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Dec 25, 2023

Guy Brags About “Stealing” Millions of Pageviews by Rewriting Competitors’ Articles Using AI

Posted by in categories: information science, internet, robotics/AI

That’s in large part due to these tools’ ability to churn out content at much faster rates than human writers — and at a fraction of the cost.

Given the biblical flood of bottom-shelf AI-generated content polluting the internet today, it’s clear that everyday internet users are not going to benefit.

However, some entrepreneurs are hellbent on making a buck by repurposing existing content, laundering it through an AI algorithm, and passing it off as their own.

Dec 25, 2023

Tech Conference Canceled After Using AI to Generate Fake Women Speakers

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, space

An organizer of an upcoming software and developer conference called DevTernity has been accused of cooking up fake women speakers featured on the event’s website — AI-generated headshots and all.

It looks a lot like a horrifically misfired attempt to pad out the apparent diversity in a heavily male-dominated space, a hypothesis the event’s organizer Eduards Sizovs has since forcefully denied.

The bizarre development triggered a resounding outcry, leading to high-profile engineering leaders from the likes of Microsoft and Google to bow out of the conference.

Dec 25, 2023

Meta’s New Image-Generating AI Is Trained on Your Instagram and Facebook Posts

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Earlier this week, Meta announced a new AI image generator dubbed “Imagine with Meta AI.”

And while it may seem like an otherwise conventional tool meant to compete with the likes of Google’s DALL-E 3, Diffusion, and Midjourney, Meta’s underlying “Emu” image-synthesis model has a dirty little secret.

What’s that? Well, as per the company’s official documentation — the latest example of Meta squeezing every last drop out of its user base and its ever-valuable data.

Dec 25, 2023

OpenAI’s Chaos Linked to Super Powerful New AI It Secretly Built

Posted by in categories: education, mathematics, robotics/AI

Whether the company’s actually getting closer to achieving this goal remains highly debatable. The company has also historically been highly secretive when it comes to its research, making it even more difficult to read the tea leaves over recent weeks.

But an interesting new twist to the story suggests OpenAI may have been on the verge of a major leap forward, and that it may indeed have been related to the shakeup.

Last week, Reuters and The Information reported that some OpenAI leaders may have gotten spooked by a powerful new AI the company was working on called Q*, pronounced “Q star.” This new system was apparently seen by some as a significant step towards the company’s goal of establishing AGI, and is reportedly capable of solving grade school math problems.

Dec 25, 2023

Busted! Drive-Thru Run by “AI” Actually Operated by Humans in the Philippines

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

The AI, which takes orders from drive-thru customers at Checkers and Carl’s Jr, relies on humans for most of its customer interactions.

Dec 25, 2023

Scientists Astonished by Planet That’s Way Too Big to Exist

Posted by in category: space

Scientists have discovered an impossibly large planet — so big, they say, that it should be too big to exist.

And yet. In a new study published in the journal Science, researchers out of Pennsylvania State described their whopper discovery: a Neptune-sized planet that’s 13 times the mass of Earth, which is orbiting a tiny ultracool star that’s nine times less massive than our Sun.

As a press release about the new research explains, this finding is exceptional because the mass ratio between the planet and the dwarf star, dubbed LHS 3,154, is 100 times greater than the same ratio Earth has with its Sun — which scientists didn’t think was possible until they saw it with their own eyes.

Dec 25, 2023

New Factory About to Open Will Pump Out Humanoid Robots

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

The world’s first factory mass-produced humanoid robots will soon be opening in the Pacific Northwest. God help us all.

Agility Robotics CEO Damion Shelton told Axios in an unsettling interview that the company is slated to make 10,000 robots at its “RoboFab” facility once it reaches its “peak.”

Shelton used the term “humanoids” to refer to its walking and working robots produced for companies like Amazon. The company’s forthcoming move from its smaller factory in the tiny town of Tangent, Oregon to the much larger “RoboFab” plant in the nearby city of Salem will see it going from a tangential player in the robotics sphere to, if successful, one of the largest-producing in the United States.

Dec 25, 2023

It looks like Elon Musk’s SpaceX is now worth $175 billion — that’s more than Disney or Comcast

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, space travel

Elon Musk’s space exploration company is looking to sell shares that implies a valuation that’s $25 billion higher than the last funding round, Bloomberg reported.

Dec 25, 2023

Gen Z may be on track to kill middle management

Posted by in category: futurism

Young workers are turning their backs on management and climbing the corporate ladder. So much so, Gen Z might kill off the middle manager position.

Dec 25, 2023

China’s Mars Rover Detected Polygons Under the Planet’s Surface

Posted by in category: space

China’s Mars rover has uncovered underground polygon structures buried beneath the Red Planet’s surface — and it looks like they’re related to Mars’ long-lost water, too.

In a new study published in the journal Nature Astronomy, a team of researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) say that using data from the Zhurong rover’s ground-penetrating radar capabilities, they’ve found several mysterious subterranean polygons located some 35 feet below its surface that are likely formed by ice.

Using this high-tech radar, the rover combed Utopia Planitia, a large plain in the planet’s northern hemisphere where Zhurong’s inactive husk still rests, to see what was happening below. The CAS team found, per Zhurong’s readings, a total of 16 “polygonal wedges” in an area of about three-quarters of a square mile, “suggesting a wide distribution of such terrain under Utopia Plainitia,” the Nature Astronomy paper explains.