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The idea of artificial intelligence overthrowing humankind has been talked about for decades, and in 2021, scientists delivered their verdict on whether we’d be able to control a high-level computer super-intelligence. The answer? Almost definitely not.
The catch is that controlling a super-intelligence far beyond human comprehension would require a simulation of that super-intelligence which we can analyze (and control). But if we’re unable to comprehend it, it’s impossible to create such a simulation.
Rules such as ‘cause no harm to humans’ can’t be set if we don’t understand the kind of scenarios that an AI is going to come up with, suggest the authors of the new paper. Once a computer system is working on a level above the scope of our programmers, we can no longer set limits.
Our Machine Learning models show that there are periods where there are earthquakes magnitude ≥7 and periods without earthquakes with magnitude ≥7 in the analyzed seismic zones. In addition, our Machine Learning models predict a new seismically active phase for earthquakes magnitude ≥7 between 2040± 5and 2057 ± 5, 2024 ± 1 and 2026 ± 1, 2026 ± 2 and 2031 ± 2, 2024 ± 2 and 2029 ± 2, and 2022 ± 1 and 2028 ± 2 for the five seismic zones in United States, Mexico, South America, Japan, and Southern China-Northern India, respectively. Finally, we note that our algorithms can be further applied to perform probabilistic forecasts in any seismic zone.
Our algorithm for analyzing strong earthquakes in extensive seismic areas can also be applied to smaller or specific seismic zones where moderate historical earthquakes with magnitudes between 5 and 7 occur, as is the case of the Parkfield section of the San Andreas fault (California, United States). Our analysis shows why a moderate earthquake could never occur in 1988 ± 5 as proposed by Bakun and Lindh (1985) and why the long-awaited characteristic Parkfield earthquake occurred in 2004. Furthermore, our Bayesian model of Machine Learning adopting a periodicity of 35 years predicts that possible seismic events may occur between 2019 and 2031, with a high probability of event(s) around 2025 ± 2. The Parkfield section of the San Andreas fault is an excellent seismic laboratory for developing, testing, and demonstrating earthquake forecasts. In a few years, it will be possible to demonstrate whether our algorithm effectively forecasts strong and moderate earthquakes.
ARTIFICIAL intelligence has been concerning some of science’s top minds due to the potential that it might threaten civilization as a whole.
A group of researchers came to the frightening conclusion that super-intelligence AI may not be able to be contained, according to the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.
The study found that controlling a super-intelligence would be beyond human comprehension.
Ray Kurzweil explores how and when we might create human-level artificial intelligence at the January 2017 Asilomar conference organized by the Future of Life Institute.
The Beneficial AI 2017 Conference: In our sequel to the 2015 Puerto Rico AI conference, we brought together an amazing group of AI researchers from academia and industry, and thought leaders in economics, law, ethics, and philosophy for five days dedicated to beneficial AI. We hosted a two-day workshop for our grant recipients and followed that with a 2.5-day conference, in which people from various AI-related fields hashed out opportunities and challenges related to the future of AI and steps we can take to ensure that the technology is beneficial.
For more information on the BAI ‘17 Conference:
The real-world applications are limitless.
A group of researchers from the University of Washington has engineered a new AI tool that can identify and design new proteins. This could lead to more efficient vaccines, better cures for cancer, or new materials, according to a report published by MIT Technology Review.
University of Washington scientists have invented an AI tool called ProteinMPNN that allows them to design any proteins they can conceive of. The tool could lead to new cures and new materials.
‘The way it works is similar to how a robotic arm might reach out and clean a surface.’
The future of dental care could have new robotic allies. A group of researchers from the University of Pennsylvania has developed an automated, hands-free oral hygiene system that adapts to the shape of your teeth.
The researchers claim this system can clean teeth more efficiently than the toothbrush and dental floss, according to an article published by the university in July.
The algorithm correctly associated a whoop bout with its hyena around 54 percent of the time.
Scientists from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, U.S. have discovered that Hyenas’ whoops have specific signals unique to each individual animal.
The researchers determined that hyena whoops have specific characteristics that can be attributed to each individual animal by using machine learning on audio files collected from a field trip, according to a press release published by EurekAlert on Saturday.
Artificial Intelligence will become more human like ability as we get closer to the Tribulation they will play a part in the Prophetic word of God in the book of Revelation 13:15. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.****In this video an AI named Sofia will be called an Image.****these AI will be worshipped as they become more advance; even to the point of having relations with these advance AI…don’t be surprise its been taking place already in Japan; its is evil; man thoughts the bible says is evil continuously.