

Archive for the ‘physics’ category: Page 228

May 28, 2019

Researchers crack an enduring physics enigma

Posted by in categories: mathematics, physics

For decades, physicists, engineers and mathematicians have failed to explain a remarkable phenomenon in fluid mechanics: the natural tendency of turbulence in fluids to move from disordered chaos to perfectly parallel patterns of oblique turbulent bands. This transition from a state of chaotic turbulence to a highly structured pattern was observed by many scientists, but never understood.

At EPFL’s Emerging Complexity in Physical Systems Laboratory, Tobias Schneider and his team have identified the mechanism that explains this phenomenon. Their findings have been published in Nature Communications.

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May 26, 2019

The Physics of Time: How Intelligible is Time?

Posted by in category: physics

“Time is a moving image of eternity.” –Plato.

TIME, the reef upon which all our frail mystic ships are wrecked, has remained an elusive notion over the ages. Sages, philosophers and scientists have ventured a countless number of times into the dark arena of the hourglass in an attempt to tame the indomitable vortex of this indefinite stream.

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May 24, 2019

Closer To Truth

Posted by in categories: life extension, mathematics, physics

Frank Jennings Tipler is a mathematical physicist and cosmologist, holding a joint appointment in the Departments of Mathematics and Physics at Tulane University. He holds a BS in Physics from MIT and a PhD from the University of Maryland.

Watch his interview below on eternal life. To watch more interviews on this topic, click here:

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May 23, 2019

The Physics of Time: D-Theory of Time & Temporal Mechanics — Instant Bestseller on Amazon | Press Release

Posted by in categories: physics, time travel

Instant Bestseller on Amazon, The Physics of Time is an easy but incredibly profound and in many ways astounding read for those interested in the subjects such as the nature of time, experiential temporality, time travel, the physics of information, and philosophy of time. “Time is a moving image of eternity.” This is the opening quote by Plato to volume 2 of The Science and Philosophy of Information series. And here’s the passage from the book: “Time seems to be moving for us in one direction in a linear, incremental fashion which is not a result of immutable physical laws but rather their probabilistic interpretation — things are said to get messier overtime, to move from more orderly states, towards more entropy, disorderly states. However, a growing number for physicists now regard entropy as a measure of information, [i.e. complexity] not of ”messiness.”…ss-release #PhysicsofTime #LifeboatFoundation

Ecstadelic Media Group releases a new non-fiction book The Physics of Time: D-Theory of Time & Temporal Mechanics by Alex M. Vikoulov, Antonin Tuynman PhD as a Kindle ebook (Press Release, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 22, 2019 11.00 AM PST)

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May 22, 2019

Learning magnets could lead to energy-efficient data processing

Posted by in categories: computing, physics

The power consumption of data centers around the world is increasing. This creates a high demand for new technologies that could lead to energy-efficient computers. In a new study, physicists at Radboud University have demonstrated that this could also be achieved by using chips whose operation is inspired by that of the human brain. The study was published in the scientific journal Applied Physics Letters on 16 May.

Compared to our current computers, the human brain uses a fraction of the energy to process the same amount of data. This is possible due to the fact that our brains can process data in parallel and store it as well by making connections stronger or weaker.

“We wanted to see if we could implement this property of plasticity in an artificial system and combine it with the rapid and energy-efficient technique to control magnetism using light, which has been applied for some time already,” say Johan Mentink and Theo Rasing, both physicists at Radboud University. “This should eventually lead to energy-efficient and smart computers.”

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May 20, 2019

Super-Intelligent Humans Are Coming

Posted by in category: physics

By Stephen Hsu

Lev Landau, a Nobelist and one of the fathers of a great school of Soviet physics, had a logarithmic scale for ranking theorists, from 1 to 5. A physicist in the first class had ten times the impact of someone in the second class, and so on. He modestly ranked himself as 2.5 until late in life, when he became a 2. In the first class were Heisenberg, Bohr, and Dirac among a few others.

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May 20, 2019

Researchers develop new lens manufacturing technique

Posted by in categories: engineering, physics, robotics/AI, transportation

Researchers from Washington State University and Ohio State University have developed a low-cost, easy way to make custom lenses that could help manufacturers avoid the expensive molds required for optical manufacturing.

Led by Lei Li, assistant professor in the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, and graduate student, Mojtaba Falahati, the researchers developed a liquid mold from droplets that they can manipulate with magnets to create lenses in a variety of shapes and sizes. Their work is featured on the cover of the journal, Applied Physics Letters.

High-quality lenses are increasingly used in everything from cameras, to self-driving cars, and virtually all robotics, but the traditional molding and casting processes used in their manufacturing require sophisticated and expensive metal molds. So, manufacturers are mostly limited to mass producing one kind of lens.

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May 19, 2019

Where is the Origin of Life on Earth?

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biological, chemistry, evolution, physics

To answer the iconic question “Are We Alone?”, scientists around the world are also attempting to understand the origin of life. There are many pieces to the puzzle of how life began and many ways to put them together into a big picture. Some of the pieces are firmly established by the laws of chemistry and physics. Others are conjectures about what Earth was like four billion years ago, based on extrapolations of what we know from observing Earth today. However, there are still major gaps in our knowledge and these are necessarily filled in by best guesses.

We invited talented scientists to discuss their different opinions about the origin of life and the site of life’s origin. Most of them will agree that liquid water was necessary, but if we had a time machine and went back in time, would we find life first in a hydrothermal submarine setting in sea water or a fresh water site associated with emerging land masses?

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May 19, 2019

Billion-Dollar Gamble: How A ‘Singular Hero’ Helped Start A New Field In Physics

Posted by in categories: physics, space

This unlikely story begins back in the 1960s, when Isaacson was a doctoral student and got interested in one of Albert Einstein’s predictions.

In 1916, Einstein theorized that any time two massive objects crash together, shock waves should move through the very fabric of the universe. These gravitational waves through space and time are like the ripples you see in water when you toss in a pebble.

“For my thesis, I showed how gravitational waves behave like other kinds of waves, like light and radar, X-rays,” Isaacson says.

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May 17, 2019

High School Student Uses AI to Detect Gravitational Waves

Posted by in categories: cosmology, education, physics, robotics/AI, supercomputing

Before he could legally drive, high school student Adam Rebei was already submitting jobs on the Blue Waters supercomputer at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (NCSA) to run complex simulations of black holes.

“My first time using Blue Waters, we did a tour first and got to see the computer, which is a very amazing thing because it’s a very powerful machine,” Rebei told the NCSA, “and I just remember thinking, ‘All of the GPUs!’ It’s an insane amount of GPUs, and I’ve never seen anything like it.”

To get there, Rebei first took an astronomy class that led him to his work with the NCSA. Once there, he teamed up with research scientist Eliu Huerta, who leads the group’s Gravity Group.

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