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Join Big Think Edge, to gain access to a world-class learning platform focused on building the soft skills essential to 21st century success. It features insight from many of the most celebrated and intelligent individuals in the world today. Topics on the platform are focused on: emotional intelligence, digital fluency, health and wellness, critical thinking, creativity, communication, career development, lifelong learning, management, problem solving & self-motivation.

Topics include the prospects of technological acceleration, Metaverse development and immersive computing, transcendence and cybernetic immortality, neurotechnologies and mind uploading, outer and inner space exploration, Global Mind and phase transition of humanity, physics of time and information, consciousness, evolutionary cybernetics, Chrysalis conjecture and Transcension hypothesis, Artificial General Intelligence and cyberhumanity, transhumanism and singularity, Fermi Paradox, Omega Point cosmology, Cybernetic Theory of Mind, and more.…x-vikoulov #Metaverse #Singularity #Transhumanism #Transcension #Futurism #Cybernetics #SyntellectHypothesis #AlexVikoulov

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The Lifeboat Foundation is a nonprofit nongovernmental organization dedicated to encouraging scientific advancements while helping humanity survive existential risks and possible misuse of increasingly powerful technologies, including genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and robotics/AI, as we move towards the Singularity.

Lifeboat Foundation is pursuing a variety of options, including helping to accelerate the development of technologies to defend humanity, such as new methods to combat viruses, effective nanotechnological defensive strategies, and even self-sustaining space colonies in case the other defensive strategies fail.

We believe that, in some situations, it might be feasible to relinquish technological capacity in the public interest (for example, we are against the U.S. government posting the recipe for the 1918 flu virus on the internet). We have some of the best minds on the planet working on programs to enable our survival. We invite you to join our cause!

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Interact with the author of “The Human Race to the Future: What Could Happen—and What to Do” at

This video covers the world in 2060 and its future technologies. Watch this next video about the world in 2070:
► BlockFi: Get Up To $250 In Bitcoin:
► Jarvis AI: Write 5x Faster With Artificial Intelligence:
► M1 Finance: Open A Roth IRA And Get Up To $500:
► Udacity: 75% Off All Courses (Biggest Discount Ever):
► Business Ideas Academy: Start A Business You Love:

• The Future of Humanity (Michio Kaku):
• The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (Ray Kurzweil):
• Physics of the Future (Michio Kaku):

Future Technologies:
Technology Trends:
Business Tech:
Business Innovation Tutorials:
Business Strategy Tutorials:

💡 On this channel, I explain the following concepts:
• Future and emerging technologies.
• Future and emerging trends related to technology.
• The connection between Science Fiction concepts and reality.



This video covers the world in 2070 and its future technologies. Watch this next video about the world in 2050:
► BlockFi: Get Up To $250 In Bitcoin:
► Jarvis AI: Write 5x Faster With Artificial Intelligence:
► M1 Finance: Open A Roth IRA And Get Up To $500:
► Udacity: 75% Off All Courses (Biggest Discount Ever):
► Business Ideas Academy: Start A Business You Love:

• The Future of Humanity (Michio Kaku):
• The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (Ray Kurzweil):
• Physics of the Future (Michio Kaku):

Future Technologies:
Technology Trends:
Business Tech:
Business Innovation Tutorials:
Business Strategy Tutorials:

💡 On this channel, I explain the following concepts:
• Future and emerging technologies.
• Future and emerging trends related to technology.
• The connection between Science Fiction concepts and reality.



Peter Diamandis, Chairman and Co-Founder of Singularity University, discusses the best way to predict the future, and shares his personal philosophies on innovation and the commercial space industry. Flimed at Singularity University’s Executive Program, March 2010.


Connect with Singularity University:
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About Singularity University:
Singularity University is a benefit corporation headquartered at NASA’s research campus in Silicon Valley. We provide educational programs, innovative partnerships and a startup accelerator to help individuals, businesses, institutions, investors, NGOs and governments understand cutting-edge technologies, and how to utilize these technologies to positively impact billions of people.

Peter Diamandis — The best way to predict the future | Singularity University.

Google has been developing what is perhaps the company’s most ambitious project to date: a science startup that will pursue ‘solutions for aging’ with the intended goal of “solving death”.

Calico, a company directed by futurists to explore the concept of “singularity”, has partnered with pharmaceutical giants to research and trial new market drugs that target aging and development.

