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A new story from Inverse with a quote I gave:…nd-listens #future

People can save lives when they speak the same language.

Technology has advanced such that we can instantaneously communicate with people in the farthest reaches of the world without breaking a sweat. Furthermore, we can do so in their own languages without even a single credit hour of exploratory language class. When language tools like Google Translate and Yandex. Translate meet communication apps like Skype and Telegram, the world shrinks in the best way.

Dan Simonson, a computational linguist and Ph.D. candidate at Georgetown University, endorses such language technology as a force for good, and it’s not just because he recently had to find the bathroom while visiting Beijing as a novice Mandarin speaker. “Humanitarian relief efforts are often executed by enlisted soldiers who have neither the time nor the resources to learn the language of where they are assigned to provide relief,” he says. “For these people to have access to even poor translation tools in low-resource languages — ones for which there isn’t a lot of data available to create translation tools — could immediately improve the efficiency of such relief efforts, saving thousands of lives as a result.”

Futurist ideas suggest we’ll see nothing less than a technological facsimile of the Babel fish from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. This is a living creature from Douglas Adams’ classic sci-fi comedy romp that, when shoved into your ear canal, listens to everything around you and whispers a perfect translation to you in your native language. On a long enough timeline, those with a transhumanist bent say we’ll have electronic Babel fish of our own permanently implanted in our bodies.

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Recent evidence suggests that a variety of organisms may harness some of the unique features of quantum mechanics to gain a biological advantage. These features go beyond trivial quantum effects and may include harnessing quantum coherence on physiologically important timescales.

Quantum Biology — Quantum Mind Theory

This story starts with a review on a new book on the future and transhumanism. This was out in print of Vice Mag:…tems-v24n1 #transhumanism

In this month’s issue of VICE magazine, we review the best VR headsets, Mark O’Connell’s new book on transhumanism, and a new startup working to get digital art on your walls.

This story appeared in the February Issue of VICE magazine. Click HERE to subscribe.

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No other metric of the state of #transhumanism (or science) says more than a healthy technology stock market. Complain all you want, but the smart money knows what’s happening. And smart money begets innovation—and innovation improves lives. Also, Obama in his 2nd term was a poor ad seller for media—it’s because he was stable and offered few surprises. However Trump (and his dramatic actions) might save and transform the entire media industry, as press bash and explore him relentlessly (and make a fortune in ads doing so as liberals and conservatives eat it up and fight over it all). However, always remember, media companies, whether they’re liberal or conservative, do not exist to serve you and deliver news, but to sell ads to shareholders (like Facebook too which is also near an all time high in stock price) so they can get richer. Media companies that were once struggling are doing better now. I’m not taking sides on any of these issues…I’m just reminding you of a few simple truths on how the world works. Have a nice day!

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Here’s a Harpers review on a new book about #transhumanism coming out soon that discusses the movement, including some of my work. I saw this review in the print edition today (150,000 copies hitting the stands today and 2nd oldest mag in America).

George Saunders is the most humane American writer working today. He need not ask, as Sheila Heti did in the title of her novel, how a person should be. He knows. A person should be courageous and hopeful, generous and kind. A person should sacrifice herself for the good of those who are more vulnerable. A person should live in the knowledge that life is suffering, and that the most, or least, she can do is attempt to ameliorate the suffering of others. And — this is where it gets interesting — a story should be as compassionate as a person. “A story’s positive virtues are not different from the positive virtues of its writer,” Saunders noted in an essay called “My Writing Education.” “A story should be honest, direct, loving, restrained.”

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I’m aware of a number of the world’s most important publications soon to be covering it. As a result, I encourage all of you that are in leadership and public positions to temper your political perspectives and posts in social media (whatever side they fall on), and instead to focus on pushing life extension and transhumanist themes forward. We should strive to show that we are united by our aims and love of radical science and technology, and not divided by politics. If pursued correctly, #transhumanism can grow into a multi-billion person movement that will ensure global prosperity, protect liberties, and eliminate biological death and most suffering of humanity. Thanks for considering this! And please let others know. #future

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I was able to demonstrate the Bebionic and its components while also hooking one of the students up to our small hand so they could get a taste of what it’s like to Bebionic. I also had the chance to demonstrate and speak on the importance of fitting patients with an ETD such as my Motion Control, Inc. from Fillauer to accompany the Bebion…ic hand.

We got to talk about the basic components of a myoelectric prosthesis as well as some of the advanced systems such as the Coapt Direct Control and Morph system from Infinite Biomedical Technologies, LLC. With all of the major advances in upper limb prosthetics in recent times it’s great to be part of this technology.

A big thanks to Wendy the program director and faculty for having me visit your program and for making me feel welcome. You have an amazing facility. I will be looking forward to revisiting the program this fall. Steeper Group Steeper USA.

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