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Weightlessness in free fall, seen by Einstein in a flash in 1907, was “the happiest thought of my life” as he always said. It implies that gravity can be replaced by ordinary acceleration and hence can be understood from first principles using his then two years old theory of special relativity.

Twelve revolutionary implications follow. They all derive from the following simple abstract scenario described by Einstein: A light ray is ascending inside a constantly accelerating long rocketship in outer space, from the bottom to the tip. During this finite traveling time, the ship itself is picking up speed. That is all. The rest is implications:

# 1) When the ascending light with its intrinsic finite speed c arrives at the tip, the tip is receding at a constant velocity from the point of origin of the light. So a constant Doppler effect applies. Hence the temporal wavelength of a laser beam arriving upstairs is elongated. This is the famous GRAVITATIONAL REDSHIFT (Einstein).

# 2) The elongated wavelength of the photons emitted downstairs implies that their constant energy is lower there from the beginning since nothing happens to them on the way. This is the GRAVITATIONAL ENERGY REDUCTION OF LIGHT (Einstein).

# 3) The clocks downstairs do not only appear to be ticking slower when watched from above, they actually tick slower. The two ticking rates stand in a permanent ratio (there is a bijection between upper and lower time). Therefore when an upper clock is lowered and then hauled-up again, it is delayed. This is the GRAVITATIONAL TWIN PARADOX.

# 4) The spatial wavelength of a laser beam arriving upstairs is elongated in parallel with its temporal wavelength (# 1). This is the GRAVITATIONAL SIZE INCREASE.

# 5) The ratio “spatial wavelength over temporal wavelength” is preserved downstairs. This is the LOCAL CONSTANCY OF THE SPEED OF LIGHT c IN GRAVITY (Einstein).

# 6) The energy-reduced light downstairs (# 2) implies that particles that are created downstairs out of locally normal-appearing but energy-reduced photons, are – via quantum electrodynamics (imagine a time-inverted PET scan installed downstairs) – reduced in their rest mass. Hence all particles locally at rest downstairs are rest-mass reduced by the gravitational redshift factor. This is the GRAVITATIONAL REST-MASS REDUCTION.

# 7) Since the rest-mass-to-charge ratio is a universal constant for every particle class and corresponding type of charge, the gravitational rest mass reduction (# 6) possesses a corollary. This is the GRAVITATIONAL CHARGE REDUCTION.

# 8) The reduced rest mass of all objects located downstairs (# 6) implies – via quantum mechanics – that the gravitational size increase (# 4) which affects all lengths downstairs is as real as the gravitational time slowdown (# 3). Hence the ratio “spatial wavelength (# 4) over temporal wavelength (# 1)” is not only a local but also a global constant. This is the GLOBAL CONSTANCY OF THE SPEED OF LIGHT c IN GAVITY.

# 9) The transversal speed of light c APPEARS TO BE REDUCED by the redshift factor valid downstairs, when watched from upstairs (Einstein).

# 10) The transversal speed of light c APPEARS TO BE INCREASED by the blueshift factor valid upstairs, when watched from downstairs.

# 11) All ten effects are LOCALLY MASKED (as Einstein saw with his own points # 1, 2, 5, 9).

# 12) Of the six new “young-Einstein corollaries” (# 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10), one (# 8) is the most astounding. For it implies the EXISTENCE OF A GLOBAL–c TRANSFORM OF GENERAL RELATIVITY.

The latter equation has yet to be written down explicitly except for a special case (the re-written Schwarzschild metric). The implied new global constancy of c is responsible that all globally expanding solutions and all gravitational-wave solutions of the Einstein equation as written so far lose their physical status. Therefore, the seven added corollaries (# 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12) do, in conjunction with Einstein’s five original happy findings (# 1, 2, 5, 9, 11), change the face of gravitation theory while at the same time making it compatible with quantum mechanics. (For J.O.R.)

The Happiest Thought of Einstein’s Life is even Happier (A Christmas Carol)

Otto E. Rossler, Faculty of Science, University of Tübingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 8, 72076 Tübingen, Germany


Einstein’s happiest thought as he always said – weightlessness in free fall and hence usefulness of an imaginary rocketship for understanding gravity – has further implications if you look at it with the full attention of a child. Beside clock rate, size and mass and charge are miraculously transformed along, as every PET san confirms.

