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A robot wedding.

Five couples sealed the deal at a robot factory in Shenyang, Liaoning Province of China, in one of the most unique wedding venues in recent news.

On Wednesday, robots of all forms serviced the entire wedding for the couples and guests alike. Some robots were merely appendages, holding candles out along the aisle. Others had a more humanoid form with bright, pixilated smiles. These robots served wine and greeted guests at the door. A few special ones even served as ring-bearers or flower girls.

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More VR Theme Parks and attractions opening this year. We have the Void opening this summer in Pleasant Grove, UT; a new VR roller coaster in UK’s Alton Towers that opens in April; there is real opportunity for entrepreneurs in the VR space to launch their own portable VR amusement/ entertainment centers for corporate events, parties, etc.

Virtual reality and theme parks may not seem like an obvious match, but these planned attractions may change your mind. Starting this spring we’ll start to see rides that take advantage of VR to offer new and exciting experiences.

Two British theme parks announced VR-powered attractions this month. Alton Towers will turn one of its roller coasters into an outer space adventure using Samsung’s Gear VR, while Thorpe Park is prepping a terrifying new interactive experience powered by the HTC Vive.

At Thorpe Park, the Ghost Train will feature a “13-minute journey through fear,” mixing pre-recorded material, live action and special effects. The HTC Vive makes it possible for each passenger to have their own unique experience, with 12 different journeys and two possible endings to choose from.

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I must admit; I got a little laughter from reading the beginning of this article. However, there is a potential longer term concern around jobs and an even larger concern around data (including IP) when it comes to AI. So, I truly hope folks are strategically planning, designing, and implementing appropriate safeguards around their AI architecture and systems; especially if we look at hacking, etc.

Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking have all done their part in warning the world of the true power of artificial intelligence. All three men were actually awarded the 2015 Luddite Award, which is given by the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation.

Because of their honest assessment on the power of new technology, these three men have been called alarmists who spread horror. There were 10 total nominees to the prices, and all three received them after getting more 3,680 votes.

Luddite is a word from 19th century England, and it is used to describe someone who is opposed to advances in technology. This is hardly an appropriate denomination for any of these men. Bill Gates is almost single-handedly responsible for putting PC computers in homes, Elon Musk has made a revolution with electric vehicles. Volumes can be written on the impact Stephen Hawking has had on the world.

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Ok, my one world currency comsipracy friends; here is a story for you.

Cash could become history within a decade, thanks to new financial instruments, including virtual currencies, some of the world’s leading bankers said during the World Economic Forum on Wednesday (20 January).

The impact of technology, the overarching theme of this year’s meeting, will be very significant.

The evolution would be so significant that John Cryan, co-CEO of Deutsche Bank AG, predicted that, in ten years’ time, “probably” we would not see cash anymore. It is “terribly inefficient”, he added.

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This CRISPR ownership dispute being played out in front of the public is truly concerning. My question is how much time are these researchers/ scientists spending locked in this battle v. focusing on research, testing and clinical trials, etc. to help the public? If their energy was focused on helping the public; it would be better for them and their image to the public.

A history of CRISPR ignites a furious tweetstorm.

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Tired of the leaves and hearts floating on the foam of your coffee? Then this Ripple Maker by the Israeli startup Steam CC is the answer for you. This machine reproduces photos, text or other graphics on coffee foam.

The Ripple Maker was first unveiled last June, when it was revealed that Lufthansa airlines would be using the devices in its First and Business Class departure lounges. Last week at CES, however, broader availability of the system was announced – it can now be purchased by any business that serves coffee, starting at US$1,299, and is available with an $85/month service plan.

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Personally, today’s AI is not at the level we need it. Therefore, this article by Collin Wood does hold some merit of fact. However, this is going to be changing in the next 3 to 4 years. And, believing that AI is not going to be sophisticated or at a level that can out perform people with information is truly a mistake especially when technologies such as Quantum are added to the mix and Quantum AI is matured and evolved over the next 5 years. So, at least we’re good for the year 2016 to early 2018. However, after we progress forward in 2018, I advise folks to have a back up plan for employment.

In fact, many in government and the private sector are already using the next rung in humanity’s digital progression.

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