Calling all UX Designers, Developers and tech Creatives to join us at this years NASA #SpaceApps Event: Virtually or in person to solve earth science & climate change challenges :
Space Apps 2017.
Posted in climatology, space, sustainability
Calling all UX Designers, Developers and tech Creatives to join us at this years NASA #SpaceApps Event: Virtually or in person to solve earth science & climate change challenges :
Space Apps 2017.
The Middle East has an outsize impact on energy here on Earth. One analyst thinks some regional powerhouses may leverage that role into the development of natural resources in space.
Countries like the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia are developing space programs and investing in nascent private space commodity initiatives, said Tom James, a partner at energy consultant Navitas Resources. Doing so could give them a foothold in building extraterrestrial reserves of water — a substance likely to fuel travel within space — and other resources that could be used for in-space manufacturing.
The “outside the universe” question gets tricky right off the bat, because first you have to define the universe. One common answer is called the observable universe, and it’s defined by the speed of light. Since we can only see things when the light they emit or reflect reaches us, we can never see farther than the farthest distance light can travel in the time the universe has existed. That means the observable universe keeps getting bigger, but it is finite – the amount is sometimes referred to as the Hubble Volume, after the telescope that has given us our most distant views of the universe. We’ll never be able to see beyond that boundary, so for all intents and purposes, it’s the only universe we’ll ever interact with.
Conceptual artist Efflam Mercier, who has previously created images of an AI interstellar probe has now created images of ChipSats, a new class of space system that has the size of a fingernail and a mass of less than 10g (atto-sat class). i4is has started developing a ChipSat in the context of Project Glowworm.
“Over the last few months, Thomas Pesquet has been able to bring Space into thousands of households, especially their younger members.”
If President Trump wants to truly lead the United States and world into the exploration and settlement of the solar system, he needs to do something different and game-changing.
Posted in space
Last October we started recruiting regional coordinators. These are individuals, organisations and groups of people who coordinate Asteroid Day activities in their own regions. As of today (April 16, 2017) we have over 187 coordinators across 114 countries. That is a fantastic achievement and I am very proud of the work these coordinators do every day. We have a dedicated email group and we meet once a week via teleconference to keep each other updated.
There are still quite a few regions where we need coordinators. Below is a list. If you are interested in this position or know someone who would be perfect for this role then please send an email to [email protected].
HERE is our Coordinator Guide which details the work our coordinators do.