(December 24, 2013)

You are alone in outer space in a long-long rocketship with its neverstopping noiseless engine. A beamer at the bottom sends a steady laser beam up to you at the tip. The light then arrives at you with a longer spacing in between its wave crests. For while it travelled up at its constant speed, the tip along with you picked up speed relative to the emission point. So the wave crests reach you with a longer spacing.

This is the famous fairy-like tale of the “gravitational redshift” envisioned by Einstein which every child learns about in school. And the GPS satellites in the sky confirm it every day – that our terrestrial clocks, ultimately based on the counting of light’s wave crests, tick slower down here. Twinkle, twinkle little star – you twinkle different where we are.

The wave crests generated down here where we are are wider-spaced, not only in time but also in space. For light of a longer temporal wavelength also has a proportionally elongated spatial wavelength. Hence we are also taller down here than the people in the space station are, and broader. Since the emporal and the spatial spacings are increased in parallel, the ratio space over time – the speed of light – is a global and not just a local constant.

Not so for the adults. They claim that the spatial wavelengths are not increased. This is something you have to believe us, they say, because we are the grownups. Yet on one special day of the year, the children are taken seriously when they are asking the “why?”-question. And, lo and behold, the adults start stuttering. Einstein fell silent on the topic of gravity for more than three years when seeing no way to rescue the global constancy of the speed of light c – because Schwinger’s quantum electrodynamics still lay in the distant future. Schwinger says implicitly that the slowed-down clocks have a so much lower mass owing to the interconvertibility of light and particles. This makes all objects as much larger downstairs as their clocks tick are slower. Hence the adults are wrong for once and Einstein’s sadness about the smudge fallen on his happiest thought was unnecessary since the smudge is gone. Every PET scan proves this to the eye because it works on sea level as well as in the Himalayas, with the more energetic photons high up and with the less energetic photons (and equivalent positron masses) below. All trained adults will confirm this to you. Therefore, you better not listen to them when they add: “But since we learned that c is no longer global, we cannot but remain loyal to that teaching.”

Why did I tell you the heart-warming story of the global c to date? It is because the adults need help from the children for once. The speed of light suddenly is no longer different on earth and in the satellite that you see glare in the evening sun. So everything has become simple again. Only Momo’s people in the gray suits have learned to live with the smudge on the shining constancy of the speed of light c discovered by the youthful Einstein. To them, a return to the original happiness of his most important thought appears blocked forever.

Light – Akhenaton’s light – is a revelation still, with its universal speed added to its shining majesty after more than three millennia by the young Einstein. That speed is given to each individual person as a private possession. This mysterious present now stands there anew in its undiminished glory. The happiest thought of a single person turns out to have been so unimaginably happy that even the discoverer was too modest to believe so during his lifetime. Now, on this Christmas day, we got the full mystery back.

For J.O.R.

(a) A very short Proof of the Telemach Theorem

Step 1: Photons’ temporal wavelength T is increased and time is proportionally slowed down – downstairs in gravity and at the bottom of a constantly accelerating long rocketship – without this change showing up locally (Einstein 1907).

Step 2: Every photon’s spatial wavelength L is proportionally increased downstairs. Hence the speed of light c = L/T is a global constant.

Step 3: Along with the reduced photon mass-energy (step 1), the rest mass M of all particles down there is reduced proportionally via quantum mechanics’ creation-annihilation. This fact confirms the global c via the Bohr-radius formula of quantum mechanics.

Step 4: Charge Ch is reduced in proportion to M because their ratio is locally conserved. This holds true for all particle classes.

Hence “ T and L go up and M and Ch go down by Einstein’s gravitational redshift factor ” (Telemach Theorem).

(b) A “friendly crisis” induced by Telemach

T-L-M-Ch implies that results of general relativity that contradict this four letters rule cease to be physically valid. The Einstein equation therefore needs to be “re-interpreted” so as to yield all four results directly (and not just the first). In particular, “black holes” possess radically new properties.

