Asteroid mining and space tourism are all well and good, but a network of researchers around the world is thinking bigger when it comes to space exploration: interstellar travel.
Military Robots are full speed ahead.
Forget debates about Britain’s nuclear deterrent. New technology means a country can be brought to its knees with the click of a mouse.
Hmmm; China to explore the “dark side” of the moon by 2018. And, potential huge pay off in the form of rich mineral deposits is the key.
China’s going to land on the dark side of the moon, for the first time in human history. That means more than you might realize.
Making meds from the bacteria living inside your gut. Interesting concept; however, it does remind me of some of the Sigourney Weaver movies.
Relatively new discoveries about of the role of the microbiome in human health have sparked a race to develop new therapies based on microbes.
IBM’s Watson is coming to the consumer and partnering Under Armour to build an AI personal trainer and Softbank to build an intelligent robot named Pepper.
WOW! Singapore is heavily investing in their own Government to stay ahead of the cutting edge technologies especially around AI, Robotics, IoT, and other NextGen on the Horizon. I foresee the rest following suit. Currently we have the US, Australia, Canada, UK (last week on Quantum & AI), Japan, China, Russia, and now Singapore investing heavily in NextGen.
The Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI) announced on Monday (Jan 18) that the Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) and Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) will be restructured to form two new organisations. They will become the Info-communications Media Development Authority of Singapore (IMDA) and the Government Technology Organisation (GTO).
The real question is: “what is the healing time in space v. earth? What is the risk of infection on earth v. space when surgery is performed in space?” If stats show patient survival, healing, and low to no infection rates in space v. earth; we could see a time when hospital colonies in space exist to handle initially complicated and high risks surgeries by robots v. earth.
NASA is grooming its robonauts to eventually perform surgery on people living in remote areas, like space. Lisa D’Souza has more on the future droid docs.
Buzz60 is designed for the way we live now. Short, quirky video snacks that are a little sassy, and always smart. Buzz 60 — and the Buzz60 channel on YouTube — produces all kinds of news video clips for web viewers who want more than just repurposed content. Our team is a diverse group of video journalists with dozens of Emmy awards, an authentic sense of humor, and a mandate to connect with viewers every day.
AI can easily replace much of the back office operations and some front office over time. As a result, there will be a need to have a massive social system and displacement program in place as a joint effort with governments and companies to re-school and re-tool workers and financially support the workers and their families until they can be retooled/ retrained to get one of the existing jobs or one of the new careers resulting from AI. There will be a need and social obligation placed back on companies at a scale like we have never seen before. With power and wealth; there truly comes a level of moral responsibility imposed by society.
Tradeshift CloudScan uses machine learning to create automatic mappings from image files and PDFs into a structured format such as UBL.
Guessing my earlier posting about imagining you’re in a scenario that you must decide to either to have a chip implant v. waiting on a nanobot is not that far fetched. Nonetheless, there are truly careers that will not be replaced by robot such as artist’s works, designers, etc. And, new careers and companies will be created throughout the AI and Quantum evolution.
Think you are too smart to be replaced by a robot in your job? Think again.
Now everyone can eventually feel like their mother-in-law is always with them. A computer that never stops talking and always has an opinion on everything.
IBM and the University of Michigan are working on a conversational computing system that will transform human-machine communication.