

Archive for the ‘internet’ category: Page 129

Dec 17, 2021

Researchers Uncover New Coexistence Attacks On Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Chips

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, internet

Cybersecurity researchers have demonstrated a new attack technique that makes it possible to leverage a device’s Bluetooth component to directly extract network passwords and manipulate traffic on a Wi-Fi chip, putting billions of electronic devices at risk of stealthy attacks.

The novel attacks work against the so-called “combo chips,” which are specialized chips that are equipped to handle different types of radio wave-based wireless communications, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and LTE.

“We provide empirical evidence that coexistence, i.e., the coordination of cross-technology wireless transmissions, is an unexplored attack surface,” a group of researchers from the Technical University of Darmstadt’s Secure Mobile Networking Lab and the University of Brescia said in a new paper.

Dec 17, 2021

Curve Light: A highly performing indoor positioning system

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, internet, robotics/AI, space, virtual reality

In recent years, engineers have been trying to develop more effective sensors and tools to monitor indoor environments. Serving as the foundation of these tools, indoor positioning systems automatically determine the position of objects with high accuracy and low latency, enabling emerging Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications, such as robots, autonomous driving, VR/AR, etc.

A team of researchers recently created CurveLight, an accurate and efficient positioning system. Their technology, described in a paper presented at ACM’s SenSys 2021 Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, could be used to enhance the performance of autonomous vehicles, robots and other advanced technologies.

“In CurveLight, the signal transmitter includes an infrared LED, covered by a hemispherical and rotatable shade,” Zhimeng Yin, one of the researchers who developed the system at City University of Hong Kong, told TechXplore. “The receiver detects the light signals with a photosensitive diode. When the shade is rotating, the transmitter generates a unique sequence of light signals for each point in the covered space.”

Dec 16, 2021

Log4j software bug is ‘severe risk’ to the entire internet

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, internet

A flaw in a commonly used piece of software has left millions of web servers vulnerable to exploitation by hackers.

Dec 16, 2021

France latest to slap Clearview AI with order to delete data

Posted by in categories: internet, law enforcement, robotics/AI

Controversial facial recognition company, Clearview AI, which has amassed a database of some 10 billion images by scraping selfies off the Internet so it can sell an identity-matching service to law enforcement, has been hit with another order to delete people’s data.

France’s privacy watchdog said today that Clearview has breached Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

In an announcement of the breach finding, the CNIL also gives Clearview formal notice to stop its “unlawful processing” and says it must delete user data within two months.

Dec 16, 2021

15 Emerging Technologies That Will Change Our World

Posted by in categories: internet, robotics/AI, space

Wasn’t it science-fiction writer, futurist, inventor, undersea explorer, and television series host, Arthur C. Clarke, who said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic?” Yes, in fact, it was! And the same is true today! Technology is magic! And the great thing about living in the future is we get to reap the benefits of all this technological advancement. Who doesn’t want lazer-precise internet? Why not take a vacation in outer space? Where is the driverless car taking us? These are the questions we face when we take a look at the future — up close… 15 Emerging Technologies That Will Change Our World.

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Dec 15, 2021

Renesas Boasts of New Spin-Torque MRAM Tricks to Dramatically Lower IoT RAM Power Consumption

Posted by in categories: energy, internet

Semiconductor specialist Renesas has announced two new technologies designed to dramatically improve the efficiency of embedded devices built for the Internet of Things — by reducing the power required to write into RAM.

“With the accelerated spread of IoT technology in recent years, there has been strong demand for reduced power consumption in microcontroller units (MCUs) used in endpoint devices,” the company claims in its technology announcement. “MRAM requires less energy for write operations than flash memory, and is thus particularly well suited for applications with frequent data updates.”

“However, as demand for data processing capability surges for MCUs, the need to ameliorate the trade off between performance and power consumption increases. Therefore, further power consumption reduction remains a pressing issue.”

Dec 15, 2021

Flawed Diamonds May Provide Perfect Interface for Quantum Computers — Faster and More Secure

Posted by in categories: computing, internet, quantum physics

Flaws in diamonds — atomic defects where carbon is replaced by nitrogen or another element — may offer a close-to-perfect interface for quantum computing 0, a proposed communications exchange that promises to be faster and more secure than current methods. There’s one major problem, though: these flaws, known as diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers, are controlled via magnetic field, which is incompatible with existing quantum devices. Imagine trying to connect an Altair, an early personal computer developed in 1974, to the internet via WiFi. It’s a difficult, but not impossible task. The two technologies speak different languages, so the first step is to help translate.

Researchers at Yokohama National University have developed an interface approach to control the diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers in a way that allows direct translation to quantum devices. They published their method today (December 15, 2021) in Communications Physics.

“To realize the quantum internet, a quantum interface is required to generate remote quantum entanglement by photons, which are a quantum communication medium,” said corresponding author Hideo Kosaka, professor in the Quantum Information Research Center, Institute of Advanced Sciences and in the Department of Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, both at Yokohama National University. “.

Dec 14, 2021

Bill Gates won’t join the space race. He wants to eradicate malaria and tuberculosis instead

Posted by in categories: cosmology, Elon Musk, internet

Some of the world’s richest men are squaring off in what’s become a rivalry for the ages — the space race. Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, the two richest men on the planet and the CEOs of SpaceX and Blue Origin, respectively, have grand designs on the cosmos. They predict a universe where the internet is accessible from anywhere, humans are an interplanetary species, and rotating space stations host permanent residents.

But Bill Gates isn’t putting his wealth into these off-planet endeavors.

Gates, the fourth richest person alive, according to Forbes, has what he considers higher aspirations right here on Earth. While internet constellations like SpaceX’s Starlink and Amazon’s proposed Project Kuiper aim to bring for-profit fixes to the world’s pressing connectivity issues, Gates told CNN’s Becky Anderson on Wednesday that more basic problems consume his time now.

Dec 13, 2021

Harvard Warns That Chinese Tech Is Rapidly Overtaking American Capabilities

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, internet, quantum physics, robotics/AI

A new report from the Harvard Kennedy School found that China’s rapidly gaining steam in the realms of AI, 5G, quantum computing, biotechnology, and more.

Dec 13, 2021

Meta’s Latest Avatar System is Finally Available to Unity VR Developers

Posted by in categories: internet, virtual reality

But there should be a system in metaverse where users can operate machines using internet.

Following an initial announcement eight months ago, Meta has released its latest avatar system for all Unity VR developers, including support for App Lab titles and limited support for non-Oculus platforms like SteamVR.

Update (December 13th, 2021): Meta today announced that its latest avatar system is finally available to all Unity developers. Formerly called Oculus Avatars 2.0—and now called Meta Avatars—the system brings a huge upgrade to avatar style and expressiveness compared to the company’s prior avatar systems.

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