Constructing the 1st 42 titanium atoms fullerene style structure.
Titanium oxide nanocluster has been captured under electron microscope.
New skin for keeping you under the radar.
Because the meta-skin is stretchable, it can be pulled tight to augment the range of radar frequencies trapped by the resonators.
The project set out to prove that that electromagnetic waves — “perhaps even the shorter wavelengths of visible light” — can be adequately suppressed with flexible, tunable liquid-metal technologies. The material is made up of rows of rings, with a radius of 0.1 inches (2.5mm) and gaps of 0.04 inches (1mm). They’re filled with galinstan, a metal alloy that remains liquid at room temperatures and is less toxic than metals who share this property, such as mercury. Each resonator acts like a small curved piece of liquid wire.
The rings create electric inductors and the gaps create electric capacitors.
I find this all amusing. However, wide spread adoption is a hurdle that has to be addressed first around AI; and at it’s core is the lack of trust by consumers & businesses around technology that still has not eradicated and blocked cyber hacking and attacks.
Martine Rothblatt takes on the notion that AI is dangerous to humanity.
Wow; Six Flags new VR Roller coaster. My nephews are going to be excited.
Samsung is “Official Technology Partner” at Six Flags Theme Parks Nationwide.
Six Flags Entertainment Corporation (NYSE: SIX), and Samsung Electronics America, Inc., today announced a broad marketing partnership which appoints Samsung as the “Official Technology Partner” of the world’s largest regional theme park company. The partnership includes the debut of ground-breaking experiences coming to nine Six Flags parks — North America’s first Virtual Reality (VR) Roller Coasters, using Samsung Gear VR powered by Oculus.
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Many opportunities in the VR/ AR space for enterprise Apps, Platforms, and services. Over the years we all have seen many opportunities missed where companies did not do the proper value map assessment and apply their finding to their own prod roadmaps. I personally have created my own value map of VR & AR opportunities across various industries and their biz caps.; and hope that others have done the same around this technology.
But augmented reality might be the best stepping stone, Hardware, Gadgets, Developer, Internet of Things, Wearables, Google, HTC, Fujitsu, Epson.
This article is a year old, but it is the first I’ve seen it. This guy has access to hundreds of millions of dollars per year and has this wonderful quote to go with it: “If you ask me today, is it possible to live to be 500? The answer is yes,” Bill Maris says.
Bill Maris has $425 million to invest this year, and the freedom to invest it however he wants. He’s looking for companies that will slow aging, reverse disease, and extend life.
Don’t let the title mislead you — Quantum is not going to require AI to operate or develop it’s computing capabilities. However, what is well known across Quantum communities is that AI will greatly benefit from the processing capabilities & performance of Quantum Computing. There has been a strong interest in marrying the 2 together. However, Quantum maturity gap and timing has not made that possible until recently resulting from the various discoveries in microchip development, programming language (Quipper) development, Q-Dots Silicon wafers, etc.
Researchers at the University of Vienna have created an algorithm that helps plan experiments in this mind-boggling field.
Much of the Quantum Internet technology has been in testing at Los Alamos. And, China has stepped up it’s own efforts in Quantum Internet and Computing in order to replace their whole infrastructure before the US and anyone else does due to both the opportunity as well as the threat of not being on Quantum.
The next 5 years will prove for US and it’s allies a critical period. And, their real challenge is how quickly the US can mature the technology & how soon they can onboard everyone that are high targets for less friendly government backed hackers.
The researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) call their scalable quantum computer ‘the beginning of the end for encryption schemes’.
A painstakingly accurate re-creation of the Orion III space plane from the science fiction epic “2001: A Space Odyssey” has landed at the offices.