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Dec 13, 2016

India test Agni-V intercontinental ballistic missile, capable of striking China

Posted by in category: military

India is all set to test its Agni-V intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), capable of striking even the northernmost parts of China, in its final operational configuration from Odisha. Notedly, this will be fourth and the final test of nuclear-capable Agni-V. It will be tested for its full range, before Strategic Forces Command begins its user trials.

The country’s most formidable nuclear missile till now since it brings the whole of China and much more within its strike envelope, the three-stage Agni-V was earlier tested in “an open configuration” in April 2012 and September 2013.

The third test on Jan 30 2015 was done from a hermetically-sealed canister mounted on a Tatra launcher truck in “a deliverable configuration”.

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Dec 13, 2016

IEEE publishes draft report on ‘ethically aligned’ AI design

Posted by in categories: ethics, government, law, robotics/AI

IEEE’s new standards for ethically aligned AI — it’s a start focuses a lot on building ethics/ Morales into AI and not promote the building of autonomous AI Weapons, etc. However, without government & laws on the books this set of standards are a feel good document at best. When it gets into morals, values, not breaking laws, etc. this is when the standard really must come from social and cultural order/ practices, government, and most importantly laws to ensure the standards have the buy in and impact you need. My suggestion to IEEE, please work with gov, tech, legal sys. on this one.

More than 100 experts in artificial intelligence and ethics are attempting to advance public discussion surrounding the ethical considerations of AI.

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Dec 13, 2016

Why Machines Should Go To The University of Google, School of Artificial Intelligence

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, education, information science, robotics/AI

Now that’s an idea; education for systems. I can see the online university advertisements now showing an autonomous car beeping and flashing its lights over the enjoyment of graduating.

What if I told you to tie your shoes, but you had no laces? Or to cook dinner, but you had no pots or pans.

There are certain tools we need to succeed, which we often don’t have access to or are held back by a gatekeeper.

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Dec 13, 2016

Robo-Butlers and 3D printers could all be part of a hotel service in the future

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, augmented reality

Customizing/building your own hotel experience to fit your dream stay experience — that truly is achieving superior customer experience.

A NEW study has uncovered how the travel and hotel experience will be different in a year, 25 years and as far ahead as 2060, finding Neuro-dreaming could soon be a reality.

Eco hotels and augmented reality hotels that will transport guests to fantasy worlds are also on the cards.

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Dec 13, 2016

The power of polymeric coating

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, materials

Nice write on polymeric coatings as a material option consider when developing implants replicating a natural electrode charge without creating damage or disruptions. Author proposes such materials could be leveraged beyond their use today and expanded to include BMI implants. Definitely, will take a closer look at.

Jeff Hendricks Biotectix outlines how polymeric coatings can help improve the performance of medical and consumer electronic devices.

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Dec 13, 2016

DARPA is giving its deep web search tech a huge upgrade

Posted by in category: internet

A lot of people have never heard of the US Governments “Memex” program. Memex is a deep web search engine that was first developed by a Stanford graduate working for Rescue Forensics on behalf of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) — the agency that created the original ARPANET, which then went on to form the foundation of the internet.

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Dec 13, 2016

Potential diabetes therapy: Engineered cells that control blood sugar

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical

Excellent. Now, the question is “has Microsoft seen this?” as they are working on solving Diabetes too as part of their Synbio program that has already shown us their DNA Data Storage.

People with type 1 diabetes must inject themselves with insulin multiple times per day. This is because their immune system has destroyed cells in the pancreas that secrete insulin to maintain a healthy blood glucose level.

A team of bioengineers now report a possible alternative to such injections. The researchers engineered human kidney cells to act like pancreatic β cells, namely to sense blood glucose levels and produce insulin accordingly (Science 2016, DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf4006). When implanted in mice with type 1 diabetes, the cells prevent high blood glucose levels, also known as hyperglycemia.

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Dec 13, 2016

A New Form of Synaptic Plasticity in Pain Pathways

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience


Chronic pain is thought to involve the long-lasting strengthening of synapses, akin to what happens during the formation of new memories. This phenomenon, known as long-term potentiation (LTP), is triggered when neurons on both sides of a synapse are active at the same time. But now, Jürgen Sandkühler, Medical University of Vienna, Austria, and colleagues provide evidence that LTP in nociceptive circuits arises in a different way.

By simultaneously activating two types of glial cells―astrocytes and microglia―the researchers were able to produce LTP at synapses that connect peripheral C-fibers and lamina I neurons in the dorsal horn spinal cord. They also showed that with high-frequency stimulation of C-fibers, glial cells strengthen active and inactive synapses through their release of the NMDA receptor co-agonist D-serine and the cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF). Moreover, these molecules traveled to distant synapses, perhaps explaining why pain hypersensitivity can develop in areas surrounding or far away from an injury.

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Dec 13, 2016

‘Turbocharged Artificial Intelligence’ Could Personalize Combination Therapy in Pediatric Leukemia

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

AI joins the fight against Leukemia.

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Dec 13, 2016

If You Want To Protect Your Business, You Need To Start Thinking About Quantum Encryption Now

Posted by in categories: business, encryption, internet, quantum physics

Nice write up about why businesses need to worry about QC sooner v. later. Glad to see more spreading the word.

It’s coming sooner than you think.

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