

Archive for the ‘neuroscience’ category: Page 739

Mar 8, 2019

Cancer-targeting compound could be a breakthrough in treating brain tumors

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

A new compound discovered by scientists at Scripps Research may prove to be a powerful weapon in the fight against one of the most aggressive and deadly types of cancer. Just like the cancer it fights, the compound is incredibly strong, selectively targeting the cells that allow glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) to rapidly take over the brain.

The research, which was published in a new paper in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, explains how the stem-like cancer cells of GBM promote growth of the tumor while also aiding it in recurrence even after a patient has had surgery. Stopping these cells from doing their deadly deed is crucial to successful treatment, and the new compound — which the scientists have nicknamed RIPGBM — does just that.

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Mar 7, 2019

The influence of a single neuron on its network

Posted by in category: neuroscience

The authors’ subsequent in-depth analysis revealed a much more complex pattern than a general inhibition of neural activity. They found that the extent of the influence of neurons on other neurons was related to how they responded to certain features of visual stimuli, such as orientation and temporal frequency. When a neuron was activated, neurons that were tuned to respond to similar features to that neuron were more strongly suppressed than were neurons with a different tu…

The contribution of a single neuron to brain function might seem negligible. But a map of the influence of single neurons reveals a complex pattern that prevents redundancy and enables clear messaging. Inhibitory and activating effects of a neuron on its neighbours.

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Mar 6, 2019

The Future of Mental Health

Posted by in categories: health, neuroscience

THE FUTURE OF FLOW — from my recent keynote at Mindvalley’s Afest.

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Mar 6, 2019

Daily intake of nutritional supplements cannot prevent depression

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

In the world of things we already know.

MooDFOOD, the largest randomized clinical trial to study the effects of nutritional strategies on the prevention of major depressive disorder concludes that daily intake of nutritional supplements cannot prevent depression.

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Mar 6, 2019

Scientists find worms that recently evolved the ability to regrow a complete head

Posted by in categories: evolution, neuroscience

An international group of researchers including biologists from the University of Maryland found that at least four species of marine ribbon worms independently evolved the ability to regrow a head after amputation.

Regeneration of amputated is uncommon but does exist throughout the —from salamanders, spiders and sea stars that can regrow appendages to a of ribbon worm that can regenerate an entire individual from just a small sliver of tissue. But regenerative abilities were broadly assumed to be an ancient trait that some species managed to hold on to while most others lost through evolution.

This new study, which was published in the March 6, 2019 issue of Proceedings of the Royal Society B, turns that assumption on its head. In a survey of 35 species of marine ribbon , the researchers found that the ability to regenerate an entire head, including a brain, evolved relatively recently in four .

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Mar 6, 2019

Neuralink and the Brain’s Magical Future

Posted by in categories: futurism, neuroscience

I knew the future would be shocking but this is a whole other level.

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Mar 6, 2019

Human memory: How we make, remember, and forget memories

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Human memory happens in many parts of the brain at once, and some types of memories stick around longer than others.

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Mar 6, 2019

FDA Approves First Major New Depression Treatment in Decades

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

Experts’ opinions on the new drug, designed for people suffering from the most extreme forms of treatment-resistant depression and administered in the form of a nasal spray, are split.

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Mar 6, 2019

Neuroscience Readies for a Showdown Over Consciousness Ideas

Posted by in category: neuroscience

To make headway on the mystery of consciousness, some researchers are trying a rigorous new way to test competing theories.

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Mar 6, 2019

Our brains reveal our choices before we’re even aware of them, study finds

Posted by in categories: futurism, neuroscience

We believe that when we are faced with the choice between two or more options of what to think about, non-conscious traces of the thoughts are there already, a bit like unconscious hallucinations,” Professor Pearson says. “As the decision of what to think about is made, executive areas of the brain choose the thought-trace which is stronger. In, other words, if any pre-existing brain activity matches one of your choices, then your brain will be more likely to pick that option as it gets boosted by the pre-existing brain activity.

A new UNSW study suggests we have less control over our personal choices than we think, and that unconscious brain activity determines our choices well before we are aware of them.

Published in Scientific Reports today, an experiment carried out in the Future Minds Lab at UNSW School of Psychology showed that free choices about what to think can be predicted from patterns of activity 11 seconds before people consciously chose what to think about.

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