Young Telemach goes unchallenged in the literature for almost two years. Help from the general-relativistic community is cordially invited.

Science is based on dialog. Not a single colleague including Hawking and his crew contradicts my safety-relevant finding for 5 years. This fact can only have one of two reasons:
(1) The finding is so embarrassingly stupid that to take it up would suffice to soil the respondent.
(2) The finding harks back so deeply to the young Einstein that it causes fear to tread upon.

One country – my own – singlehandedly left CERN in response (only to surreptitiously return under non-publicized pressure).

Obviously the offered result (“gothic-R theorem”) has historical dimensions. Everyone’s survival is affected by it probability-wise if it is valid. We “live in an interesting time” as the Chinese proverb goes.

800 newspapers reported on the theorem in 2008. Only Aljazeera remained four years later. There is a “curfew of silence” obeyed by my colleagues. Not a single counterargument is in the literature against my result published in 2008 and its many sequels.

Why is CERN’s official “Safety Report” allowed to go un-updated for 5 years? And why is the friendly admonition by a court given to CERN standing before it to, please, admit a “safety conference” a planet-wide taboo topic even after almost three years? Refusing dialog and discussion is one thing, refusing updating on safety is another. In the one case but a single person is the victim, in the other it is you and you and you.

The most recent prime-time movie “Heroes – the Fate of the World in their Hands,” aired last Thursday by RTL ( ), struck me by total surprise. Everyone can spot the movie’s weaknesses (rating 1.7), but: Imagine the loving courage that stands behind it!

CERN cannot remain silent any longer.

P.S.: I cordially congratulate Peter Higgs to his Nobel prize which he fully deserves along with his colleague. And I ask him for the great honor of replying to this blog post which congratulates him first.

My paper “New Evidence, Conditions, Instruments & Experiments for Gravitational Theories” was finally published by the Journal of Modern Physics, Vol. 8A, 2013. That is today Aug 26, 2013.

Over the last several years I had been compiling a list of inconsistencies in modern contemporary physics. This paper documents 12 inconsistencies. If I’m correct there will sooner or later, be a massive rewrite of modern physical theories, because I do not just criticize contemporary theories but critique them, i.e. provide positive suggestions based on empirical data, on how our theories need to be modified.

The upshot of all this is that I was able to propose two original, new experiments, never before contemplated in physics journals. Both involve new experimental devices, and one is so radically new that it is unthinkable. This is the gravity wave *telescope*.

The new physics lends itself to a new and different forms of weaponizations achievable within the next few decades, with technologies *not* predicted in science fiction. How about that?

I have deliberately left this weaponization part vague because I want to focus on the propulsion technologies. Definitely not something string or quantum-gravity theories can even broach.

We will achieve interstellar travel in my lifetime, and my paper points to where to research this new physics and new technologies.

Paper Details:

Title: New Evidence, Conditions, Instruments & Experiments for Gravitational Theories

Author: Benjamin T Solomon

Journal: Journal of Modern Physics, 2013, Vol 8A

Journal Link (2013, Vol 8A):

Paper Links:

Notes: Down load count is displayed at the paper link on the journal web page, so you can see how many people are interested in this topic.


Benjamin T Solomon is the author of the 12-year study An Introduction to Gravity Modification

Recent discussions on the properties of micro-black-holes threw open sufficient question to reignite some interest in the subject (pardon to those exhausted of reading on the subject here at the Lifeboat Foundation). A claim made by physicists at the University of Innsbruck in Austria, that a new attractive force arises from black-body radiation [1] makes one speculate if a similar effect could result from hawking radiation theorized to be emitted from micro-black-holes. An unlikely scenario due to the very different nature supposed on hawking radiation and black-body radiation, but a curious thought none-the-less. If a light component of hawking radiation could replicate this net attractive force, accepted accretion and radiation rates could be revised to consider such new additional forces hypothesized.

Not so fast — Even if such a new force did take effect in these scenarios, one would expect such to have negligible impact on safety assurances. Official estimated accretion rates are many many orders of magnitude lower than estimated radiation rates — and are estimates which concur with observational evidence in the longevity of white-dwarf stars.

