

Archive for the ‘space’ category: Page 589

Jul 16, 2020

Elon Musk Teases “Indoor/Outdoor Rave Space” on Berlin Tesla Factory Roof

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, space, sustainability

The concept isn’t entirely new. In March, Musk posted a poll on Twitter asking his gigantic following if they were interested in a “mega rave cave” below Giga Berlin. 90.2 percent responded with the option “hell yes!”

Musk has plenty of reasons to celebrate. His car company’s valuation sky-rocketed to a high of $1,760 on Monday as tens of thousands of new investors were pouring in from online brokerage Robinhood. The rocketing valuation also sets Musk up for yet another massive $1.8 billion payday.

At the same time, the construction of the manufacturing plant has hit several setbacks, with environmental protests concerning deforestation and worries over drinking water supplies leading to a German court ordering Tesla to cease construction, but lifting the freeze several weeks later.

Jul 16, 2020

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope on Facebook Watch

Posted by in category: space

#HubbleClassic On January 19, 2015, Hubble captured a global map of Jupiter. This video was made from the observations.

Today, Jupiter is at opposition, meaning it shines in our sky all night long and is the closest to Earth that it’ll be all year.

#NASA #Hubble #classic #jupiter #planet #video #solarsystem #astronomy #space #science

Jul 16, 2020

Planet Parade: All The Planets Are Now Visible In The Night Sky And Here Is How To Watch Them

Posted by in categories: quantum physics, space

Admin and Founder of The Secrets of the Universe and former intern at Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, I am a science student pursuing Master’s in Physics from India. I love to study and write about Stellar Astrophysics, Relativity & Quantum Mechanics.


Jul 16, 2020

NASA helicopter ‘Ingenuity’ will be ‘first aircraft on Mars’

Posted by in category: space


NASA is sending a small helicopter called Ingenuity with the Perseverance rover to Mars. It will be the first aircraft to fly in Mars if all goes well. [NASA has built a helicopter to explore Mars and it’s finally ready to launch](

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Jul 15, 2020

Episode 1: Driving The Telescope (Hubble – Eye in the Sky miniseries)

Posted by in category: space

The first episode of “Hubble – Eye in the Sky” is here! 🎥

Have you ever wondered how a telescope in space is operated from down on Earth? Welcome to the Hubble control center. Find out how extraordinarily detailed observations are made with an orbiting space telescope, and get a look at Hubble’s on-the-ground replica that engineers and scientists use down here to fix problems up there.

For more on this video series, visit

Jul 15, 2020

Twisting magnetic fields for extreme plasma compression

Posted by in categories: nuclear energy, particle physics, quantum physics, space

A new spin on the magnetic compression of plasmas could improve materials science, nuclear fusion research, X-ray generation and laboratory astrophysics, research led by the University of Michigan suggests.

The study shows that a spring-shaped magnetic field reduces the amount of plasma that slips out between the .

Known as the fourth state of matter, plasma is a gas so hot that electrons rip free of their atoms. Researchers use magnetic compression to study extreme plasma states in which the density is high enough for quantum mechanical effects to become important. Such states occur naturally inside stars and gas giant planets due to compression from gravity.

Jul 14, 2020

The moon is 85 million years younger than previously thought

Posted by in category: space

It turns out the moon is a little younger than scientists previously thought — about 85 million years younger, to be precise.

Jul 14, 2020

NASA’S Ingenuity Mars Helicopter: The First Aircraft on Mars

Posted by in categories: innovation, space

When NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover launches to the Red Planet, an innovative experiment will ride along: the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter — the first aircraft to attempt controlled flight on another planet.

Get up to speed with these key facts about its plans:…helicopter #CountdownToMars

Jul 14, 2020

A Giant ‘Wall’ of Galaxies Has Been Found Stretching Across The Universe

Posted by in category: space

The Universe isn’t just a random scattering of galaxies sprinkled throughout an expanding void. The closer we look, the more we see that there are structures — some of which are incomprehensibly vast groupings and clusters of galaxies that are gravitationally bound together.

Such a structure has just been discovered arcing across the southern edge of the sky, and it’s a colossus, spanning an immense 1.37 billion light-years from end to end. Its discoverers have named it the South Pole Wall.

Continue reading “A Giant ‘Wall’ of Galaxies Has Been Found Stretching Across The Universe” »

Jul 14, 2020

Scientists see ‘incredibly fast and faint’ afterglow coming from deep in space

Posted by in categories: futurism, space

“We believe we are uncovering the tip of the iceberg in terms of distant SGRBs,” said Kerry Paterson, the study’s first author. “That motivates us to further study past events and intensely examine future ones.”