We got a sneak peek at a hologram chameleon and wristwatch from San Jose-based Light Field Lab, which expects companies to begin debuting large-scale versions of its holographic display next year.
We got a sneak peek at a hologram chameleon and wristwatch from San Jose-based Light Field Lab, which expects companies to begin debuting large-scale versions of its holographic display next year.
I hope we get the hologram interfaces depicted too.
It’s becoming clear that aging is just as curable as other diseases such as the cold or a broken bone. Advancements in biotechnology now allow for targeted gene therapy and supplements to be invented that can both stop aging and even reverse the aging process through new Longevity Technology. The field of Longevity has expanded and evolved a lot during the past few years and have invented new treatments for diseases of old people which could increase the average lifespan of people by a ton according to the leading scientists such as David Sinclair and Aubrey De Grey. Anti Aging Supplements such as Metformin and NAD+, NMN are just the start.
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MIT trained an AI to generate photorealistic holograms in milliseconds using just the processing power of a smartphone.
The TV show “Star Trek: The Next Generation” introduced millions of people to the idea of a holodeck: an immersive, realistic 3D holographic projection of a complete environment that you could interact with and even touch.
In the 21st century, holograms are already being used in a variety of ways such as medical systems, education, art, security and defense. Scientists are still developing ways to use lasers, modern digital processors, and motion-sensing technologies to create several different types of holograms which could change the way we interact.
My colleagues and I working in the University of Glasgow’s bendable electronics and sensing technologies research group have now developed a system of holograms of people using “aerohaptics,” creating feelings of touch with jets of air. Those jets of air deliver a sensation of touch on people’s fingers, hands and wrists.
ARHT Media beamed a bridesmaid from London to her best friend’s wedding near Toronto as a live hologram, when she wasn’t able to be there in-person due to travel restrictions.
Hologram Technology — ARHT Media Inc. — www.arhtmedia.com.
Photographer: Will Reid Photography — www.willreidphoto.com.
Videographer: Corinne McDonald Films — www.corinnemcdonald.com.
Event Producers: Ashley Pigott Events — https://www.ashleypigott.com
A piece of science fiction technology could be one step closer to reality with a new development in haptic holograms.
The idea of haptic, or touchable, holograms is familiar to millions from its appearance in sci-fi favorites like Star Trek’s holodeck, where characters can interact with solid-seeming computer simulations of people, objects and places.
Now, a team of engineers from the University of Glasgow have developed a new way to create the sensation of physically interacting with holographic projections.
An acoustic tractor beam that can bend sound around an obstacle to levitate an object on the other side has been created by researchers in the UK. Dubbed SoundBender, the device combines an ultrasound transducer array with an acoustic metamaterial.
In recent years, researchers have used transducer arrays to build sonic tractor beams that can create complex acoustic holograms to manipulate objects in mid-air. Acoustic metamaterials are engineered materials with structural properties that do not usually occur naturally. They have been used to produce acoustic holograms, bend beams of sound and create static acoustic levitation devices. But the team behind the SoundBender, based at the University of Sussex, say that these technologies have key limitations.
Article by william brown, biophysicist, resonance science foundation research scientist.
Despite years of hype, virtual reality headsets have yet to topple TV or computer screens as the go-to devices for video viewing.
One reason: VR can make users feel sick. Nausea and eye strain can result because VR creates an illusion of 3D viewing although the user is in fact staring at a fixed-distance 2D display. The solution for better 3D visualization could lie in a 60-year-old technology remade for the digital world: holograms.
Holograms deliver an exceptional representation of 3D world around us. Plus, they’re beautiful. (Go ahead — check out the holographic dove on your Visa card.) Holograms offer a shifting perspective based on the viewer’s position, and they allow the eye to adjust focal depth to alternately focus on foreground and background.
They may be tiny weapons, but Brigham Young University’s holography research group has figured out how to create lightsabers—green for Yoda and red for Darth Vader, naturally—with actual luminous beams rising from them.
Inspired by the displays of science fiction, the researchers have also engineered battles between equally small versions of the Starship Enterprise and a Klingon Battle Cruiser that incorporate photon torpedoes launching and striking the enemy vessel that you can see with the naked eye.
“What you’re seeing in the scenes we create is real; there is nothing computer generated about them,” said lead researcher Dan Smalley, a professor of electrical engineering at BYU. “This is not like the movies, where the lightsabers or the photon torpedoes never really existed in physical space. These are real, and if you look at them from any angle, you will see them existing in that space.”
Researchers from Utah have figured out how to use lasers to create sci-fi-style holograms inspired by phasers from ‘Star Trek’ and lightsabers from ‘Star Wars.’