That is not to conclude such new forces are necessary to continue debate. Certain old disputed parameter ranges suggest different accretion rates relative to radiative rates which could bridge that vast breadth between such estimates, theorizing catastrophic outcomes [3] are not necessarily refuted by safety assurances — least on white-dwarf longevity.

Indeed a more pertinent point, that if equilibrium could manifest between radiation and accretion rates, micro-black-holes trapped in Earth’s gravitation could become persistent heat engines with considerable flux [2] to cause environmental concern in planetary heating.

Meanwhile, that stalwart safety assurance on micro-black-hole accretion risks, the longevity of white dwarf stars, finds new argument where the law of angular momentum conservation is considered as a significant factor in negating the G&M [4] calculated stopping distances of naturally occurring micro-black-holes on white dwarf stars due to it enforcing an immediate disengagement on striking quarks at such near-luminal speeds — this unlike LHC produced micro-black-holes, it is argued, which enjoy a 30,000 times longer interaction time [5].

One does not feel motivated to run for ‘end is nigh’ placards in such fringe discussions, but one can surmise that discussion on such topics of LHC safety assurance are far from the end of their rope in certain circles. Thank you to those involved for their continued discussions.


[1] Attractive Optical Forces from Blackbody Radiation — Sonnleitner, Ritsche-Marte, Ritsch, 2013. ( )
[2] Terrestrial Flux of Hypothetical Stable MBH Produced in Colliders relative to Natural CR Exposure — 2012. ( )
[3] Potential catastrophic risk from metastable quantum-black holes produced at particle colliders — R. Plaga, 2008/2009. ( )
[4] Astrophysical implications of hypothetical stable TeV-scale black holes — Giddings, Mangano — 2008 ( )
[5] Eintein’s Equivalence Principle, C-Global, and the Widely Ignored Factor 30,000 — O.E Rossler, 2013. ( )

The arXiv blog on MIT Technology Review recently reported a breakthrough ‘Physicists Discover the Secret of Quantum Remote Control’ [1] which led some to comment on whether this could be used as an FTL communication channel. In order to appreciate the significance of the paper on Quantum Teleportation of Dynamics [2], one should note that it has already been determined that transfer of information via a quantum tangled pair occurs *at least* 10,000 times faster than the speed of light [3]. The next big communications breakthrough?

Quantum Entanglement Visual

In what could turn out to be a major breakthrough for the advancement of long-distance communications in space exploration, several problems are resolved — where if a civilization is eventually established on a star system many light years away, for example, such as on one of the recently discovered Goldilocks Zone super-Earths in the Gliese 667C star system, then communications back to people on Earth may after all be… instantaneous.

However, implications do not just stop there either. As recently reported in The Register [5], researchers in Israel at the University of Jerusalem, have established that quantum tangling can be used to send data across both TIME AND SPACE [6]. Their recent paper entitled ‘Entanglement Between Photons that have Never Coexisted’ [7] describes how photon-to-photon entanglement can be used to connect with photons in their past/future, opening up an understanding into how one may be able to engineer technology to not just communicate instantaneously across space — but across space-time.

Whilst in the past many have questioned what benefits have been gained in quantum physics research and in particular large research projects such as the LHC, it would seem that the field of quantum entanglement may be one of the big pay-offs. Whist it has yet to be categorically proven that quantum entanglement can be used as a communication channel, and the majority opinion dismisses it, one can expect much activity in quantum entanglement over the next decade. It may yet spearhead the next technological revolution.

[2] Quantum Teleportation of Dynamics
[3] Bounding the speed of ‘spooky action at a distance’
[5] The Register — Biting the hand that feeds IT —
[7] Entanglement Between Photons that have Never Coexisted

1) CERN officially attempted to produce ultraslow miniature black holes on earth. It has announced to continue doing so after the current more than a year-long break for upgrading.

2) Miniature black holes possess radically new properties according to published scientific results that go unchallenged in the literature for 5 years: no Hawking evaporation; unchargedness; invisibility to CERN’s detectors; enhanced chance of being produced.

