

Archive for the ‘robotics/AI’ category: Page 1720

May 2, 2019

Ray Kurzweil: “AI Will Not Displace Humans, It’s Going to Enhance Us”

Posted by in categories: Ray Kurzweil, robotics/AI

Circa 2017

Do we really have nothing to fear?

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May 1, 2019

Team develops system to legally test GPS spoofing vulnerabilities in automated vehicles

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, law, mobile phones, robotics/AI, satellites

Southwest Research Institute has developed a cyber security system to test for vulnerabilities in automated vehicles and other technologies that use GPS receivers for positioning, navigation and timing.

“This is a legal way for us to improve the cyber resilience of autonomous vehicles by demonstrating a transmission of spoofed or manipulated GPS signals to allow for analysis of system responses,” said Victor Murray, head of SwRI’s Cyber Physical Systems Group in the Intelligent Systems Division.

GPS spoofing is a malicious attack that broadcasts incorrect signals to deceive GPS receivers, while GPS manipulation modifies a real GPS signal. GPS satellites orbiting the Earth pinpoint physical locations of GPS receivers embedded in everything from smartphones to and aircraft. SwRI designed the new tool to meet United States federal regulations. Testing for GPS vulnerabilities in a mobile environment had previously been difficult because federal law prohibits over-the-air re-transmission of GPS signals without prior authorization.

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May 1, 2019

This chip was demoed at Jeff Bezos’s secretive tech conference. It could be key to the future of AI

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, space

The chip on show at Amazon’s MARS event—alongside karate-chopping robots and Martian bases—is many times more efficient than conventional silicon chips.

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May 1, 2019

China’s Tencent pitches vision of artificial intelligence ethics

Posted by in categories: ethics, robotics/AI

Tech group says it is committed to privacy despite demands from Beijing for data access.

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Apr 30, 2019

In 50 years we’ll have ‘robot angels’ and will be able to merge our brains with AI, according to technology experts

Posted by in categories: futurism, robotics/AI

Business Insider spoke to six technology experts at the Mobile World Congress 2018. They spoke about the future we could experience within the next 50 years.

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Apr 30, 2019

How Big Tech is struggling with the ethics of AI

Posted by in categories: ethics, military, robotics/AI, surveillance

The companies that are leading research into AI in the US and China, including Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Baidu, SenseTime and Tencent, have taken very different approaches to AI and whether to develop technology that can ultimately be used for military and surveillance purposes.

Companies criticised for overruling and even dissolving ethics boards.

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Apr 29, 2019

‘Earth-shattering’: Drone delivers kidney for transplant over Baltimore

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, drones, robotics/AI

The drone delivery of a kidney recently used for an organ transplant in Baltimore is being characterized by the University of Maryland as a “pioneering breakthrough” advancement in human medicine and aviation technology.

“It’s huge. We knew from the very first time that we met with Dr. (Joseph) Scalea, and he suggested the idea of what he wanted to do — we knew it would be earth-shattering and life-changing, and it really has become that,” Matthew Scassero, director of the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Test Site at the University of Maryland, told WTOP.

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Apr 29, 2019

PaintBot: A deep learning student that trains then mimics old masters

Posted by in categories: information science, robotics/AI, transportation

Artificial intelligence has been showing us many ish tricks as apers of human-created art, and now a team of researchers have impressed AI watchers with PaintBot. They have managed to unleash their AI as a capable mimic of the old masters.

AI can deliver a Van Gogh–ish, Vermeer–ish, Turner–ish painting. The team, from the University of Maryland, the ByteDance AI Lab and Adobe Research, turned an algorithm into a mimic of the old masters.

“Through a coarse-to-fine refinement process our agent can paint arbitrarily complex images in the desired style.”

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Apr 29, 2019

Dino: Autonomous Weeding Robot Covers 12 Acres in 9 Hours

Posted by in categories: food, robotics/AI, sustainability

Here is a vegetable weeding robot designed to increase efficiency on large-scale vegetable farms. It works autonomously and can cover up to 12 acres in 9 hours. It uses GPS and camera to get the job done with accuracy.

Dino is designed to reduce labor costs and free up time for farming teams to focus on more important tasks. It can be put on a schedule and since it’s electric, only minimal maintenance is required.

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Apr 29, 2019

Elon Musk promises fleet of 1 million Tesla ‘robotaxis’ in 2020

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, robotics/AI, transportation

One problem? 71% of Americans are still afraid of self-driving cars.

Tesla owners would be able to earn money by making their cars available on a ride-hailing app, Musk said.

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