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Autism has diverse genetic causes, most of which are still unknown. About 1 percent of people with autism are missing a gene called Shank3, which is critical for brain development. Without this gene, individuals develop typical autism symptoms including repetitive behavior and avoidance of social interactions.

In a study of mice, MIT researchers have now shown that they can reverse some of those behavioral symptoms by turning the gene back on later in life, allowing the brain to properly rewire itself.

“This suggests that even in the adult brain we have profound plasticity to some degree,” says Guoping Feng, an MIT professor of brain and cognitive sciences. “There is more and more evidence showing that some of the defects are indeed reversible, giving hope that we can develop treatment for autistic patients in the future.”

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With the success of Graphene as a material for BMI plus the new micro stints that can travel through blood cells to the brain; prosthetic technology is only going to continue to improve to maybe even a point where some athletes may wish to have physical and endurance capabilities improved through this type of technology if it is approved and allowed by the various athletic associations.

A team of researchers has demonstrated the first-ever successful prosthetic arm that can control individual fingers with thoughts.

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Wonderful news for Glioblastoma patients; 2nd clinical trails is underway for the two drug combination that researchers are using to disrupt the cellular process cancer cells use to hide from the immune system and allow the immune system to recognize and attack the cancer.

The UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center has started phase 2 clinical trials, targeting glioblastoma patients.

Glioblastoma is a particularly aggressive type of brain cancer. Only about one fifth of adults diagnosed with it survive two years or more after their diagnosis, UNM researchers said.

“Unfortunately, it is also the most common form of primary brain tumor, about 70 percent of newly diagnosed primary brain tumors,” Omar Chohan, director of Neurosurgical Oncology and a part of the clinical trials team said.


The Singularity isn’t NEAR…

It’s in progress.

For the first time ever, researchers have successfully demonstrated a system that enables a person to move the individual fingers of a prosthetic hand using just their thoughts.

Good news and hope for Parkinson disease patients.

Erika Jucumin, a physician assistant at Neurology Associates in Ormond Beach, programs and monitors a deep brain stimulator for patients with Parkinson’s disease, dystonia and other neurological disorders.

As a result, Jacumin said she has seen many amazing turn-arounds in patients’ health. She spoke to The News-Journal about the device.

NAME: Erika Jacumin.

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Elite X-Plane General Aviation Dream Package flight simulator system (credit: Xforce PC)

You can learn how to improve your novice pilot skills by having your brain zapped with recorded brain patterns of experienced pilots via transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), according to researchers at HRL Laboratories.

“We measured the brain activity patterns of six commercial and military pilots, and then transmitted these patterns into novice subjects as they learned to pilot an airplane in a realistic flight simulator,” says Matthew Phillips, PhD.

The study, published in an open-access paper in the February 2016 issue of the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, found that novice pilots who received brain stimulation via electrode-embedded head caps improved their piloting abilities, with a 33 percent increase in skill consistency, compared to those who received sham stimulation. “We measured the average g-force of the plane during the simulated landing and compared it to control subjects who received a mock brain stimulation,” says Phillips.

Qubits in solid state devices for transmission across an Quantum Internet is a given in order to have great performance on a Quantum Network as well as help ensuring secured transmission of information across the net — this is a given and why Quantum is a must for supporting and securing things like AI, IoT, and other emerging technologies such as Brain Interface devices.

Without this technology; it will be very hard for industries, governments, and especially consumers to embrace and adopt full automated AI, brain interface devices, etc.

A research team from the Joint Quantum Institute have developed a way for qubits to interact with photons, which could ultimately lead to futuristic quantum networks. Theorists explained that such a solid state device could give birth to compact chip-integrated quantum circuits enabling gigahertz range bandwidths.

Qubits or quantum bits which are the quantum analogue of the classical bit allows superposition of states in between horizontally polarized and vertically polarized states. Contemporary optical networks use electronic circuits to store information and an optical fibre to carry it. However, scientists sketched a quantum network system in which highly secured qubits will be transmitted using an optical fibre. However, in order to realise this in practice will require a feasible interaction between an electron and a photon.

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Frankly brainwashing tactics never worked with me. I am not sure what the media is up to; but this is truly become a bit ridiculous. Up until last week; the media and dooms day believers where telling everyone in the next 10 years; most of the jobs would no longer be held by humans. Until me and a few other folks on the web started sharing the facts on why that was not a reality. So, recently, the journalists new story is in 30 years most of the jobs will be taken by robots.

Again, we will settle down from the hype and learn that the reality is people will have jobs because new careers will be created plus some of the corporate and special skilled jobs that we have today have too much access to IP and other private information. And, this type of information most companies will want some level of human oversight managing the information and operations around it. Also, we will see that in order to keep creativity and real innovation moving forward that we will always need humans involved.

Besides, in the 1950’s robots and computers was suppose to have taken over by 1970; and in 1970 the humanoids (like in the movie WestWorld) was suppose to exist and we were to colonized the moon by 1999; and the same stories continue today.

A life of leisure could be the norm for a majority of people in decades to come, according to Moshe Vardi from Rice University in Houston, Texas, who spoke at the annual AAAS meeting.

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