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Additional footage and imagery courtesy of Åsa Bäcklin, Google Earth, HYBRIT, LKAB, Per Juntti, SSAB, The Swedish Transport Administration, TriStar Pictures, Vattenfall, Vitaliy Todo and Volvo Construction Equipment.

Time travel is one of sci-fi’s favorite tools. But is it possible to build a real time machine? Could you travel into the future or the past? Paul Davies joins John Michael Godlier to discuss the possibilities of time travel and how it would work within Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

Paul Davies is a theoretical physicist and regents professor at the department of physics at Arizona State University. He is a cosmologist, astrobiologist and best-selling science author, including the author of How to Build a Time Machine. (affiliate link)


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Your weekly news from the AI & Machine Learning world.

0:00 — Introduction.
0:25 — AI reads brain signals to predict what you’re thinking.
3:00 — Closed-form solution for neuron interactions.
4:15 — GPT-4 rumors.
6:50 — Cerebras supercomputer.
7:45 — Meta releases metagenomics atlas.
9:15 — AI advances in theorem proving.
10:40 — Better diffusion models with expert denoisers.
12:00 — BLOOMZ & mT0
13:05 — ICLR reviewers going mad.
21:40 — Scaling Transformer inference.
22:10 — Infinite nature flythrough generation.
23:55 — Blazing fast denoising.
24:45 — Large-scale AI training with MultiRay.
25:30 — arXiv to include Hugging Face spaces.
26:10 — Multilingual Diffusion.
26:30 — Music source separation.
26:50 — Multilingual CLIP
27:20 — Drug response prediction.
27:50 — Helpful Things.

HF did not acquire spaces, they launched spaces themselves and supported Gradio from the start. They later acquired Gradio.

AI reads brain signals to predict what you’re thinking.

Brain-Machine Interface Device Predicts Internal Speech

Closed-form solution for neuron interactions.

GPT-4 rumors.…ket_reader.

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The universe is going to end. But of all the possible ends of the universe vacuum decay would have to be the most thorough — because it could totally rewrite the laws of physics. Today I hope to help you understand exactly how terrified you should be.

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Short version: One treated rat is sill alive and equivalent to a 110 year old human.

In this video we review the latest updates from Dr Katcher’s Lifespan trials and NEEL clinical trials.
NTZ Newsletter.
NEEL website.

Renue By Science 10% of all products: Stanley Kubrick redefined the limits of filmmaking in his classic science fiction masterpiece, a contemplation on the nature of humanity, 2001: A Space Odyssey. Stone Age Earth: In the presence of a mysterious black obelisk, pre-humans discover the use of tools—and weapons—violently taking first steps toward intelligence. 1999: On Earth’s moon astronauts uncover another mysterious black obelisk. 2001: Between Earth and Jupiter, the spacecraft’s intelligent computer makes a mistake that kills most of the human crew—then continues to kill to hide its error. Beyond Time: The sole survivor of the journey to Jupiter ascends to the next level of humanity.

A ground-breaking prototype developed by experts from the Department of Electronics at the University of Malaga and members of the R&D group “Electronics for Instrumentation and Systems,” will allow those with hearing loss to listen to music through the sense of touch.

It consists of an audio-tactile algorithm that transforms monophonic music into tangible stimuli based on vibration utilizing “tactile illusions.” According to the researchers, “It’s like ‘hacking’ the nervous system to receive a different response to the real stimulus sent.”

“What we want to achieve in the long term is for people who do not hear to be able to ‘listen’ to music”, assures researcher Paul Remache, the main author of this paper, who insists on the power of music to influence mood, as well as its possibilities as a therapy for mental disorders and treatment of pain.

Thank you to Wondrium for sponsoring today’s video! Signup for your FREE trial to Wondrium here:

Researched and Written by Jon Farrow.
Narrated and Edited by David Kelly.
Animations by Jero Squartini
Laniakea animation by Alperaym.
Incredible thumbnail art by Ettore Mazza, the GOAT:

Huge thanks to Daniel Pomarède for the use of his images of Laniakea and our local cosmological neighborhood:

Thank to Pablo Carlos Budassi for his wonderful images of the KBC Void, Shapley Supercluster and Bootes Void.