).

Kuzweil AI

USC Viterbi School of Engineering researchers have developed a flexible, transparent, energy-efficient, lower-cost hybrid design that could replace silicon as the traditional transistor material used in electronic chips.

The new design, described in a paper recently published in Nature Communications, combines carbon nanotube thin-film transistors with thin-film transistors comprised of indium, gallium and zinc oxide (IGZO).

Electrical engineering professor Dr. Chongwu Zhou and USC Viterbi graduate students Haitian Chen, Yu Cao, and Jialu Zhang developed this energy-efficient circuit by integrating carbon nanotube (CNT) thin film transistors (TFT)

The inclusion of IGZO thin film transistors was necessary to provide power efficiency to increase battery life. If only carbon nanotubes had been used, the circuits would not be power-efficient.

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