3) Of the millions of miniature black holes hoped to have been produced, at least one is bound to be slow enough to stay inside earth to circulate there.

4) This miniature black hole circulates undisturbed – until it captures the first charged quark. From then on it grows exponentially doubling in size in months at first, later in weeks.

5) As a consequence, after about 100 doublings, earth will start showing manifest signs of “cancer.” And she will – after first losing her atmosphere – die within months to leave nothing but a 2-cm black hole in her wake that still keeps the moon on its course.

6) CERN’s roundabout-way safety argument of 2008, invoking the observed longevity of neutron stars as a guarantee for earth, got falsified on the basis of quantum mechanics in a paper published in mid-2008.

7) CERN’s second roundabout-way safety argument of 2008, invoking the observed longevity of white dwarf stars as a guarantee for earth, likewise got falsified in scientific papers the first of which was published in mid-2008. CERN overlooked the enlarged-cross section principle valid for ultra-slow artificial, compared to ultrafast natural, miniature black holes. The same effect is frighteningly familiar from the slow “cold” neutrons in nuclear fission.

In summary, seven coincidences of “bad luck” were found to cooperate like Macbeth’s fateful 3 witches. CERN decided to accept the blemish of not up-dating its safety report for 5 years so far. Also it steadfastly refuses the safety conference publicly requested on the web on April 18, 2008 (“Honey, I shrunk the earth”). Most significantly, CERN up to this day refuses to heed a Cologne Court’s advice, handed-out to CERN’s representatives standing before it on January the 27th of 2011, to hold a “safety conference.”

Unless there is a safety guarantee that CERN keeps a secret from the whole world while mentioning it only behind closed doors to bring the World Press Council and the UN Security Council to refrain from doing their otherwise inalienable duty, the above-sketched scenario has no parallel in history.

Not a single scientific publication world-wide claims to falsify one of the above-sketched results (points 2–7). Only a very charismatic scientist may be able to call back the media and the mighty behind closed doors. I have a hunch who this could be. But I challenge him to no longer hide so the world can see to whom she owes her hopefully beneficial fate.

Has there ever been a more unsettling story kept from the citizens of this planet?

For J.O.R.

Mechanics of Gravity Modification

Posted in defense, education, engineering, general relativity, military, particle physics, philosophy, physics, policy, scientific freedom, spaceTagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The Rocky Mountain chapter of the American Institute of Astronautics & Aeronautics (AIAA) will be having their 2nd Annual Technical Symposium, October 25 2013. The call for papers ends May 31 2013. I would recommend submitting your papers. This conference gives you the opportunity to put your work together in a cohesive manner, get feedback and keep your copyrights, before you write your final papers for journals you will submitting to. A great way to polish your papers.

Here is the link to the call for papers:

Here is the link to the conference:

I’ll be presenting 2 papers. The first is a slightly revised version of the presentation I gave at the APS April 2013 conference here in Denver (…45;15).pdf). The second is titled ‘The Mechanics of Gravity Modification’.

Fabrizio Brocca from Italy wanted to know more about the Ni field shape for a rotating-spinning-disc. Finally, a question from someone who has read my book. This is not easy to explain over email, so I’m presenting the answers to his questions at this conference, as ‘The Mechanics of Gravity Modification’. That way I can reach many more people. Hope you can attend, read the book, and have your questions ready. I’m looking forward to your questions. This is going to be a lively discussion, and we can adjourn off conference.

My intention for using this forum to explain some of my research is straight forward. There will be (if I am correct) more than 100 aerospace companies in attendance, and I am expecting many of them will return to set up engineering programs to reproduce, test and explore gravity modification as a working technology.

Fabrizio Brocca I hope you can make it to Colorado this October, too.


Benjamin T Solomon is the author of the 12-year study An Introduction to Gravity Modification

I had a great time at APS 2013 held April 13 — 16, 2013. I presented my paper “Empirical Evidence Suggest A Different Gravitational Theory” in track T10, Tuesday afternoon. A copy of the slides is available at this link.…45;15).pdf

Have fun.


Benjamin T Solomon is the author of the 12-year study An Introduction to Gravity Modification