

Archive for the ‘holograms’ category: Page 5

Mar 15, 2023

The Universe is a hologram: Stephen Hawking’s final theory, explained by his closest collaborator

Posted by in categories: cosmology, holograms

On the fifth anniversary of Stephen Hawking’s death, close friend and colleague Thomas Hertog unpacks the trailblazing physicist’s thoughts on the Big Bang’s origins.

Mar 10, 2023

Beam me up, Proto! NBC’s “California Live” uses patented Proto hologram tech

Posted by in categories: holograms, innovation

We showcase the Proto infinity wall, the Proto Epic, and the Proto M. Watch and enjoy, or else.

None of this happens without the entire team at Proto. The Protopians are made up of world class engineers, salespeople, resellers, investors, producers, developers, and partners. Without them, Proto is just a good idea. They’re the people who actually make these innovations happen.

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Feb 21, 2023

German scientists 3D print objects with “acoustic holograms”

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, holograms

By using shaped ultrasound, researchers in Germany have developed a way to 3D print objects in one shot.

Feb 14, 2023

Scientists Use “Acoustic Holograms” To Form Particles Into Complex 3D Shapes

Posted by in categories: biological, holograms, particle physics

That’s exactly what researchers in Germany set out to do, making use of “acoustic holograms” to form distinct 3D shapes out of particles suspended in water — all in “one shot,” said study lead author Kai Melde, a researcher from the Max Planck Institute, in a press release.

According to a study on the work, published last week in the journal Science Advances, the researchers were able to create a helix and a figure 8 out of silica gel beads, assembled biological cells into spherical clumps, and even provided a compelling concept for forming the shape of a dove in future experiments.

These acoustic holograms work by cleverly manipulating the pressure exerted by high frequency ultrasonic waves via the inexpensive use of a conventionally 3D-printed plate.

Feb 13, 2023

Why all of Hollywood UI looks the same

Posted by in categories: entertainment, holograms, robotics/AI, space travel, wearables

Science fiction films love to show off huge leaps in technology. The latest Avatar movie features autonomous, spider-like robots that can build a whole city within weeks. There are space ships that can carry frozen passengers lightyears away from Earth. In James Cameron’s imagination, we can download our memories and then upload them into newly baked bodies. All this wildly advanced tech is controlled through touch-activated, transparent, monochrome and often blue holograms. Just like a thousand other futuristic interfaces in Hollywood.

When we are shown a glimpse of the far future through science fiction films, there are omnipresent voice assistants, otherworldly wearables, and a whole lot of holograms. For whatever reason these holograms are almost always blue, floating above desks and visible to anyone who might stroll by. This formula for futuristic UI has always baffled me, because as cool as it looks, it doesn’t seem super practical. And yet, Hollywood seems to have an obsession with imagining future worlds washed in blue light.

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Feb 12, 2023

Creating 3D objects with sound

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical, engineering, holograms

Scientists from the Micro, Nano and Molecular Systems Lab at the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research and the Institute for Molecular Systems Engineering and Advanced Materials at Heidelberg University have created a new technology to assemble matter in 3D. Their concept uses multiple acoustic holograms to generate pressure fields with which solid particles, gel beads and even biological cells can be printed.

These results pave the way for novel 3D cell culture techniques with applications in biomedical engineering. The results of the study were published in the journal Science Advances.

Additive manufacturing or 3D printing enables the fabrication of complex parts from functional or . Conventional 3D printing can be a slow process, where objects are constructed one line or one layer at a time. Researchers in Heidelberg and Tübingen now demonstrate how to form a 3D object from smaller building blocks in just a single step.

Feb 10, 2023

This tech can print 3D objects with sound in ‘one-shot’ process

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, engineering, holograms

The “one-shot” process paves the path for cutting-edge 3D cell culture methods with biomedical engineering applications, claim the scientists.

German scientists have created a new technology that helps them print 3D objects with sound waves.

The design creates pressure fields using several acoustic holograms, which can be used to print solid particles, gel beads, and even living cells, according to the study released on Thursday.

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Feb 10, 2023

Are Holograms the Next Zoom?

Posted by in categories: business, climatology, finance, holograms, sustainability

Proto is betting that companies will view their 7-foot-tall holographic projection boxes as an alternative for in-person meetings. At least a half-dozen startups and giants like Google and Microsoft already are.

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Feb 9, 2023

Why more and more physicists consider space and time to be “illusions”

Posted by in categories: computing, cosmology, holograms, quantum physics

O.o! If the universe is some sorta hologram then this could be a clue to our actual reality.

Last December, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for experimental evidence of a quantum phenomenon that has been known for more than 80 years: entanglement. As envisioned by Albert Einstein and his collaborators in 1935, quantum objects can be mysteriously correlated even when separated by great distances. But as strange as the phenomenon may seem, why is such an old idea still worthy of the most prestigious award in physics?

Coincidentally, just weeks before the new Nobel laureates were honored in Stockholm, another team of respected scientists from Harvard, MIT, Caltech, Fermilab and Google reported that they ran a process on Google’s quantum computer that could be interpreted as a wormhole. Wormholes are tunnels through the universe that can function as a shortcut through space and time and are loved by science fiction fans, and although the tunnel realized in this latest experiment only exists in a two-dimensional toy universe, it could be a breakthrough for the future represent research at the forefront of physics.

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Jan 28, 2023

Simulations back up theory that Universe is a hologram

Posted by in categories: holograms, quantum physics

Circa 2013 face_with_colon_three

A ten-dimensional theory of gravity makes the same predictions as standard quantum physics in fewer dimensions.

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