Experimental observations conclude learning is mainly performed by neural … See more.
Summary: Experimental observations conclude learning is mainly performed by neural dendrite trees as opposed to modifying solely through the strength of the synapses, as previously believed.
Source: Bar-Ilan University
The brain is a complex network containing billions of neurons. Each of these neurons communicates simultaneously with thousands of others via their synapses (links), and collects incoming signals through several extremely long, branched “arms,” called dendritic trees.
Summary: New findings reveal how anesthesia-induced unconsciousness differs from normal sleep in relation to delta wave activity in the brain.
Source: picower institute for learning and memory.
Imagine the conscious brain as a sea roiling with the collisions and dispersals of waves of different sizes and shapes, swirling around and flowing across in many different directions. Now imagine that an ocean liner lumbers through, flattening everything that trails behind with its powerful, parting wake.
Another key insight of Cybernetic Theory can be referred to as “Mind Over Substrates”: Phenomenal “local” mind is “cybernetically” emergent from the underlying functional organization, whereas holistic “non-local” consciousness is transcendentally imminent. Material worlds come and go, but fundamental consciousness is ever-present, as the multiverse ontology is shown to be testable. From a new science of consciousness to simulation metaphysics, from evolutionary cybernetics to computational physics, from physics of time and information to quantum cosmology, this novel explanatory theory for a deeper understanding of reality is combined into one elegant theory of everything (ToE).
If you’re eager to familiarize with probably the most advanced ontological framework to date or if you’re already familiar with the Syntellect Hypothesis which, with this newly-released series, is now presented to you as the full-fledged Cybernetic Theory of Mind, then this 5-book set will surely present to you some newly-introduced and updated material if compared with the originally published version and can be read as a stand-alone work just like any book of the series:
The world’s first real-time brain-sensing wearable, allows users to take control of their world with a single thought. Get yours today and join us in building the first generation of mind-enabled experiences. Available for order at $399.
Summary: Seizures originate from an excess of excitatory over inhibitory neural activity in confined regions of the brain, and spread only when they overcome strong inhibitory activity in surrounding regions.
Source: Weill Cornell University.
New evidence from a zebrafish model of epilepsy may help resolve a debate into how seizures originate, according to Weill Cornell Medicine and NewYork-Presbyterian investigators. The findings may also be useful in the discovery and development of future epilepsy drugs.
Summary: Glutamate binds to the subunits of its receptor only in specific patterns. The findings upend previous belief that each subunit binds glutamate independently and points to a new level of complexity in neurotransmission and drug response.
Source: Columbia University.
One of the most important molecules in the brain doesn’t work quite the way scientists thought it did, according to new work by researchers at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons and Carnegie Mellon University.
Elon Musk believes his Neuralink brain chip could help treat morbid obesity. Experts say the billionaire’s dream isn’t as far-fetched as it may seem.
“I don’t think it is any more implausible than other claims for the potential of neurotechnology,” Professor Andrew Jackson, an expert in neural interfaces at Newcastle University, told Insider.
Musk made the suggestion in a TED interview on April 14, thereby adding “morbid obesity” to a growing list of ailments he believes Neuralink could help treat.
Our brains are awash with various unsung chemical heroes, making sure the electrical signals traveling all over the place don’t get out of control.
A new mouse study has now detailed the function of a pair of proteins vital to maintaining this balance – this could help us better understand a range of neurological disorders from epilepsy to schizophrenia.
The two proteins – Rab3-interacting molecule 1 (RIM1) and an enzyme called serine arginine protein kinase 2 (SRPK2) – work together to modify the transmission of information across the gaps between nerves called synapses.