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Luv this; definitely a great role model to young girls everywhere.

This was the first of two spacewalks astronauts will perform this month to finalize the replacement of 12 old nickel-hydrogen batteries six with new lithium-ion batteries.

Kimbrough is wearing the suit bearing red stripes marked as EV1 member 1, but Whitson is wearing the suit with no stripes, marked EV2, member 2.

NASA is sending an African-American astronaut to the International Space Station for the first time. Built by Swales Aerospace Inc., it is the staple of NASA’s space tool arsenal.

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Although I do luv online retail; my concern is will we wake up to a day with an online hangover where mid- and small-size towns/ cities no longer have the bricks-and-mortars to visit. I just hope we don’t go too overboard like we have on other things.

In the ongoing battle between traditional brick and mortar retail and online commerce, online retail has been killing it.

While Amazon is clearly the biggest beneficiary of this trend, there are many other companies benefiting as well.

But despite the tremendous growth opportunity, traditional retail ETFs have very little exposure to online retailers.

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Interesting approach.

Families who rely on food stamps may not be left out of the future of grocery shopping after all.

The pilot, which will run for two years, will launch on in August.

The other retailers include Amazon, testing the program in New York, New Jersey and Maryland; Safeway, testing it in Maryland, Oregon and Washington; delivery service FreshDirect, testing in New York; and other regional and local grocers testing the program in New York and other East Coast states. As with the core program, SNAP participants will be able to use their benefits only to purchase eligible items online, not to pay for service or delivery charges. “Allowing consumers to use their SNAP benefits in the same way you would also use a credit or debit card to purchase groceries will lead to lower prices and greater options for consumers in every corner of this city and state”, said Diaz “I want to thank Congressman Maloney and our NY delegation, our partners in business and the health and hunger advocates who understood the need for this pilot program and joined our efforts to bring this important new program to NY”. “With the SNAP Pilot, we look forward to bringing the online purchasing option to SNAP clients and positively impacting all the communities that we serve”.

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No surprises here. We all have known that with tech in medical research and development would and will continue to solve many diseases such as cancer as we are already seeing with gene and cell circuitry technology.

Silicon Valley thrives on disrupting the traditional ways we do many things: education, consuming music and other media, communicate with others, even how we stay healthy. Bill Gates and Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong know a few things about how to spend a lot of money to disrupt mainstream research while searching for cures in medicine.

Sean Parker hopes to join their ranks. In 1999, he co-founded the file-sharing service Napster, and in 2004, he became the first president of Facebook. Today, Parker announced his latest endeavor: a $250 million bet on eradicating cancer. Through the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, he says his plan is just a matter of time until it works.

Billionaire behind Cancer Moonshot 2020

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Syn Diamonds is a field that I have been educating many on the importance of in areas of QC, healthcare/ medical, and now we’re looking at transportation such as driverless cars. I told folks if we could have a joint venture with Intel and HP in this space; we could see these to companies re-emerge as leaders again just for this one area of technology. Who ever comes up with the 3D or 4D printer that can mass produce the quality we need in syn diamond materials in various scales/ sizes will dominate and make billions as this technology is a core piece to QC.

Lab-grown red diamonds with an atomic defect could one day replace GPS systems thanks to their remarkable sensitivity to magnetic waves, scientists have suggested.

A team at Element Six, a tech company based in Oxfordshire, are exploring the remarkable properties of crystals with a so-called ‘nitrogen vacancy defect’ — a gap in the atomic lattice at the heart of the diamond.

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As I stated earlier, another example where we will see a convergence of tech and bio especially as we emerge QC forward and synbio technology such as gene/ cell circuitry. My guess when we mature these fields along with minerals like diamonds/ gem crystalized formation and their use in QC tech, we will began to wonder why we didn’t figure this out sooner.

When Edward Boyden was helping develop a tool to turn neurons on and off with light at Stanford a decade ago, he had a strong feeling it would spread far and wide. Even so, he’s been surprised by how quickly its fame has come.

“What I hadn’t quite anticipated was how fast it would take off,” said Boyden, who now leads the MIT Media Lab’s synthetic neurobiology research group. “It was almost as if the field was ready for the technology.”

It certainly was. On Sunday, Boyden and Stanford neuroscientist Dr. Karl Deisseroth, whose lab Boyden worked in, each received $3 million Breakthrough Prizes for their work on optogenetics.

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Excellent read for the new year.

We’re all familiar with the concept of sports coaching and personal trainers to help people achieve peak fitness, but what about the idea of a mind coach to help you reach your mental potential?

Some people are now turning to mind training to achieve their goals and see doing “inner work” as one important factor of success.

Sydney performance coach Jacob Galea has been working with clients for 10 years to strengthen their mental capacity and believes having a good life coach or mentor can help.

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