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A robot has built a prototype launch-and-landing pad in Hawaii, potentially helping pave the way for automated construction projects on the moon and Mars.

The robotic rover, named Helelani, assembled the pad on Hawaii’s Big Island late last year, putting together 100 pavers made of locally available material in an effort to prove out technology that could do similar work in space.

“The construction project is really unique. Instead of concrete for the landing pad, we’re using lunar and Mars material, which is exactly like the material we have here on the Big Island — basalt,” Rob Kelso, executive director of the Pacific International Space Center for Exploration (PISCES) in Hawaii, told Hawaiian news outlet Big Island Now. PISCES partnered with NASA on the project, which is part of a larger program called Additive Construction with Mobile Emplacement, or ACME for short. [The Boldest Mars Missions in History].

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Dark matter could be made of particles that each weigh almost as much as a human cell and are nearly dense enough to become miniature black holes, new research suggests.

While dark matter is thought to make up five-sixths of all matter in the universe, scientists don’t know what this strange stuff is made of. True to its name, dark matter is invisible — it does not emit, reflect or even block light. As a result, dark matter can currently be studied only through its gravitational effects on normal matter. The nature of dark matter is currently one of the greatest mysteries in science.

If dark matter is made of such superheavy particles, astronomers could detect evidence of them in the afterglow of the Big Bang, the authors of a new research study said. [Dark Matter Explained (Infographic)].

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(NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA) Ceres’ unusually bright spots.

Nestled 250 million miles from Earth, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, is the largest object in the asteroid belt: Ceres.

It’s home to some of the most puzzling features ever observed in our solar system, including a giant pyramid that dwarfs many mountains on Earth and several dazzling bright spots inside a 50-mile-wide crater.

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“One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

When Neil Armstrong stepped onto the dusty surface of the moon on July 20, 1969, it was a victory for NASA and a victory for science.

Backed by billions and led by NASA, the Apollo project is hardly the only government-organized science initiative to change the world. Two decades earlier, the Manhattan Project produced the first atomic bomb and restructured modern warfare; three decades later, the Human Genome Project published the blueprint to our DNA, heralding the dawn of population genomics and personalized medicine.

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On January 20th, 2016, researchers Konstantin Batygin and Michael E. Brown of Caltech announced that they had found evidence that hinted at the existence of a massive planet at the edge of the Solar System. Based on mathematical modeling and computer simulations, they predicted that this planet would be a super-Earth, two to four times Earth’s size and 10 times as massive. They also estimated that, given its distance and highly elliptical orbit, it would take 10,000 – 20,000 years to orbit the Sun.

Since that time, many researchers have responded with their own studies about the possible existence of this mysterious “Planet 9”. One of the latest comes from the University of Arizona, where a research team from the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory have indicated that the extreme eccentricity of distant Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) might indicate that they crossed paths with a massive planet in the past.

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This is all the best games from every year 1952–2015.
Here is the list:

1952: Nimrod Computer Game
1958: Tennis For Two
1971: Computer Space
1972: Pong
1973: Space Race
1974: Clean Sweep
1975: Anti-Ai
1976: Blockade
1977: Indy 500
1978: Sea Wolf 2
1979: Crash
1980: Pac-Man
1981: Ms. Pacman
1982: Paratrooper
1983: Super Gridder
1983: Hunchback
1984: Sokoban
1985: Super Mario Bros
1986: Outrun
1987: Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards.
1988: Super Mario Bros 3
1989: Xenon 2
1990: Prince Of Persia
1991: Prehistorik
1992: Wolfenstein 3D
1993: Day of the Tentacle
1994: The Lion King
1995: Command & Conquer
1996: Tomb Raider
1997: Gta
1998: Half Life
1999: Quake 3
2000: Max Payne
2001: Gta 3
2002: Serious Sam: The First Encounter
2003: Medal Of Honor Allied Assault
2004: Half Life 2
2005: World Of Warcraft
2006: Need For Speed Most Wanted
2007: Crysis
2008: Assassin’s Creed
2009: Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2
2010: Red Dead Redemption
2011: World Of Tanks
2012: Battlefield 3
2013: Gta 5
2014: Wolfenstein The New Order
2015: Tom Clancy’s The Division

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