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The amphibious assault ship USS Essex can print parts on demand, reducing the need for inventory.

One of the U.S. Navy’s largest warships is now rocking a 3D printer, allowing the crew to quickly crank out replacement parts for drones. The service hopes that additive manufacturing technology will allow it to save time and money, reducing the need to stock spare parts on hand, especially when a ship is at sea. It believes that 3D printers could someday become standard issue on every warship.

While it may seem a bit silly to think about an asteroid hitting the planet in 2052, the 2021 QM1 hitting Earth would be devastating. The asteroid is said to be 50 meters or 150 feet in diameter. Should it impact, it would have a force of six tons of TNT. To put that in perspective, it would be 400 times more powerful than the atomic bombs that had been dropped on Hiroshima. That would certainly be enough to destroy a large city and much more. There had been a 12-megaton asteroid that hit Earth over a remote part of the Siberia region. The impact flattened over 830 miles of forest, and three people were said to have died because of the impact. However, if that impact happened anywhere that was populated, that entire city, town, or state would essentially have been wiped off the map.

The 2021 QM1 had initially been discovered in August of 2021 at the Mount Lemmon observatory. It was discovered along with a dozen other asteroids. However, during Asteroid Day 2022 which took place in June of 2022, the ESA (European Space Agency) deemed that the 2021 QM1 asteroid would be completely safe and not strike the earth. Another asteroid by the name 2022, AE1, was also said to be on a collision course with the planet before it was recently deemed safe as well. The 70-meter asteroid is said to strike the moon before it would hit our planet. That might not seem like good news, considering the moon being destroyed might cause significant other damage to the planet, but it’s still good news.

Thankfully, there are scientists and astronomers that revolve their lives around studying the trajectory of rogue asteroids. They are meant to alert the planet should we be in any imminent danger. However, would the public go a bit crazy if they knew a giant asteroid was catapulting straight to Earth? Hopefully, they would not. Mass hysteria is always something to think about when there is a credible threat that cannot be vanquished by our modern technology.

Will it succeed?An open-source investigation suggests that Russia is building a giant laser-based anti-satellite weapon near Zelenchukskaya in the southwest part of the country, reported. This will allow it a soft-kill option to take down adversarial satellites.

Instead of temporarily blurring sensors, Russia is going full throttle, looking to destroy optical sensors on satellites.

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Black Holes are often considered the most dangerous objects in the Universe, especially in science fiction, and today we’ll look at how these may be used as weapons in future warfare.

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NASA director Bill Nelson warned that China’s space program was primarily established to be used as an extension of its military rather than for peaceful or scientific purposes.

By Trevor Filseth L

China’s Foreign Ministry issued a condemnation on Monday of reports from the United States that Beijing intends to pursue exclusive control over the Moon in the future, accusing administrators within the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of ignoring facts and speaking “irresponsibly” about China’s space program.

Russian scientists have synthesized a new ultra-hard material containing scandium and carbon. It consists of polymerized fullerene molecules with scandium and carbon atoms inside. The work paves the way for future studies of fullerene-based ultra-hard materials, making them a potential candidate for use in photovoltaic and optical devices, elements of nanoelectronics and optoelectronics, biomedical engineering as high-performance contrast agents, etc. The research study was published in the journal Carbon.

The discovery of new, all-carbon molecules known as fullerenes almost forty years ago was a revolutionary breakthrough that paved the way for fullerene nanotechnology. Fullerenes have a spherical shape made of pentagons and hexagons that resembles a soccer ball, and a cavity within the carbon frame of fullerene molecules can accommodate a variety of atoms.

The Space Force has assumed command of a new unit that will be focused on keeping an eye out for foreign threats in space, but it comes as Congress is warning the small service branch that it has to prepare to slow its growth.

Delta 18 and the brand-new National Space Intelligence Center were officially commissioned late last month at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. It will be staffed by nearly 350 civilian and military personnel.

Delta 18’s mission is to “deliver critical intelligence on threat systems, foreign intentions, and activities in the space domain to support national leaders, allies, partners and joint war fighters,” according to a press release.

Lithium Ion-based batteries are among the most effective and widely used battery technologies. However, the batteries’ electrolytes mainly contain organic carbonated solvents, which are considered highly flammable with a narrow temperature window. To ensure that they don’t catch fire while operating at extreme temperatures, engineers must design safer electrolytes that are not only non-flammable, but also able to operate at a wide temperature range.

Researchers in the University of California San Diego’s Shirley Meng group and at the Army Research Laboratory have recently developed new liquefied gas electrolytes that could be used to produce lithium-metal batteries that can operate safely from-60 to 55 o C. These electrolytes have a unique structure, outlined in a paper published in Nature Energy, which make them capable of extinguishing fire.

“The liquefied gas electrolyte (LGE) was firstly conceptualized by our research group in a paper published in Science in 2017 and has been developed over five years,” Yijie Yin, one of the researchers who are working in this field from Prof. Meng’s lab, told TechXplore. “It consists of a variety of fluorocarbon gases, that when put under pressure, liquefies to form a chemically stable, low-freezing point, low-cost electrolyte.”