

Archive for the ‘robotics/AI’ category: Page 1576

Feb 15, 2020

Robots could take over 20 million jobs by 2030, study claims

Posted by in categories: economics, employment, robotics/AI

According to a new study from Oxford Economics, within the next 11 years there could be 14 million robots put to work in China alone.

Economists analyzed long-term trends around the uptake of automation in the workplace, noting that the number of robots in use worldwide increased threefold over the past two decades to 2.25 million.

While researchers predicted the rise of robots will bring about benefits in terms of productivity and economic growth, they also acknowledged the drawbacks that were expected to arise simultaneously.

Feb 15, 2020

A Growing Presence on the Farm: Robots

Posted by in categories: food, robotics/AI, sustainability

A new generation of autonomous robots is helping plant breeders shape the crops of tomorrow.

Feb 14, 2020

Skin and Mouth Biomarkers More Predictive Than Gut

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, robotics/AI

 A new study published in mSystems, a journal from the American Society for Microbiology, shows that the skin and mouth microbiomes are better predictors of age than the gut microbiome.

A very broad study

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Feb 14, 2020

Artificial Intelligence Gets Its Own System of Numbers

Posted by in categories: mathematics, robotics/AI

BF16, the new number format optimized for deep learning, promises power and compute savings with a minimal reduction in prediction accuracy.

BF16, sometimes called BFloat16 or Brain Float 16, is a new number format optimised for AI/deep learning applications. Invented at Google Brain, it has gained wide adoption in AI accelerators from Google, Intel, Arm and many others.

The idea behind BF16 is to reduce the compute power and energy consumption needed to multiply tensors together by reducing the precision of the numbers. A tensor is a three-dimensional matrix of numbers; multiplication of tensors is the key mathematical operation required for AI calculations.

Feb 14, 2020

Tesla driver’s Autopilot often swerved toward the same barrier. One day, it killed him

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Grim details emerge.

Feb 14, 2020

Iran Unveils Its Most Advanced Humanoid Robot Yet

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Meet Surena IV, an adult-size humanoid built by University of Tehran roboticists.

A little over a decade ago, researchers at the University of Tehran introduced a rudimentary humanoid robot called Surena. An improved model capable of walking, Surena II, was announced not long after, followed by the more capable Surena III in 2015.

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Feb 14, 2020

Study unveils security vulnerabilities in EEG-based brain-computer interfaces

Posted by in categories: information science, robotics/AI, security

Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are tools that can connect the human brain with an electronic device, typically using electroencephalography (EEG). In recent years, advances in machine learning (ML) have enabled the development of more advanced BCI spellers, devices that allow people to communicate with computers using their thoughts.

So far, most studies in this area have focused on developing BCI classifiers that are faster and more reliable, rather than investigating their possible vulnerabilities. Recent research, however, suggests that algorithms can sometimes be fooled by attackers, whether they are used in computer vision, speech recognition, or other domains. This is often done using , which are tiny perturbations in data that are indistinguishable by humans.

Researchers at Huazhong University of Science and Technology have recently carried out a study investigating the security of EEG-based BCI spellers, and more specifically, how they are affected by adversarial perturbations. Their paper, pre-published on arXiv, suggests that BCI spellers are fooled by these perturbations and are thus highly vulnerable to adversarial attacks.

Feb 13, 2020

This emoji could mean your suicide risk is high, according to AI

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Crisis Text Line used artificial intelligence to pinpoint the things people text when they’re thinking of suicide.

Feb 13, 2020

10 Companies Using Robotics to Disrupt the Agriculture Industry

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food, health, robotics/AI

Robotics technology continues to propel itself forward at an incredible rate. Robots have streamlined automated production, reducing worker injuries and manufacturing defects; in the health, sector robots perform precise, minimally invasive surgeries speeding recovery time and allowing surgeons to perform operations beyond their natural abilities. Now, robotic systems are moving past these stationary roles and finding their way into the agricultural fields around the world. These nimble, autonomous systems are poised to transform farming in an amazing way. Standing at the forefront of this inherent metamorphosis are 10 companies revolutionizing robotics in agriculture.

Blue River Technology

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Feb 13, 2020

These bionic shorts help turn an epic hike into a leisurely stroll

Posted by in categories: cyborgs, information science, robotics/AI, transhumanism, wearables

Forget the Thighmaster. Someday you might add a spring to your step when walking or running using a pair of mechanically powered shorts.

Step up: The lightweight exoskeleton-pants were developed by researchers at Harvard University and the University of Nebraska, Omaha. They are the first device to assist with both walking and running, using an algorithm that adapts to each gait.

Making strides: The super-shorts show how wearable exoskeleton technology might someday help us perform all sorts of tasks. Progress in materials, actuators, and machine learning has led to a new generation of lighter, more powerful, and more adaptive wearable systems. Bulkier and heavier commercial systems are already used to help people with disabilities and workers in some factories and warehouses.