

Archive for the ‘robotics/AI’ category: Page 1062

Jul 24, 2022

Tapping into the pulse of marketing with data visualization

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Once datasets are cleaned, data visualization remodels them into intelligible graphics that put actionable insights on full display.

Join executives from July 26–28 for Transform’s AI & Edge Week. Hear from top leaders discuss topics surrounding AL/ML technology, conversational AI, IVA, NLP, Edge, and more. Reserve your free pass now!

Chances are you’ve heard the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words.” What you may not know is that depending on the context, this can be somewhat of a misleading statement.

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Jul 24, 2022

Here’s what happened when we let an AI write a movie script

Posted by in categories: entertainment, robotics/AI

This article was originally published on Built In by the Co-founders of Calamity AI

The script starts simply enough: A couple is at the end of dinner. Conversation winds down, the wine is almost finished. After a silence, the man says he wants to play a game.

Enter artificial intelligence.

Jul 24, 2022

Move this custom robotic arm through a touchscreen interface

Posted by in categories: mapping, mobile phones, robotics/AI

Normally, robotic arms are controlled by a GUI running on a host PC, or with some kind of analog system that maps human inputs to various degrees of rotation. However, Maurizio Miscio was able to build a custom robotic arm that is completely self-contained — thanks to a companion mobile app that resides on an old smartphone housed inside a control box.

Miscio started his project by making 3D models of each piece, most of which were 3D-printed. These included the gripper, various joints that each give a single axis of rotation, and a large circular base that acts as a stable platform on which the arm can spin. He then set to work attaching five servo motors onto each rotational axis, along with a single SG90 micro servo motor for the gripper. These motors were connected to an Arduino Uno that also had an HC-05 Bluetooth® serial module for external communication.

In order to operate the arm, Miscio developed a mobile app with the help of MIT App Inventor, which presents the user with a series of buttons that rotate a particular servo motor to the desired degree. The app even lets a series of motion be recorded and “played back” to the Uno over Bluetooth for repeated, accurate movements.

Jul 24, 2022

Machine learning paves the way for smarter particle accelerators

Posted by in categories: information science, particle physics, robotics/AI

Scientists have developed a new machine-learning platform that makes the algorithms that control particle beams and lasers smarter than ever before. Their work could help lead to the development of new and improved particle accelerators that will help scientists unlock the secrets of the subatomic world.

Daniele Filippetto and colleagues at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) developed the setup to automatically compensate for real-time changes to accelerator beams and other components, such as magnets. Their machine learning approach is also better than contemporary beam control systems at both understanding why things fail, and then using physics to formulate a response. A paper describing the research was published late last year in Nature Scientific Reports.

“We are trying to teach physics to a chip, while at the same time providing it with the wisdom and experience of a senior scientist operating the machine,” said Filippetto, a staff scientist at the Accelerator Technology & Applied Physics Division (ATAP) at Berkeley Lab and deputy director of the Berkeley Accelerator Controls and Instrumentation Program (BACI) program.

Jul 24, 2022

Open source platform enables research on privacy-preserving machine learning

Posted by in categories: mobile phones, robotics/AI, transportation

The biggest benchmarking data set to date for a machine learning technique designed with data privacy in mind has been released open source by researchers at the University of Michigan.

Called federated learning, the approach trains learning models on end-user devices, like smartphones and laptops, rather than requiring the transfer of private data to central servers.

“By training in-situ on data where it is generated, we can train on larger real-world data,” explained Fan Lai, U-M doctoral student in computer science and engineering, who presents the FedScale training environment at the International Conference on Machine Learning this week.

Jul 24, 2022

Korea’s Naver Office Combines Robots, Humans — Nikkei

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

South Korea’s Naver has opened a groundbreaking office that combines human employees with robots, Nikkei Asia reported.

Jul 24, 2022

The mobile construction robot can lay bricks in any pattern

Posted by in category: robotics/AI


📽️ NCCR Digital Fabrication

Jul 24, 2022

Along with serving food and assisting waiters, their newest employee carries dirty dishes back to the kitchen, helping keep their restaurant clean and tidy

Posted by in categories: food, robotics/AI

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Jul 23, 2022

Energy Harvester Produces Power from Local Environment, Eliminating Batteries in Wireless Sensors

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, transportation

Advances in low power technology are making it easier to create wireless sensor networks in a wide range of applications, from remote sensing to HVAC monitoring, asset tracking and industrial automation. The problem is that even wireless sensors require batteries that must be regularly replaced—a costly and cumbersome maintenance project. A better wireless power solution would be to harvest ambient mechanical, thermal or electromagnetic energy from the sensor’s local environment.

Typically, harvestable ambient power is on the order of tens of microwatts, so energy harvesting requires careful power management in order to successfully capture microwatts of ambient power and store it in a useable energy reservoir. One common form of ambient energy is mechanical vibration energy, which can be caused by motors running in a factory, airflow across a fan blade or even by a moving vehicle. A piezoelectric transducer can be used to convert these forms of vibration energy into electrical energy, which in turn can be used to power circuitry.

Jul 23, 2022

Else Labs Announces Pro Kitchen Focused Oliver Fleet As It Pauses Rollout of Home Cooking Robot

Posted by in categories: food, habitats, robotics/AI

Else Labs, the company behind the countertop home cooking robot called Oliver, announced today the launch of Oliver Fleet, a commercial kitchen reimagining of its original core product.

The new Fleet solution is a respin of its original standalone Oliver home cooking robot into a solution that allows multiple units to be used and managed simultaneously in professional kitchen environments to automate cooking tasks. According to company CEO Khalid Aboujassoum, while the Oliver Fleet units look the same from the outside as the original consumer unit, they’ve been built to withstand the more rugged requirements of the professional kitchen.

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