

Archive for the ‘space’ category: Page 286

Oct 13, 2022

Scientists recreate Neptune’s ‘diamonds rain’ conditions on Earth

Posted by in category: space

Greg Stewart/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.

This idea was previously hypothesized, and an earlier study by the same researchers showed the actual formation of a diamond rain during an experiment that approximated the conditions inside the faraway planets. Now, the scientists improved upon their findings in a new experiment that created conditions approximating the conditions on Neptune and Uranus even more closely.

Oct 13, 2022

NASA’s go-to exoplanet hunter enters safe mode, halting observations

Posted by in categories: space, sustainability

NASA’s extra-solar planet hunter is pausing observations.

NASA’s extrasolar planet hunter TESS is pausing observations while it works to recover and go back to finding distant worlds.

Oct 13, 2022

The world’s first space tourist will now also ride Starship around the Moon and back

Posted by in categories: internet, space

Starship could launch to orbit for the first time next month.

Entrepreneur Dennis Tito was the first-ever space tourist when he paid to fly aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket to the International Space Station (ISS) back in 2001.

Those missions will be a precursor to Starship’s eventual crewed missions to Mars, which will be partly funded by SpaceX’s space tourism launches and its Starlink internet service.

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Oct 13, 2022

The world’s largest digital camera will capture a dust particle on the Moon

Posted by in categories: particle physics, space

All its mechanical components are now together for the first time.

Good news! The largest digital camera in the world is nearly ready to be mounted on its telescope. At the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, technicians are finishing up the largest digital camera in the world. The camera will be shipped to Chile and mounted on a telescope located in the Andes. The project was started a couple of years ago.

Even though the camera isn’t finished yet, all of its mechanical parts have now, for the first time, been assembled into a visually appealing framework.

Continue reading “The world’s largest digital camera will capture a dust particle on the Moon” »

Oct 13, 2022

Largest-ever map of 56,000 galaxies is demystifying the universe’s expansion

Posted by in category: space

A new map of 56,000 galaxies has helped researchers estimate the size and expansion rate of the universe with more precision than ever.

Oct 13, 2022

Planetary Defense Test Run a Success States NASA

Posted by in category: space

NASA’s planetary defence test has been successful in showing it can alter the trajectory of a rock heading toward Earth.

Technology proves that a projectile launched from Earth could redirect the orbit of a space rock on a collision course with Earth.

Oct 13, 2022

DART’s Smashing Success Shows Humanity Can Divert Asteroids

Posted by in category: space

NASA confirms that its DART spacecraft nudged the asteroid Dimorphos into a new orbit.

Oct 12, 2022

Spacecraft Crash Slows Down Asteroid Orbit by 32 Minutes

Posted by in category: space

NASA has confirmed that its DART spacecraft has altered the trajectory of the asteroid that it crashed into two weeks ago, demonstrating the potential of this tool for planetary defense.

Oct 12, 2022

Startling Webb Telescope image may reveal an elusive source of stars and planets

Posted by in category: space

“I was amazed. Although they resemble rings in the image, the true 3D geometry of those semi-circular features is better described as a shell”

In a fresh image released by the Webb Telescope team on October 12, one can see 17 strangely perfect light rings around star binary WR 140 emanating into the darkness of deep space.

Oct 12, 2022

NASA says its space tech could cut electric car charging times to 5 minutes or less

Posted by in categories: space, sustainability

Experimental technology used to cool equipment in space might soon be able to cut the charging times of electric vehicles to five minutes or less, American space agency NASA said this week.

The federal space agency-funded technology, in partnership with Purdue University, says the research they’re planning for future space missions shows its tech could charge an electric car within minutes instead of hours, according to an Oct. 5 blog by NASA.

Using a technique known as “subcooled flow boiling,” the tech could boost the amount of electrical current EV chargers by roughly 1,400 amps, nearly five times the rate of up to 520 amps currently supplied to EVs, NASA said.

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