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In a paper recently published in Nature Photonics.

<em>Nature Photonics</em> is a prestigious, peer-reviewed scientific journal that is published by the Nature Publishing Group. Launched in January 2007, the journal focuses on the field of photonics, which includes research into the science and technology of light generation, manipulation, and detection. Its content ranges from fundamental research to applied science, covering topics such as lasers, optical devices, photonics materials, and photonics for energy. In addition to research papers, <em>Nature Photonics</em> also publishes reviews, news, and commentary on significant developments in the photonics field. It is a highly respected publication and is widely read by researchers, academics, and professionals in the photonics and related fields.

A new study discusses how high-fidelity quantum information could be sent through fiber optic networks by a novel atomic device.

Did you know quantum transmissions can’t be amplified over a city or an ocean like conventional data signals? Instead, they have to be periodically repeated using specialized devices called quantum repeaters.

For the technology to be used in future communications networks, researchers have developed a novel method of connecting quantum devices over great distances.

Michael Levin discusses his 2022 paper “Technological Approach to Mind Everywhere: An Experimentally-Grounded Framework for Understanding Diverse Bodies and Minds” and his 2023 paper with Joshua Bongard, “There’s Plenty of Room Right Here: Biological Systems as Evolved, Overloaded, Multi-scale Machines.” Links to papers flagged 🚩below.

Michael Levin is a scientist at Tufts University; his lab studies anatomical and behavioral decision-making at multiple scales of biological, artificial, and hybrid systems. He works at the intersection of developmental biology, artificial life, bioengineering, synthetic morphology, and cognitive science.

❶ Polycomputing (observer-dependent)
1:59 Outlining the discussion.
3:50 My favorite comment from round 1 interview.
5:00 What is polycomputing?
8:50 An ode to Richard Feynman’s “There’s plenty of room at the bottom“
11:10 How/when was this discovered? Reductionism, causal power…
14:40 “It’s a view that steps away from prediction.“
16:20 From abstract: Polycomputing is the ability of the same substrate to simultaneously compute different things *but emphasis on the observer(s)*
17:05 What’s an example of polycomputing?
19:40 They took a different approach and actually did experiments with gene regulatory networks (GRNs)
23:18 Different observers extract different utility from the exact same system.
26:35 Spatial causal emergence graphs (determinism, degeneracy) | Erik Hoel’s micro/macro & effective information.
29:25 Inventiveness of John Conway’s Game of Life.

❷ Technological Approach to Mind Everywhere.

Isaac Newton described his theory of gravity as a force that acts instantaneously across space: a planet immediately senses the effects of another astronomical object, regardless of the separation between them. This aspect inspired Einstein to create the renowned theory of general relativity, where gravity becomes a local deformation of spacetime.

The principle of locality states that an object is directly influenced only by its surrounding environment: distant objects cannot communicate instantaneously, only what is here right now matters. However, in the past century, with the birth and development of quantum mechanics, physicists discovered that non-local phenomena not only exist but are fundamental to understanding the nature of reality.

Now, a new study from SISSA – Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, recently published in The Astrophysical Journal.

Crafting organic molecules into a bizarre kind of magnet, physicists from Aalto University and the University of Jyväskylä in Finland have created the perfect space for observing the elusive activity of an electronic state called a triplon.

Where a garden variety magnet is typically best described as having two poles surrounded by a nest of field lines, the curious construct known as a quantum magnet defies such a simple description.

As is the case any time the word ‘quantum’ appears, you can imagine a landscape where nothing is certain. Like spinning roulette wheels in a dimly lit casino, all states are a maybe until the croupier says “no more bets”.

To discover how light interacts with molecules, the first step is to follow electron dynamics, which evolve at the attosecond timescale. The dynamics of this first step have been called charge migration (CM). CM plays a fundamental role in chemical reactions and biological functions associated with light–matter interaction. For years, visualizing CM at the natural timescale of electrons has been a formidable challenge in ultrafast science due to the ultrafine spatial (angstrom) and ultrafast temporal (attosecond) resolution required.

Experimentally, the sensitive dependence of CM on and orientations has made the CM dynamics complex and difficult to trace. There are still some open questions about molecular CM that remain unclear. One of the most fundamental questions: how fast does the charge migrate in molecules? Although molecular CM has been extensively studied theoretically in the last decade by using time-dependent quantum chemistry packages, a real measurement of the CM has remained unattainable, due to the extreme challenge.

As reported in Advanced Photonics, a research team from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), in cooperation with theoretical teams from Kansas State University and University of Connecticut, recently proposed a high harmonic spectroscopy (HHS) method for measuring the CM speed in a carbon-chain molecule, butadiyne (C4H2).

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Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about bizarre quantum effects discovered in the last few months.
#quantum #quantumphysics #quantummechanics.

0:00 Evidence for quantum superchemistry.
3:40 Solar fusion is quantum and not classical.
5:20 Quantum tunneling and microscopy.
7:00 Tunneling causes chemistry.
7:40 Tunneling affects DNA and causes mutation.

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Here it is, the bio computer. A new type of parallel computing method that could rival the infamous quantum computer at a much lower price while being more practical to boot.

Hi, welcome to ColdFusion (formally known as ColdfusTion).
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Quantum computers, devices that perform computations by exploiting quantum mechanical phenomena, have the potential to outperform classical computers on some tasks and optimization problems. In recent years, research teams at both academic institutions and IT companies have been trying to realize this predicted better performance for specific problems, which is broadly known as “quantum advantage.”

To reliably demonstrate that a quantum computer performs better than a classical computer, one should, among other things, collect inside the computer and compare them to those collected in . Doing this, however, can sometimes be challenging, due to the distinct nature of these two types of devices.

Researchers at NIST/University of Maryland, UC Berkeley, Caltech and other institutes in the United States recently introduced and tested a new protocol that could help to reliably validate the advantage of quantum computers. This protocol, introduced in Nature Physics, relies on mid-circuit measurements and a cryptographic technique.

Teleportation year 2023 😗😁.

The long distance entanglement in finite size open Fermi–Hubbard chains, together with the end-to-end quantum teleportation are investigated. We show the peculiarity of the ground state of the Fermi–Hubbard model to support maximum long distance entanglement, which allows it to operate as a quantum resource for high fidelity long distance quantum teleportation. We determine the physical properties and conditions for creating scalable long distance entanglement and analyze its stability under the effect of the Coulomb interaction and the hopping amplitude. Furthermore, we show that the choice of the measurement basis in the protocol can drastically affect the fidelity of quantum teleportation and we argue that perfect information transfer can be attained by choosing an adequate basis reflecting the salient properties of the quantum channel, i.e. Hubbard projective measurements.