Chinese automaker GAC unveils its third-gen self-developed humanoid robot, showcasing motion control, navigation, and AI capabilities.
Chinese automaker GAC unveils its third-gen self-developed humanoid robot, showcasing motion control, navigation, and AI capabilities.
Although this might look like a sci-fi film prop, the Segway Apex H2 is nothing of the sort. It’s a prototype version of the render-only H2 concept first shown earlier this year, and it’s now been given a remarkably affordable price tag — 69,999 Chinese Yuan, which is about £8,000. So, it’s a little less than the recently launched Yamaha R7.
The H2 isn’t powered by anything as ordinary as a parallel twin combustion engine, however. It has two power sources — a hydrogen fuel cell and a battery pack. Technical details are still thin on the ground, but we do at least know it produces 60kW (just under 80bhp) and will crack 62mph in around four seconds, topping out at 93mph. It’ll consume a gram of hydrogen for every kilometre it covers.
Segway has revealed the prototype version of its Apex H2, and it appears to have changed little from the concept.
This is old, but still cool. Kristen Tapping, a student at london south bank university, has created a bicycle wheel with pollution filters that uses movement to actively purify the air. dubbed ROLLOE — roll off emissions — the wheel can take the busiest, most polluted roadways, and with zero energy, except for the pedal power from the cyclist, it aims to tackle one of the most pressing problems of the modern urban age: pollution.
ROLLOE — roll off emissions — uses pedal power from the cyclist to transform polluted air into clean one.
From the article:
When most analysts discuss Tesla, they focus on new vehicles or the electric vehicle company’s advancements in autonomy.
Yet, according to Launch i/o CEO Jeff Lutz, one of the most significant—and under-discussed—developments at Tesla is happening not in its design studios or on the road, but in its factories.
Lutz, a former executive at Google and Motorola, argues that Tesla’s true innovation isn’t just the electric vehicles or robots it’s building, but how those products are being made.
In-plane magnetic fields unveil novel Hall effect behaviors in advanced materials, transforming our understanding of electronic transport.
Researchers from the Institute of Science Tokyo have reported that in-plane magnetic fields induce an anomalous Hall effect in EuCd₂Sb₂ films. By investigating how these fields alter the electronic structure, the team uncovered a significant in-plane anomalous Hall effect. This discovery opens new avenues for controlling electronic transport in magnetic fields, with potential applications in magnetic sensors.
The Hall effect, a fundamental phenomenon in material science, occurs when a material carrying an electric current is subjected to a magnetic field, creating a voltage perpendicular to both the current and the field. While the Hall effect has been extensively studied in materials under out-of-plane magnetic fields, the effects of in-plane magnetic fields have received comparatively little attention.
“Genesis” can compress training times from decades into hours using 3D worlds conjured from text.
The 2024 solar eclipse across North America spurred numerous NASA-supported research projects that observed the eclipse’s impact on the sun’s corona, Earth’s atmosphere, and radio communications.
Significant data were gathered from ground-based telescopes, aircraft, amateur radio transmissions, and student-launched high-altitude balloons.
Sweeping solar eclipse across north america.
An open-source database made by MIT engineers houses over 8,000 aerodynamic car designs and could train future AI models to design EVs in the future.
It has been widely acknowledged that self-replicating space-probes (SRPs) could explore the galaxy very quickly relative to the age of the galaxy. An obvious implication is that SRPs produced by extraterrestrial civilizations should have arrived in our solar system millions of years ago, and furthermore, that new probes from an ever-arising supply of civilizations ought to be arriving on a constant basis. The lack of observations of such probes underlies a frequently cited variation of the Fermi Paradox. We believe that a predilection for ETI-optimistic theories has deterred consideration of incompatible theories. Notably, SRPs have virtually disappeared from the literature. In this paper, we consider the most common arguments against SRPs and find those arguments lacking. By extension, we find recent models of galactic exploration which explicitly exclude SRPs to be unfairly handicapped and unlikely to represent natural scenarios.
We also consider several other models that seek to explain the Fermi Paradox, most notably percolation theory and two societal-collapse theories. In the former case, we find that it imposes unnatural assumptions which likely render it unrealistic. In the latter case, we present a new theory of interstellar transportation bandwidth which calls into question the validity of societal-collapse theories.
Finally, we offer our thoughts on how to design future SETI programs which take the conclusions of this paper into account to maximize the chance of detection.
Fermi Paradox paper on Arxiv
Von Neumann Self-Replicating Probes. Percolation Theory, Interstellar Societal Collapse, ETI May Still Exist in our Galaxy.
This paper was arranged in three parts. First, we introduced SRPs, presented the prevalent arguments against them, and showed that such arguments leave room for future SRP consideration. Namely, we proposed that recent literature has been overzealous in its exclusion of SRPs and we encourage their return to the field.
Second, we presented percolation theory and its nonsociological explanation for the Fermi Paradox. We then showed that the theory can be extended in very reasonable ways which.
undermine its primary conclusion that galactic expansion might.
be intrinsically bounded.
Third, we reviewed two theories of interstellar societal collapse and showed a few counter-arguments to each theory. Furthermore, we introduced ITB theory and showed that its implications might suggest a fundamental error in such theories.
We then discussed one additional paper theorizing that interstellar societies shrink back to their homeworlds and explained that the model involves a number of unlikely assumptions. Following this final analysis, we described the best theory yet oered on the Fermi Paradox which permits intragalactic ETI, namely that exploration probes may currently reside in our solar system, yet undiscovered. Lastly, we offered our thoughts on how to design future SETI programs so as to maximize the likelihood of success.