

Archive for the ‘science’ category: Page 88

Mar 16, 2019

Trump’s Plan To Destroy NASA Science Laid Bare In FY2020 Budget

Posted by in categories: education, government, law, science

One of the perks of being President of the United States of America is that you get to submit your budget recommendations to the US Congress before any decisions are made. While it’s up to Congress to make the budget and the President to sign it into law, the recommendations for the next fiscal year are where the administration gets to set their agenda and announce to the world the direction it wants to go in.

Last year, the…e-science/” target=”_self” data-ga-track=” InternalLink:…e-science/”>Trump administration proposed cutting a number of Earth Science missions, ending NASA Astrophysics’ flagship mission for the 2020s, WFIRST, and eliminating NASA’s Office of Education. Then-acting administrator Robert Lightfoot…t-proposal” target=”_blank” rel=” nofollow noopener noreferrer” data-ga-track=” ExternalLink:…t-proposal”>put out a statement mentioning hard choices and an inability to do everything with a limited budget, but Congress overturned these cuts and restored funding for these programs. This year, the assault is even worse, and has a better chance of succeeding. Here’s why.

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Mar 16, 2019

Who Will Science The Scientists?

Posted by in categories: neuroscience, science

The questions that kids ask about science aren’t always easy to answer. Sometimes, their little brains can lead to big places that adults forget to explore. That is what inspired our series Science Question From A Toddler, which uses kids’ curiosity as a jumping-off point to investigate the scientific wonders that adults don’t even think to ask about. The answers are for adults, but they wouldn’t be possible without the wonder that only a child can bring. I want the toddlers in your life to be a part of it! Send me their science questions, and they may serve as the inspiration for a column. And now, our toddler …

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Mar 14, 2019

Add 15 healthy years to the lives of 1 million people — — Tassilo Weber — Ira Pastor — IdeaXme

Posted by in categories: aging, biotech/medical, business, computing, DNA, genetics, health, life extension, science, transhumanism

Mar 13, 2019

10 Space Science Stories

Posted by in categories: physics, science, space travel

Humanity will get its first good look at Ceres and Pluto, giving us science writers some new pics to use instead of the same half dozen blurry dots and artist’s conceptions. SpaceX will also attempt a daring landing on a sea platform, and long duration missions aboard the International Space Station will get underway. And key technology headed to space and on Earth may lead the way to opening up the window of gravitational wave astronomy on the universe. Here’s 10 sure-fire bets to watch for in the coming year from Universe Today:

1. LISA Pathfinder

A precursor to a full-fledged gravitational wave detector in space, LISA Pathfinder will be launching atop a Vega rocket from Kourou, French Guiana in July 2015. LISA stands for the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, and the Pathfinder mission will journey to the L1 Lagrange point between the Earth and the Sun to test key technologies. LISA Pathfinder will pave the way for the full fledged LISA space platform, a series of three free flying spacecraft proposed for launch in the 2030s.

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Mar 12, 2019

When Science Journalism Becomes Dangerous

Posted by in category: science

As research is simplified to suit a mainstream audience, some things get lost in translation.

Science journalism in mainstream media tends to oversimplify, and sometimes distort, complex research. When this causes misunderstandings and a lack of personal responsibility, it’s a problem.

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Mar 11, 2019

Yaron Fuchs Awarded Sartorius & Science Prize

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, science

Yaron Fuchs is the 2018 grand prize winner of the Sartorius & Science Prize for Regenerative Medicine & Cell Therapy, for work that reveals a role for programmed stem cell death in wound healing and tissue regeneration. The findings, described in his prize-winning essay, “The therapeutic promise of apoptosis,” could potentially pave the way to novel regenerative medicine and tumor therapies that target stem cells undergoing apoptosis — a type of programmed cell death.

The 2018 grand prize winner revealed a role for programmed stem cell death in wound healing and tissue regeneration, and potentially in tumor therapies.

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Mar 10, 2019

Anti-Aging Research: Science, not Hype

Posted by in categories: life extension, science

You’re cordially invited to the 1st of a series of blog entries I’m writing on anti-aging research smile

A: “It’s a dynamic system that veers away from its homeostasis (normal equilibrium point): hence a form of slow-progressing illness. Labeling it as ‘natural’ is a surrender to our traditional state of ignorance and powerlessness, which fortunately are beginning to be changed!”

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Mar 8, 2019

10 Women in Science and Tech Who Should Be Household Names

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, science

From code breakers and proto-programmers to molecular biologists and AI leaders, their work has broken barriers and set the stage for the future.

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Mar 8, 2019

Women Who Changed Science: A New Lens On Inspiring Female Nobel Prize Winners

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, robotics/AI, science

As a passionate supporter of the advancement of women and recognition for their immense contributions to our world, I was thrilled to learn of a fascinating new initiative that launched today, in honor of International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month. This unique AI-powered web experience called” target=”_blank” rel=” nofollow noopener noreferrer” data-ga-track=” ExternalLink:”>Women Who Changed Science highlights the achievements of female Nobel Prize winners who broke new ground in physics, chemistry and medicine. Raising awareness of their tremendous impact, the initiative aims to empower the next generation of scientists.

Women Who Changed Science is an outgrowth of a new collaboration with Nobel Media and Microsoft and is one of Microsoft’s ongoing initiatives to build female inclusion and diversity in STEM fields. This new endeavor trains a lens on the inspiring journeys and contributions of female Nobel Prize winners who’ve significantly impacted our world for the better.

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Mar 6, 2019

Jennifer Doudna Is Pioneering the Science — and Ethics — of Gene Editing

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, ethics, science

The Berkeley biochemist helped discover a world-changing biotechnology.

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