

Archive for the ‘internet’ category: Page 69

Jan 27, 2023

Humans’ Quest to Decode Animal Languages Through AI

Posted by in categories: internet, robotics/AI

The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has unleashed a torrent of possibilities for cutting-edge technology. These powerful computer programs, capable of processing vast amounts of human language data, have paved the way for revolutionary tools like advanced chatbots and voice-controlled devices.

Perhaps the most striking example of this technology in action is ChatGPT, one of today’s hottest internet sensations as of late. ChatGPT is an AI platform that represents the forefront of what we can achieve when we infuse natural language with AI.

But as humans continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible, we are also turning our attention to another frontier: decoding the languages of animals. This article will explore the latest progress in this research, the potential opportunities it could unlock, and the possible risks it could unleash.

Jan 26, 2023

How Quantum Computing Will Transform Our World

Posted by in categories: climatology, economics, encryption, finance, government, internet, mathematics, military, quantum physics, space, supercomputing, sustainability

Tech giants from Google to Amazon and Alibaba —not to mention nation-states vying for technological supremacy—are racing to dominate this space. The global quantum-computing industry is projected to grow from $412 million in 2020 to $8.6 billion in 2027, according to an International Data Corp. analysis.

Whereas traditional computers rely on binary “bits”—switches either on or off, denoted as 1s and 0s—to process information, the “qubits” that underpin quantum computing are tiny subatomic particles that can exist in some percentage of both states simultaneously, rather like a coin spinning in midair. This leap from dual to multivariate processing exponentially boosts computing power. Complex problems that currently take the most powerful supercomputer several years could potentially be solved in seconds. Future quantum computers could open hitherto unfathomable frontiers in mathematics and science, helping to solve existential challenges like climate change and food security. A flurry of recent breakthroughs and government investment means we now sit on the cusp of a quantum revolution. “I believe we will do more in the next five years in quantum innovation than we did in the last 30,” says Gambetta.

But any disrupter comes with risks, and quantum has become a national-security migraine. Its problem-solving capacity will soon render all existing cryptography obsolete, jeopardizing communications, financial transactions, and even military defenses. “People describe quantum as a new space race,” says Dan O’Shea, operations manager for Inside Quantum Technology, an industry publication. In October, U.S. President Joe Biden toured IBM’s quantum data center in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., calling quantum “vital to our economy and equally important to our national security.” In this new era of great-power competition, China and the U.S. are particularly hell-bent on conquering the technology lest they lose vital ground. “This technology is going to be the next industrial revolution,” says Tony Uttley, president and COO for Quantinuum, a Colorado-based firm that offers commercial quantum applications. “It’s like the beginning of the internet, or the beginning of classical computing.”

Jan 26, 2023

Quantum Safe Cryptography — A Quantum Leap Needed Now

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, encryption, finance, information science, internet, mathematics, quantum physics, security

Whether we realize it or not, cryptography is the fundamental building block on which our digital lives are based. Without sufficient cryptography and the inherent trust that it engenders, every aspect of the digital human condition we know and rely on today would never have come to fruition much less continue to evolve at its current staggering pace. The internet, digital signatures, critical infrastructure, financial systems and even the remote work that helped the world limp along during the recent global pandemic all rely on one critical assumption – that the current encryption employed today is unbreakable by even the most powerful computers in existence. But what if that assumption was not only challenged but realistically compromised?

This is exactly what happened when Peter Shor proposed his algorithm in 1995, dubbed Shor’s Algorithm. The key to unlocking the encryption on which today’s digital security relies is in finding the prime factors of large integers. While factoring is relatively simple with small integers that have only a few digits, factoring integers that have thousands of digits or more is another matter altogether. Shor proposed a polynomial-time quantum algorithm to solve this factoring problem. I’ll leave it to the more qualified mathematicians to explain the theory behind this algorithm but suffice it to say that when coupled with a quantum computer, Shor’s Algorithm drastically reduces the time it would take to factor these larger integers by multiple orders of magnitude.

