

Archive for the ‘neuroscience’ category: Page 257

May 14, 2023

Potential found to counter depression

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

Led by researchers from NYU Grossman School of Medicine and University of Szeged in Hungary, a new study in mice and rats found that restoring certain signals in a brain region that processes smells countered depression.

Publishing in the journal Neuron online May 9, the study results revolve around nerve cells (neurons), which “fire”—or emit —to transmit information. Researchers in recent years discovered that effective communication between brain regions requires groups of neurons to synchronize their activity patterns in repetitive periods (oscillations) of joint silence followed by joint activity.

One such rhythm, called “gamma,” repeats about 30 times or more in a second, and is an important timing pattern for the encoding of complex information, potentially including emotions.

May 14, 2023

Exercise and the Brain: The Neuroscience of Fitness Explored

Posted by in categories: life extension, neuroscience

Summary: The neuroscience of fitness explores how regular exercise profoundly impacts our brain and nervous system.

Exercise stimulates neurogenesis – the creation of new neurons – primarily in the hippocampus, influencing memory and learning while increasing key mood-regulating neurotransmitters. It also enhances brain plasticity, essential for recovery from injury and aging, and improves cognitive functions such as attention and memory.

Despite ongoing research, the current evidence underscores the powerful role of physical activity in promoting brain health and cognitive function, emphasizing the importance of integrating regular exercise into our lifestyles.

May 13, 2023

New Alzheimer’s Drug Shows 35% Reduction in Cognitive Decline in Late-Stage Trial

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

American pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly announced last week that it had seen encouraging clinical trial results of its new Alzheimer’s medication.

According to the company, their experimental drug, donanemab, was shown in a late-stage trial to slow cognitive decline by 35 percent.

While these results do sound promising, the full data is not yet released, so there’s still a lot we don’t know.

May 13, 2023

Rammyo “sleep language” may help researchers communicate with lucid dreamers, claims study

Posted by in category: neuroscience


One aspect they want to crack is communicating with dreamers while they are in sleep paralysis.

May 13, 2023

Symphony of Synapses: The Brain’s Intricate Dance with Music

Posted by in categories: media & arts, neuroscience

Summary: Music engages a multitude of brain areas, showcasing a complex interplay between auditory processing, emotion, and memory centers. It elicits emotions through the release of dopamine, our brain’s pleasure molecule, explaining the joy we often find in a favorite tune.

Moreover, music’s power to evoke vivid memories highlights its connection to the hippocampus, our memory storage center.

This broad influence of music on our brain mechanisms is also harnessed in therapeutic contexts, such as treating neurological disorders or improving mental health.

May 13, 2023

Blind individuals tend to have enhanced cardiac interoception, according to new research

Posted by in category: neuroscience

New research has found that blind individuals tend to have better interoceptive abilities than sighted individuals, particularly when it comes to detecting signals related to the heart. The new findings have been published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.

The study aimed to investigate how blindness affects interoception, which refers to the ability to perceive internal bodily sensations. The researchers were specifically interested in examining how blindness affects cardiac interoception, which involves perceiving the sensations of the heartbeat.

The study was motivated by previous research that has shown that blindness can lead to heightened crossmodal plasticity, which is the ability of the brain to reorganize and compensate for sensory deprivation by enhancing other senses.

May 12, 2023

Early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s: Ultra-long protein fibrils give clues on dementia risk

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, nanotechnology, neuroscience

The early detection and treatment of dementia such as Alzheimer’s is still one of the great challenges of modern medicine. It is already known that certain proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid can be used to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease. However, the current detection methods for such biomarkers by means of biochemical tests can only confirm and quantify the presence of such pathological proteins. No conclusions can be drawn about their original morphology of the proteins using biochemical assays, which holds information on disease stages.

However, such information if obtained directly in a label-free manner could allow conclusions to be drawn about the stage of the disease and evaluate the efficiency of a prescribed treatment. A team from the Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces Laboratory at Empa and the Department of Neurology at the Cantonal Hospital in St. Gallen has now used (AFM) to visualize the proteins that are indicative of Alzheimer’s disease under conditions that are as close to reality as possible. The researchers recently published their results in the journal Communications Biology.

With the new study, the researchers add another piece of the puzzle to their insights into Alzheimer’s development and diagnosis.

May 12, 2023

New therapy helps immune system eradicate brain tumors

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

Researchers from Uppsala University have developed a method that helps immune cells exit from blood vessels into a tumor to kill cancer cells. The goal is to improve treatment of aggressive brain tumors. The study has been published in the journal Cancer Cell.

Glioblastoma is an aggressive brain tumor that lacks efficient treatment. This is in part due to the ability of the tumor to suppress or evade the body’s natural anti-cancer immune response. Immunotherapy, using checkpoint inhibitors, can reactivate the immune system against cancer. However, for this type of treatment to be effective, specific known as killer T cells must be present within the tumor.

Unfortunately, in brain cancer are dysfunctional and act as a barrier, preventing killer T cells from reaching the tumor. As a result, this form of immunotherapy, which is effective against many forms of cancer, is ineffective against brain cancers.

May 11, 2023

Surge of neurophysiological coupling and connectivity of gamma oscillations in the dying human brain

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

The brain is assumed to be hypoactive during cardiac arrest. However, animal models of cardiac and respiratory arrest demonstrate a surge of gamma oscillations and functional connectivity. To investigate whether these preclinical findings translate to humans, we analyzed electroencephalogram and electrocardiogram signals in four comatose dying patients before and after the withdrawal of ventilatory support. Two of the four patients exhibited a rapid and marked surge of gamma power, surge of cross-frequency coupling of gamma waves with slower oscillations, and increased interhemispheric functional and directed connectivity in gamma bands. High-frequency oscillations paralleled the activation of beta/gamma cross-frequency coupling within the somatosensory cortices. Importantly, both patients displayed surges of functional and directed connectivity at multiple frequency bands within the posterior cortical “hot zone,” a region postulated to be critical for conscious processing. This gamma activity was stimulated by global hypoxia and surged further as cardiac conditions deteriorated in the dying patients. These data demonstrate that the surge of gamma power and connectivity observed in animal models of cardiac arrest can be observed in select patients during the process of dying.

May 10, 2023

The state of the art of nanopsychiatry for schizophrenia diagnostics and treatment

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, nanotechnology, neuroscience

Year 2020 😗😁

Schizophrenia is one of the top 25 causes of global diseases burdens in terms of years lived with the disease and the emotional and economical strains it imposes on the society. Several strategies have been used to treat the patients, specially using typical and atypical psychoactives. However, due to its multifactorial characteristic and patient resistance, schizophrenia is still a difficult disease to diagnose and treat. Thus, new strategies for diagnostics and treatment must be researched to optimize the efficacy and reduce the side effects of the actual therapy. Nanomedicine tries to improve low-weight molecular agents for treatment of diseases through the use of nanoscaled carriers. Among nanomedicine, nanopsychiatry specifically deals with the potential role of nanotechnology in solving psychiatry diseases problems. Therefore, the objective of this work is to provide an overview of the state of the art of nanopsychiatry in the sense of treating schizophrenia.