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Black holes are known as the most terrifying, mysterious, and fascinating objects in the Universe. Eternally hungry, they eat everything in their path and are constantly expanding. But how small and how big can a black hole be? Unlike stars and planets, black holes have no size restrictions. They grow when they eat the matter around them. Does it mean that they can be not only super large but super small? Let’s find out!


Black Hole: By NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center,
X-ray: By NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/CI Lab,
Black Holes: By NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center,
Burst: By NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/Chris Smith (KBRwyle),
echoes: By NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center,
star: By NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/Chris Smith (USRA/GESTAR),
stellar: By NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/Chris Smith (USRA/GESTAR),
Suzaku: By NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center,
Star Formation: By NASA,
Flare: By NASA/JPL/Caltech/Abhimanyu Susobhanan.
Disk Flare: By NASA/JPL-Caltech,
Quasar: By NASA/CXC/M. Weiss.
CC BY-SA 4.0
Supermassive: By Quantum squid88,
Ton618: By Pablo Carlos Budassi,
CC BY 4.0
Sgr A: By EHT Collaboration,
Messier 87: By Event Horizon Telescope,
M87: By Event Horizon Telescope,
ULAS J1120+0641: By ESO/M. Kornmesser,
Jets: By ESO/WFI —,
3C 273 Jet: By Pelligton,
Animation is created by Bright Side.

Music by Epidemic Sound

HEXATRACK-Space Express Concept Connecting Lunar &Martian City (Lunar & Mars Glass) and Beyond — SHORT VERSIONHEXATRACK-Space Express Concept, designed and created by Yosuke A. Yamashiki, Kyoto University.
Lunar Glass & Mars Glass, designed and created by Takuya Ono, Kajima Co. Ltd.
Visual Effect and detailed design are generated by Juniya Okamura.
Concept Advisor Naoko Yamazaki, AstronautSIC Human Spaceology Center, GSAIS, Kyoto UniversityVR of Lunar&Mars Glass — created by Natsumi Iwato and Mamiko Hikita, Kyoto University.
VR contents of Lunar&Mars Glass by Shinji Asano, Natsumi Iwato, Mamiko Hikita and Junya Okamura.
Daidaros concept by Takuya Ono.
Terraformed Mars were designed by Fuka Takagi & Yosuke A. Yamashiki.
Exoplanet image were created by Ryusuke Kuroki, Fuka Takagi, Hiroaki Sato, Ayu Shiragashi and Y. A. Yamashiki.
All Music (” Lunar City” “Martian”“Neptune”) are composed and played by Yosuke Alexandre Yamashiki.

“Our goals were to explore the new sound world created by using new materials”

Only musicians can understand how grueling and challenging it is to play the violin. Violins, even mediocre ones, are worth thousands of dollars. Good news for music students and beginners, they will meet with low-cost and durable 3D-printed violins thanks to The Acoustical Society of America’s AVIVA Young Artists Program.

As stated in the release, today in Nashville, Mary-Elizabeth Brown, director of the AVIVA Young Artists Program discussed the steps taken and the lessons learned in her presentation, Old meets new: 3D printing and the art of violin-making.

Shawn Peters.

Summary: A new musical app takes listeners on an emotional “rollercoaster ride”, leaving them in a more positive emotional a focused state than when they first started listening to the soundtrack.

Source: Acoustical Society of America.

Music has the potential to change emotional states and can distract listeners from negative thoughts and pain. It has also been proven to help improve memory, performance, and mood.

AI generated video I created with stable diffusion by using prompts that I used to generate AI art based on the themes in the song. I tried midjourney, disco diffusion, and settled in deforum in stable diffusion to create this AI generated music video. stable diffusion AI art is so much fun. All nipple censoring credit goes to drdollas. He had the difficult task of staring at thousands of images of beautiful, perfect female breasts for 73 hours. Check out his channel for the uncensored version.

This new type of steel is a big deal.
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Additional footage and imagery courtesy of Åsa Bäcklin, Google Earth, HYBRIT, LKAB, Per Juntti, SSAB, The Swedish Transport Administration, TriStar Pictures, Vattenfall, Vitaliy Todo and Volvo Construction Equipment.

Time travel is one of sci-fi’s favorite tools. But is it possible to build a real time machine? Could you travel into the future or the past? Paul Davies joins John Michael Godlier to discuss the possibilities of time travel and how it would work within Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

Paul Davies is a theoretical physicist and regents professor at the department of physics at Arizona State University. He is a cosmologist, astrobiologist and best-selling science author, including the author of How to Build a Time Machine. (affiliate link)


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Your weekly news from the AI & Machine Learning world.

0:00 — Introduction.
0:25 — AI reads brain signals to predict what you’re thinking.
3:00 — Closed-form solution for neuron interactions.
4:15 — GPT-4 rumors.
6:50 — Cerebras supercomputer.
7:45 — Meta releases metagenomics atlas.
9:15 — AI advances in theorem proving.
10:40 — Better diffusion models with expert denoisers.
12:00 — BLOOMZ & mT0
13:05 — ICLR reviewers going mad.
21:40 — Scaling Transformer inference.
22:10 — Infinite nature flythrough generation.
23:55 — Blazing fast denoising.
24:45 — Large-scale AI training with MultiRay.
25:30 — arXiv to include Hugging Face spaces.
26:10 — Multilingual Diffusion.
26:30 — Music source separation.
26:50 — Multilingual CLIP
27:20 — Drug response prediction.
27:50 — Helpful Things.

HF did not acquire spaces, they launched spaces themselves and supported Gradio from the start. They later acquired Gradio.

AI reads brain signals to predict what you’re thinking.

Brain-Machine Interface Device Predicts Internal Speech

Closed-form solution for neuron interactions.

GPT-4 rumors.…ket_reader.

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The universe is going to end. But of all the possible ends of the universe vacuum decay would have to be the most thorough — because it could totally rewrite the laws of physics. Today I hope to help you understand exactly how terrified you should be.

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