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It’s that time of the year again … the Science news writers and editors are homing in on the “Breakthrough of the Year,” their choice of the most significant scientific discovery, development, or trend in 2017. That selection, along with nine runners-up, will be announced when the last issue of the year goes online on 21 December.

Now, you can get in on the action! Pick your favorite breakthrough from the list of candidates below by 3 December. Then check back the next day, when we will start a second round of voting with your four top picks. We will announce your winner—the People’s Choice—along with Science’s choice on 21 December.

From cancer advances to the cosmos, what’s your top choice?

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“We found that guidance policy had no effect on valuation whatsoever. As for the claim that it reduces volatility, we found that the opposite is true, companies offering annual range EPS guidance over the same period experienced lower volatility around earnings reporting periods when compared with those that issued quarterly guidance.”

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Some anniversary info from the Transhumanist Party, which I founded a few years back. This growing political party—under new leadership now—continues to prove important and inspiring. Congratulations to all those who have helped it forward! #transhumanism

Gennady Stolyarov II

On November 17, 2016, I became the Chairman of the United States Transhumanist Party. It was a turbulent era in American politics, although it now appears to me to have been a distinct prior epoch. The offer of Chairmanship from Zoltan Istvan came at exactly the right time. I was seriously considering emigrating from the United States, which would have been a mistake. For this role, however, an expatriate Chairman would not do; Zoltan asked me to remain for at least six months – hopefully a year – and then re-assess the situation. One does not get handed leadership of a political party often (or virtually ever), so this was a unique opportunity to make a difference in American politics in a constructive way, with instant gains in prominence, and without the distasteful maneuvering that many conventional political figures feel compelled to engage in to attain a comparable position.

The amount of protein recommended by international guidelines is not sufficient to maintain muscle size and strength in older men, according to a new study.

Researchers say their findings mean should aim to have high quality at every meal.

The size of our skeletal muscles – the muscles we use to move our body – and our ability to perform everyday tasks naturally decline with age from the around the fifth decade. Severe loss can lead to frailty, loss of independence and a greater risk of dying.

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Billionaire tech entrepreneur Mark Cuban has seen a ton of change since he first got in the technology business in 1982, but he argues that artificial intelligence (AI) is going to “change everything, 180 degrees.”

He warns that if the U.S. allows other countries to take the lead in AI, then it’ll be “SOL,” an acronym that employs profanity to communicate urgency.

“All these things have happened that have changed how we do business, changed how we lived our lives, changed everything, right, the internet. But what we’re going to see with artificial intelligence dwarfs all of that,” Cuban said in an interview with hedge fund manager J. Kyle Bass of Hayman Capital on RealVision Television, a subscription financial video service.

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Quantum ghost imaging can achieve unprecedented sensitivity by detecting not just the extremely small amount of light straying off a dim target, but also its interactions with other light in the surrounding environment to obtain more information than traditional methods.

A satellite equipped with the new quantum sensor would be able to identify and track targets that are currently invisible from space, such as stealth bombers taking off at night, according to researchers.

Scientists are developing a probe to track stealth bombers at night.

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