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Something for everyone to keep a closer eye on in the coming year/s — And, they are indeed well on their way with Quantum and their partnership with Australia. Australia (as we recall) has been the one country outside the US and Canada that has made incredible progress in Quantum Computing especially introducing in Nov 2015 their discovery in developing a machine language for the Quantum platform.

BEIJING (AP) — China’s government has highlighted big data, encryption technology and “core technologies” such as semiconductors as the key elements of its push to grow into a tech powerhouse, according to a new five-year plan released Saturday that envisages the Internet as a major source of growth as well as a potential risk.

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New Drone Stopping Gun that enables the public to target and gently bring down drones without damage. I see this offering some good use for victims of stalkers and robberies. However, criminals can use this to collect property from drone doing deliveries for companies like Amazon, Walmart, eBay, etc. However, most criminals today use rifles and shotguns to bring drones down; and the goods that they are carrying is often damaged as well. This will change that for them.

Capturing drones just got a little intense.

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An experiment that would allow humans to directly perceive quantum entanglement for the first time has been devised by researchers in Switzerland, and they say the same technique could be used to quantum entangle two people.

While it would be incredibly cool to be the first person ever to witness quantum entanglement with your own eyes, the experiment has been designed to answer some important and far-reaching questions, such as what does quantum entanglement actually look like, and what does it feel like to be entangled with another human being?

Quantum entanglement is a strange phenomenon where two quantum particles interact in such a way that they become deeply linked, and essentially ‘share’ an existence. This means that what happens to one particle will directly and instantly affect what happens to the other — even if that other particle is many light-years away.

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At this rate, we may see Ray Kurzweil’s vision of connected humans to the cloud and full singularity before 30 years.

Duke University scientists have given a pair of monkeys the ability to drive a wheelchair with their thoughts alone. The work is described in a paper recently published in the journal Scientific Reports and adds to a growing body of work in brain-machine interfaces aiming to return some freedom to the severely disabled.

Duke neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis and his team first began experimenting back in 2012, when they implanted hundreds of microfibers as thin as a human hair in the brains of two rhesus macaque monkeys. The fibers recorded cortical activity associated with “whole-body movement” and sent the signals to a computer.

monkeys-wheelchairs-thought-controlled-6To start, the monkeys sat in wheelchairs that were moved along various paths toward a bowl of grapes across the room. Their brain activity was read and decoded by a computer program and then associated with wheelchair commands.

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