On the bright side, there are some things we can do to prevent that outcome… maybe.
Category: robotics/AI – Page 1184
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Text-to-image AI systems such as DALL-E 2, Imagen and Midjourney are growing in popularity and capability right now, offering creators a revolutionary new way to produce content.
Generating images from text prompts is a radical new approach to art-making and creative expression. But it also gives us the first glimpse of a fundamental shift in how we can better communicate and collaborate with our machines. And it is this underlying innovation in human-computer interaction that will disrupt the near-future possibilities for how we are able to work and play.
Did you miss a session from MetaBeat 2022? Head over to the on-demand library for all of our featured sessions here.
Many observers were disappointed with the recent demo of the AI-enabled “Optimus” robot at Tesla’s AI Day. One reviewer cleverly titled his article “Sub-Optimus.” However, these views actually miss the point. Whatever else may be said of Elon Musk, he is a genius at sensing timing and opportunity, applying technology and providing the necessary resources.
The quality and enthusiasm of the engineering team suggest Optimus could succeed, even if it takes longer than the estimate of 3 to 5 years for full production. If successful, Optimus could bring personal robots into the mainstream within a decade.
Essays written by AI language tools like OpenAI’s Playground are often hard to tell apart from text written by humans.
Nanotechnology’s spring
Posted in nanotechnology, robotics/AI
Nanotechnology sometimes sounds as much like science fiction as artificial intelligence once did. But the problems holding it back seem solvable, and some of the answers may lie inside our own bodies.
Your Face is the Future of Targeted Marketing. Here’s Why Businesses Should Use Facial Recognition.
Facial recognition technology compliant with global data privacy laws can open new doors for targeted marketing campaigns.
New AI tools let you to generate selfies with a variety of styles and angles that will make anyone scrolling Instagram jealous.
Open the website thispersondoesnotexist, and you’ll find a headshot of a stranger. At first glance it looks like someone got the HR records from work and stuck them on a website, refreshing the site regenerates another face of a person you might know.
Did you miss a session from MetaBeat 2022? Head over to the on-demand library for all of our featured sessions here.
Synthetic data will be a huge industry in five to 10 years. For instance, Gartner estimates that by 2024, 60% of data for AI applications will be synthetic. This type of data and the tools used to create it have significant untapped investment potential. Here’s why.
We are effectively on the cusp of a revolution in how machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) can grow and have even more applications across sectors and industries.
It is easy for people to mistake fluent speech for fluent thought. When you read a sentence like this one, your past experience leads you to…