Prior to Shor’s Algorithm, for example, the most powerful computer today would take millions of years to find the prime factors of a 2048-bit composite integer. Without Shor’s algorithm, even quantum computers would take such an inordinate amount of time to accomplish the task as to render it unusable by bad actors. With Shor’s Algorithm, this same factoring can potentially be accomplished in a matter of hours.

Jan 25, 2023

AI can ‘see’ people through walls using WiFi signals

Posted by in categories: internet, robotics/AI

‘This technology may be scaled to monitor the well-being of elderly people or just identify suspicious behaviours at home,’ scientists claim Scientists have figured out how to identify people in a building by using artificial intelligence to analyse WiFi signals. A team at Carnegie Mellon University developed a deep neural network to digitally map human bodies when in the presence of WiFi signals.

Jan 25, 2023

ChatGPT bot passes US law school exam

Posted by in categories: education, internet, law, robotics/AI

A chatbot powered by reams of data from the internet has passed exams at a US law school after writing essays on topics ranging from constitutional law to taxation and torts.

ChatGPT from OpenAI, a US company that this week got a massive injection of cash from Microsoft, uses (AI) to generate streams of text from simple prompts.

The results have been so good that educators have warned it could lead to widespread cheating and even signal the end of traditional classroom teaching methods.

Jan 25, 2023

The outline of people’s bodies can be detected from Wi-Fi signals

Posted by in categories: internet, robotics/AI

Machine learning can analyse how the signals from Wi-Fi transmitters are disrupted by human bodies to reveal what position people are sitting, standing or lying in.

Jan 24, 2023

How Much Does The Internet Cost To Run?

Posted by in categories: internet, quantum physics, robotics/AI

Year 2012 The dwave quantum computers could essentially host the entire internet with low cost and even photonic room temperature quantum computers could eventually host the internet for even cheaper even down to pennies. Also if starling had casimir energy generators and casimir propulsion systems it could be even free for satellite operation costs with full automation we could essentially have low cost of pennies for the full system operation. At least some ideas for future operation costs.

This question was originally answered by Greg Price on Quora.

Jan 24, 2023

EXCLUSIVE: U.S. airline accidentally exposes ‘No Fly List’ on unsecured server

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, government, internet

An unsecured server discovered by a security researcher last week contained the identities of hundreds of thousands of individuals from the U.S. government’s Terrorist Screening Database and “No Fly List.”

Located by the Swiss hacker known as maia arson crimew, the server, run by the U.S. national airline CommuteAir, was left exposed on the public internet. It revealed a vast amount of company data, including private information on almost 1,000 CommuteAir employees.

CommuteAir also confirmed the legitimacy of the data, stating that it was a version of the “federal no-fly list” from roughly four years prior.

Continue reading “EXCLUSIVE: U.S. airline accidentally exposes ‘No Fly List’ on unsecured server” »

Jan 23, 2023

A Big Picture Guide to the 21st Century

Posted by in categories: futurism, internet

This online book is the most comprehensive intro to general futures thinking and professional foresight practice available on the web. Our Aim: To be the best Big Picture Guide to 21st Century Foresight. Championing exponential, evo devo, and evidence-based thinking.

Jan 22, 2023

Explained: Will Web 3.0 live up to its hype?

Posted by in categories: bitcoin, blockchains, business, cryptocurrencies, Elon Musk, government, internet, robotics/AI, space

Despite its recent blowback, Web 3.0 offers a more interconnected and productive society.

The next significant development for the internet and all it governs is Web 3.0. To improve user experience, it will make use of artificial intelligence. In addition, blockchain technology will enable the service to be backed by decentralized networks since Web 3.0 is the fundamental framework for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. This will be a revolutionary move that might significantly influence businesses and how they function, as well as individual users. For instance, site owners won’t have to rely on larger businesses like Amazon (AWS) and Google to buy server space.

Web 2.0 – the current version of the internet – has grown overly centralized, with a small number of large technology businesses and government organizations controlling the industry. Web 3.0, which promises a decentralized online ecosystem built on the still-emerging blockchain, will be the third iteration of the internet. Web 3.0 was first coined in 2014 by a computer scientist named Gavin Wood also helped create Ethereum, the decentralized blockchain system that powers the ether coin.

Continue reading “Explained: Will Web 3.0 live up to its hype?” »

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