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Jan 18, 2017

DARPA wants to build “Vampire Drones” that turn into gas at sunrise

Posted by in categories: drones, military

Never ceases to amaze me what DARPA is up to these days.

Drones are everywhere these days – from using them to take elaborate selfies to launching missiles at military targets, delivering aid to war torn areas to imaging the deadly environment around lava lakes, they appear to be the multipurpose tool of the moment. Perhaps slightly strangely, then, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) wants drones to vanish into thin air. Specifically, they want drones that are biodegradable, able to fade away after completing their mission.

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Jan 18, 2017

Scanner that can detect brain bleeds to be introduced in New Zealand

Posted by in categories: electronics, neuroscience


Rugby teams and ambulance staff are the target for portable brain scanner.

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Jan 18, 2017

Mapping brain in preemies may predict later disability

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

MINNEAPOLIS — Scanning a premature infant’s brain shortly after birth to map the location and volume of lesions, small areas of injury in the brain’s white matter, may help doctors better predict whether the baby will have disabilities later, according to a new study published in the January 18, 2017, online issue of Neurology ®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in 10 babies is born prematurely in the United States.

Lack of oxygen to the brain is the most common form of brain injury in premature infants, resulting in damage to the white matter. White matter contains nerve fibers that maintain contact between various parts of the brain. Damage to white matter can interfere with communication in the brain and the signals it sends to other parts of the body.

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Jan 18, 2017

China’s Quantum Communication Satellite Delivered for Use

Posted by in categories: quantum physics, satellites

QC communications (includes networking) is now available in China.

Nice job China; now if the rest of us can catch up.

China’s quantum communication satellite, launched last August, is officially operational after four months of in-orbit testing, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) said Wednesday.

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Jan 18, 2017

China’s quantum science satellite begins ‘spooky’ and ‘unhackable’ experiments

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, quantum physics, satellites, science

Hope folks are realizing this is happening and now real. Not sure what experiments their doing as they have already been experimenting already on hacking.

The world’s first quantum science and communications satellite has been handed over to Chinese scientists for the official start of experiments to test the phenomena of quantum entanglement and ‘unhackable’ quantum communication.

The Quantum Experiments at Space Scale (QUESS) satellite was launched on August 15 last year and soon after began testing its payloads and space-to-ground links.

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Jan 18, 2017

Biological Computing is Getting Closer to Reality

Posted by in categories: biological, computing

My dream is coming true — Biocomputing with QC technology.

University of Maryland exploits redox molecules in E. coli to instruct the bacteria to swim or fluoresce based on electronic stimuli.

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Jan 18, 2017

Soft robot helps the heart beat

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Sleeve attaches directly around the heart.

By Leah Burrows

A customizable soft robot that fits around a heart

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Jan 18, 2017

Honda Rider Assist — Self Balancing Motorcycle

Posted by in category: transportation

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Jan 18, 2017

Artificial intelligence predicts heart failure

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Artificial intelligence can now determine when your heart will fail.

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Jan 18, 2017

Did You Know?

Posted by in category: futurism


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