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Aug 25, 2014

Are we strategically surprised on August 26, 2014? The Fifteen Ignored Flanks for 40 Years!

Posted by in category: futurism

0  wildest

A 93% of the inhabitants of the used-to-be developed world has, for forty decades, gravely violating the ensuing timeless imperatives of the wisdom.

All of the present content available in this Article is an except quoted from Mr. Agostini’s White Swan book. HOW TO FUNDAMENTALLY SOLVE THIS CHALLENGE, IT ALSO ADDRESSED, AT GREAT LENGTH, IN THE PRECEDING BOOK.


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Aug 25, 2014

Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador White Swan Update and Published Amazon Author by Andres Agostini at

Posted by in category: futurism


IPOLITICS: Canada’s investment in genomics is paying off

FORBES: Why Predictive Shopping Might Be Bad For The Future…he-future/

SILICON BEAT: Quake, rattle, and then roll out of bed

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Aug 25, 2014

Visa Exec: Our Network Could Support Bitcoin Payments

Posted by in category: bitcoin

— Coindesk

Global payments giant Visa earned the ire of the bitcoin community earlier this year when CEO Charlie Scharf stated that he didn’t see bitcoin and its technology as posing a significant threat to its operations.

Now, however, new comments from Visa senior vice president of digital solutions Sam Shrauger suggest that the company may be reevaluating bitcoin.

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Aug 24, 2014

Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador White Swan Update and Published Amazon Author by Andres Agostini at

Posted by in category: futurism


ECNS: Anti-monopoly actions unlikely to affect Swiss companies

FORBES: Here’s How Obama’s Russia Sanctions Will Destroy Vladimir Putin…mir-putin/

HUFF POST: 150 Years After the First Geneva Convention, Switzerland and the ICRC Call for Greater Respect for International Humanitarian Law…02658.html

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Aug 24, 2014

Meet the magical computing that puts the human into artificial intelligence

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

by Ben Medlock — CityAM

Think Artificial Intelligence and the first thing that comes to mind is probably robots. Thanks to popular culture, AI is considered distinctly un-human, and can prompt people to worry about the role of technology in our daily lives and who is really in control. However, there’s a new wave of technology fighting to put the human back at the heart of the experience, one that is designed to make the technology that you use every single day learn from you personally.
Called Machine Learning, it underlies technology that constantly evolves to adapt to every individual, anticipating what you want to do next and staying one step ahead. Machine Learning is about building software capable of learning how to perform tasks that are too complex to be solved by traditional programming techniques. During my PhD research at the University of Cambridge, for example, I built programs that could recognise topics in news articles and filter spam email.

Aug 23, 2014

The Promise Of A Cancer Drug Developed By Artificial Intelligence

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

Ariel Schwartz — Fast Company

BPM 31510 is just another cancer drug in human development trials, except for one thing. Scientists didn’t toil away in labs to come up with it; artificial intelligence did.

The cancer drug development process is costly and time-consuming. On average, it takes 24 to 48 months and upwards of $100 million to find a suitable candidate. Add that to the fact that 95% of all potential drugs fail in clinical trials, and the inefficiencies of the whole drug-discovery machine really become apparent.

Backed by real estate billionaire Carl Berg, eponymous biotech startup Berg wants to use artificial intelligence to design cancer drugs that are cheaper, have fewer side effects, and can be developed in half the time it normally takes. BPM 31510 is the first of Berg’s drugs to get a real-world test.

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Aug 22, 2014

How Not To Think, Correctly! (Excerpt from the White Swan book) By Andres Agostini at

Posted by in category: futurism

How Not To Think, Correctly! (Excerpt from the White Swan book) By Andres Agostini at

0 brainy

1.- Ignorant Thinking

2.- Sloppy, emotional Thinking

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Aug 22, 2014

Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador White Swan Update and Published Amazon Author by Andres Agostini at

Posted by in category: futurism


QUARTZ: Is China disguising itself as Belgium to buy US government bonds?…ent-bonds/

QUARTZ: US airlines clock their worst delays in two decades

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Aug 22, 2014

Elon Musk calls Artificial Intelligence ‘potentially more dangerous than nukes’

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Tom Cheredar — Venture Beat
Robot cyborg war machine via Shutterstock
When a billionaire investor responsible for disrupting credit/payments, automotive, and space travel industries communicates a warning to the world about a trend in new technologies, it’s best just to listen.

Case in point, yesterday SpaceX and Tesla Motors founder Elon Musk told people to be careful when it comes to artificial intelligence (AI), which he said could be “potentially more dangerous” than nuclear weapons, according to a tweet sent yesterday. (The tweet came just an hour after Musk offered his thoughts on Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy movie, so take that however you will.)

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Aug 21, 2014

Getting Sexy and the Undivided Attention of Your Fortune-500 Client CEOs! Aug 22 2014

Posted by in categories: architecture, big data, business, complex systems, disruptive technology, economics, education, engineering, ethics, existential risks, finance, futurism, government, information science, innovation, physics, science, scientific freedom, security

Getting Sexy and the Undivided Attention of Your Fortune-500 Client CEOs! (Excerpt from the White Swan book) By Andres Agostini at

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(1.- of 17 ).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Los Alamos National Laboratory and Procter & Gamble, talk to them through the notions of and by Process Re-engineering.

(2.- of 17 ).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at GE, talk to them through the notions of and by Six Sigma, and Peter F. Drucker’s Management by Objective (MBO). While you are with them, remember to commend on the Jack Welch’ and Jeff Immelt’s master lectures at GE’s Crotonville.

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