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Computadores poderão, em breve, adivinhar o que as pessoas estão pensando. Pesquisadores da Universidade de Oregon desenvolveram um sistema capaz de prever frases não ditas somente ao analisar a atividade do cérebro. Em testes a precisão em “adivinhar” os pensamentos foi de 70%.

Os pesquisadores usaram varreduras do cérebro feitas através de resson ncia magnética em 14 participantes, enquanto eles faziam a leitura silenciosa de 240 frases diferentes. Depois disso, os cientistas usaram um sistema para procurar padrões neurais associados a determinadas palavras.

Assim, eles criaram uma espécie de dicionário, conseguindo identificar através do cérebro o uso de determinadas palavras. Mais tarde, foi possível recombinar os padrões de atividade de palavras individuais para prever novas frases construídas com elas.

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SENS RB2016 Conference is now live streaming come along and join them now and get the latest news! They are streaming for the next 3 days for those interesting in rejuvenation biotechnology.

All presentations at the Rejuvenation Biotechnology Conference 2016 will be available to watch online via live streaming. There will be three separate streams, covering consecutive sections of the conference.

To access the streams bookmark the following links and tune in during the times specified:

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Travelling into the darkest depths of the universe could soon be as easy as flicking on a switch, or at least a switch for a giant laser system that will fire a spacecraft at 150m kmph to Alpha Centauri.

Back in April 2016, the philanthropic research group Breakthrough Initiatives announced it was putting millions of dollars into developing a spacecraft capable of reaching Alpha Centauri in the next 20 years.

This would be some claim given that, despite it being our nearest neighbouring star, it’s located more than four light years away.

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Imagine this scenario: Annual physical examinations are supplemented by an affordable home diagnostic chip, allowing you to regularly monitor your baseline health with just a simple urine sample. Though outwardly you appear to be in good health, the device reveals a fluctuation in your biomarker profile, indicating the possible emergence of early stage cancer development or presence of a virus.

Diagnostic devices like a home pregnancy test have been around since the 1970s. It revolutionized a woman’s ability to find out if she was pregnant without having to wait for a doctor’s appointment to confirm her suspicions. The test relies on detecting a hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin, present in urine. But could detecting cancer, or a deadly virus, from a similar kind of sample and device be as simple and non-invasive?

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Proving 2 temperatures coexist — disrupting thermodynamics.

Stuart Wolpert.

According to the basic laws of thermodynamics, if you leave a warm apple pie in a winter window eventually the pie would cool down to the same temperature as the surrounding air.

For chemists and physicists, cooling samples of charged particles, also called ions, makes them easier to control and study. So they use a similar approach — called buffer gas cooling — to lower the temperature of ions by trapping them and then immersing them in clouds of cold atoms. Collisions with the atoms cool the originally hot ions by transferring energy from the ions to the atoms — much the same way a warm pie is cooled next to the cold window, said Eric Hudson, associate professor of physics at UCLA.

But new research by Hudson and his team, published in the journal Nature Communications, demonstrates that ions never truly cool to the temperature of the surrounding gas. Also, very surprisingly, they discovered that under certain conditions, two final temperatures exist, and the temperature that the ions choose depends on their starting temperature.

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BMW is a German car manufacturer that has decided to make use of 3D printing technology in order to restore the BMW 507 racecar of Elvis Presley. Through additive manufacturing technology, they were able to reconstruct the window winders of the car as well as its door handles.

For sure, Elvis never anticipated that his racecar which he purchased in 1958 will be restored after 60 years with the help of a 3D printer. Jack Castor owned the vehicle and was purchased by BMW Group Classic 2 years ago and kept it in the pumpkin factory.

Restoring the Classic BMW 507 Racecar of Elvis Presley Using 3D Printing Technology

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Excellent write up on QUESS; and yesterday we saw that the first set of code was transmitted successfully which means so far success. However, many are asking when will the US respond about our own efforts around our own efforts of a Quantum satellite and our own progress around improving the net infrastructure to ensure we’re not a sitting duck for government backed hackers. Granted we have been operating for many years a version of a Quantum Internet at Los Alamos; however, we need to expand and accelerate the efforts around the Quantum Internet restructuring.

In mid August China launched “QUESS” (Quantum Experiments at Space Scale), a new type of satellite that it hopes will be capable of “quantum communications” which is supposed to be hack-proof, through the use of “quantum entanglement”. This allows the operator to ensure that no one else is listening to your communications by reliably distributing keys that are then used for encryption in order to be absolutely sure that there is no one in the middle intercepting that information.

According the Chinese scientists involved in the project, quantum encryption is secure against any kind of computing power because information encoded in a quantum particle is destroyed as soon as it is measured. (According to Tibor Molnar a scientist at the University of Sydney), the only way to ‘observe’ a photon is to have it interact with (a) an electron, or (b) an electromagnetic field. Either of these interactions will cause the photon to “decohere” – i.e., interfere with it in a way that will be apparent to the intended recipient.

Gregoir Ribordy, co-founder of Geneva-based quantum cryptography firm ID Quantique, likened it to sending a message written on a soap bubble. “If someone tries to intercept it when it’s being transmitted, by touching it, they make it burst.”

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