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Learning algorithms which improve how they learn, computers which define their own objectives and then do it, robots which learn from us like children do, its all not far off now.


Professor juergen schmidhuber director & professor, the swiss AI lab IDSIA – USI & SUPSI

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This talk by Jordan Pederson suggests human level AGI is here within the year. And after we go expo.

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Remember Much of Jordan Peterson’s interpretations are psychological in nature.

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A glimpse at the coming AI researchers. (AI’s that do research).

A new type of artificial-intelligence-driven chemistry could revolutionise the way molecules are discovered, scientists claim.

In a new paper published today in the journal Nature, chemists from the University of Glasgow discuss how they have trained an artificially-intelligent organic chemical synthesis robot to automatically explore a very large number of .

Their ‘self-driving’ system, underpinned by machine learning algorithms, can find new reactions and molecules, allowing a digital-chemical data-driven approach to locating new molecules of interest, rather than being confined to a known database and the normal rules of organic synthesis.

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Vivli, which spun out of a policy think tank at Harvard University–affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, is part of a push to encourage drug developers to share trial data—even negative results, findings that show a treatment has no benefit. Companies seeking U.S. regulatory approval for a drug, as well as investigators funded by the National Institutes of Health, must post limited, summary results on But many researchers and policy analysts believe sharing detailed raw data on individual patients, stripped of identifying information, would be valuable. Researchers could confirm that a drug works, look for side effects, or explore new questions.

Vivli aims to ease sharing of anonymized clinical studies.

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Researchers have created the fastest man-made rotor in the world, which they believe will help them study quantum mechanics.

At more than 60 billion revolutions per minute, this machine is more than 100,000 times faster than a high-speed dental drill.

“This study has many applications, including ,” said Tongcang Li, an assistant professor of physics and astronomy, and electrical and computer engineering, at Purdue University. “We can study the extreme conditions different materials can survive in.”

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Latest News from, Scientists have discovered 12 previously unknown moons orbiting Jupiter, and one of them is a real oddball.

While hunting for the proposed Planet Nine, a massive planet that some believe could lie beyond Pluto, a team of scientists, led by Scott Sheppard from the Carnegie Institution for Science, found the 12 moons orbiting Jupiter. With this discovery, Jupiter now has a staggering 79 known orbiting moons €” 67 was its previous count, more than any other planet in the solar system.

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