What is this new audacious project? Who is behind it? In the following feature, Ethan Nash explores.

JWST operating temperature is less than 50 degrees above absolute zero (−223° C or-370° F) and will be the largest telescope ever placed at that cold temperature (50 Kelvin).

Webb will be able to see what the universe looked like around a quarter of a billion years (possibly back to 100 million years) after the #BigBang, when the first stars and galaxies started to form. JWST will change our view of the cosmos by taking Baby Pictures of #Universe, looking back to big bang.

#JWST is going to be like “Magic spectacles” that allow you to see things that you can’t normally see.
which is the pictures of the infant universe.

#Absolute nature of reality is like an elephant in parable which blind men are not able to understand from their partial experience as current technology and study says that laws of physics are forbidden at extreme limits of absolutes. As at #absoluteZero temperature halts any motion even photon hence zero #SpeedOfLight, on the other hand absolute high temperature at the dawn of the time near big bang twists the space. The answers to the absolute truth lie at these limits of #absolutes.

Going into #fundamental has its immense significance of getting benefits of #absolutism to unravel the mysteries of the universe.

Science Philosophy Singularity.

COUNTDOWN TO RELEASE: Here comes the next and final installment in The Cybernetic Theory of Mind series ― The Omega Singularity: Universal Mind & The Fractal Multiverse ― which is now available to pre-order as a Kindle eBook on Amazon. In this final book of the series, we discuss a number of perspectives on quantum cosmology, computational physics, theosophy and eschatology. How could dimensionality be transcended yet again? What is the fractal multiverse? What is the ultimate destiny of our universe? Why does it matter to us? What is the Omega Singularity? These are some of the questions addressed in this concluding volume of my eBook series.

#OmegaSingularity #UniversalMind #FractalMultiverse #CyberneticTheoryofMind #EvolutionaryCybernetics #PhilosophyofMind #QuantumCosmology #ComputationalPhysics #futurism #posthumanism #cybernetics #cosmology #physics #philosophy #theosophy #consciousness #ontology #eschatology

This final book V of The Cybernetic Theory of Mind series is an admittedly highly speculative theoretical work where we’ll be testing the limits of our imagination envisioning the prospects of our distant future and the deepest secrets of hyperreality. In our fractal, computational Omniverse (all multiversal structure combined, all that is) one may assume that an infinitely large number of civilizational minds, syntellects, have followed or will follow a path, similar to ours, in their evolutionary processes. At the highest level of existence and perceptual experience, that we can rightfully call ‘Dimensionality of Hypermind’, universal minds would form some sort of multiversal network of minds, layer after layer seemingly ad infinitum.

The Cybernetic Theory of Mind series is a collection of books by evolutionary cyberneticist and philosopher Alex M. Vikoulov on the ultimate nature of reality, consciousness, the physics of time, computational physics, philosophy of mind, foundations of quantum physics, the technological singularity, transhumanism, posthumanism, the impending phase transition of humanity, the simulation hypothesis, economic theory, the extended Gaia theory, transcendental metaphysics and God. If you’re eager to familiarize with probably the most advanced ontological framework to date or if you’re already familiar with the Syntellect Hypothesis which, with this series, is now presented to you as the full-fledged Cybernetic Theory of Mind, you should get this book five of the series which corresponds to Part V of The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind’s Evolution.

Many of these systems are kept out of equilibrium because individual constituents have their own power source — ATP for cells, gas for cars. But all these extra energy sources and mismatched reactions make for a complex dynamical system beyond the reach of statistical mechanics. How can we analyze phases in such ever-changing systems?

Vitelli and his colleagues see an answer in mathematical objects called exceptional points. Generally, an exceptional point in a system is a singularity, a spot where two or more characteristic properties become indistinguishable and mathematically collapse into one. At an exceptional point, the mathematical behavior of a system differs dramatically from its behavior at nearby points, and exceptional points often describe curious phenomena in systems — like lasers — in which energy is gained and lost continuously.

Now the team has found that these exceptional points also control phase transitions in nonreciprocal systems. Exceptional points aren’t new; physicists and mathematicians have studied them for decades in a variety of settings. But they’ve never been associated so generally with this type of phase transition. “That’s what no one has thought about before, using these in the context of nonequilibrium systems,” said the physicist Cynthia Reichhardt of Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. “So you can bring all the machinery that we already have about exceptional points to study these systems.”