

Archive for the ‘space’ category: Page 284

Oct 17, 2022

Former NASA astronaut Jim McDivitt, who led Gemini and Apollo missions, dies at 93

Posted by in category: space

Jim McDivitt, an astronaut who played a key role in making America’s first spacewalk and moon landing possible, has died. He was 93.

NASA confirmed his death to NPR on Monday, adding that he was surrounded by family and friends when he died on Thursday.

Known for being a courageous test pilot and dedicated leader, McDivitt commanded two of the most crucial flights in the early space race — Gemini 4 and Apollo 9.

Oct 17, 2022

NASA Space Tech Could Give Us 5-Minute Electric Car Charging Times

Posted by in categories: biological, space, sustainability

Thanks to NASA, the world may soon have access to chargers that can top off an EV in as little as five minutes. One of the biggest obstacles to fast charging is dealing with temperature. According to NASA, for an EV to be charged in five minutes, the charger must deliver an electric current of 1,400 amperes. For reference, the fastest chargers currently available max out at around 520 amperes. More amperes equals more heat. A lot more heat. Companies and research organizations are pursuing solutions to the problem; Ford and Purdue University, for example, are exploring liquid-cooled charging cables.

A team sponsored by NASA’s Biological and Physical Sciences Division is working on technology that could provide another solution needed for ultra fast EV charging. The technology has been developed for use in space, in which massive temperature differentials require massive heat transfer capabilities. An experiment to prove the new tech, the Flow Boiling and Condensation Experiment (FBCE), was installed on the International Space Station and is providing data that NASA will use to determine if the system will provide the claimed orders-of-magnitude benefits in heat transfer efficiency.

We’re definitely not NASA-level engineers but we will try to explain the FBCE the best we can. The FBCE is made up of several modules; one of which is called a “Flow Boiling Module” (FBM). When cooling liquid inside the FBM begins to boil, the bubbles formed draw liquid from the inner part of the flow channel to its walls. The process “efficiently transfers heat by taking advantage of both the liquid’s lower temperature and the ensuing change of phase from liquid to vapor.” The technique has been dubbed “subcooled flow boiling.”

Oct 17, 2022

Astronomers have a cataclysmic new theory to explain Uranus’ tilt

Posted by in category: space

It may have all started with a moon.

So it is not very likely that random minor impacts caused one planet to almost 70 degrees more than the other while not affecting their spin rates.

Similar spin rates point to much “smoother” processes that took place over eons but dramatically affected the properties of the two gas giants.

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Oct 17, 2022

Dall-E2 Enters the Microsoft Space: This Design App is the Proof

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, space

AI image generator Dall-E2 is about to find a new host. Microsoft will integrate the AI-based image generator with Microsoft Designer, a video-making tool to be available within the Microsoft Office suite. Till recently, Dall-E2 which is looked down upon as an app meant for only playing around with text prompts will be a part of Microsoft’s AI graphic design app. Designers and video makers who find it difficult to search for unique images can now leverage Microsoft’s Designer app to compose videos with imagery of their choice. Microsoft’s venture is seen as a step toward competing with design major Canva, which boasts more than 100 million active users. During the Ignite Conference held recently, Microsoft announced that it would integrate Dall-E 2 into the yet-to-be-released Designer app as well as existing Bing and Edge.

Oct 17, 2022

NASA detects the most powerful cosmic gamma-ray burst ever discovered

Posted by in category: space

On Sunday, October 9th, astronomers around the world were privy to an unusually bright and long-lasting pulse of high-energy radiation that swept over Earth, according to a NASA statement published on Thursday. The source of the event was a gamma-ray burst (GRB), one of the most luminous events ever known.

Oct 17, 2022

Incredible Recent Discoveries in Antarctica!

Posted by in category: space

The Moon rotates around the Earth at about the same speed, as it does around its axis, that’s why we can only see one side of it. It means that 41% of its surface hasn’t been explored yet! This fact surprises many people, as we are used to thinking that we know everything about all things in the world. While even our own planet remains a mystery to us.

Oct 16, 2022

Astronomers Think They Have a Warning Sign for When Massive Stars are About to Explode as Supernovae

Posted by in category: space

Red supergiant stars are explosions waiting to happen. They are in the last stage of their life, red and swollen as they fuse heavier elements in…

Oct 16, 2022

NASA’s asteroid scout zips past Earth today on 1st launch anniversary

Posted by in category: space

A deep-space mission is celebrating the first anniversary of its launch from Earth by zipping closer to the planet than the International Space Station’s orbit.

NASA’s Lucy mission launched on Oct. 16, 2021, bound on a 12-year journey to explore the Trojan asteroids, which no spacecraft has ever visited. These asteroids are found at the same distance from the sun as Jupiter, with one phalanx orbiting ahead of the planet and one behind it. All told, Lucy will whiz past nine different asteroids.

Oct 16, 2022

The Moon has been trying to escape Earth for aeons, new research suggests

Posted by in category: space

If we take the Moon’s current rate of recession and project it back in time, we end up with a collision between the Earth and the Moon around 1.5 billion years ago. However, the Moon was formed around 4.5 billion years ago, meaning that the current recession rate is a poor guide for the past.

Along with our fellow researchers from Utrecht University and the University of Geneva, we have been using a combination of techniques to try and gain information on our solar system’s distant past.

We recently discovered the perfect place to uncover the long-term history of our receding Moon. And it’s not from studying the Moon itself, but from reading signals in ancient layers of rock on Earth.

Oct 16, 2022

New Discovery Indicates an Alternative Gravity Theory

Posted by in categories: innovation, space

Dwarf galaxies are small, faint galaxies that are often found in or close to bigger galaxies or galaxy clusters. As a result, they could be impacted by their larger companions’ gravitational effects.

“We introduce an innovative way of testing the standard model based on how much dwarf galaxies are disturbed by gravitational tides’ from nearby larger galaxies,” said Elena Asencio, a Ph.D. student at the University of Bonn and the lead author of the story.

Tides occur when gravity from one body pulls on various areas of another body differently. These are comparable to tides on Earth, which form when the moon exerts a stronger pull on the side of the Earth that faces the moon.

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