The 10:33 a.m. quake was centered in the Searles Valley, a remote area of Kern County about 100 miles north of Los Angeles, and was felt as far away as Long Beach and Las Vegas.
Category: futurism – Page 893
Best News Stories From 2019
Posted in futurism
40-hour, 200-kilometer canoe trip recreates the sea journeys that may have peopled Japan’s Okinawan islands.
The Korean male neuro-functionalized Virtual Population (ViP) model Jeduk V4.0 has been released. This new computational human phantom features detailed neuro-functionalized nerve trajectories for all major peripheral nerves in the entire body and includes close to 1200 individual tissue structures comprising more than 250 peripheral nerves and 1100 unique nerve trajectories.
Nano Gauntlet Life-Size Replica
Posted in futurism
The Hot Toys Nano Gauntlet Life-Size Replica is available at for fans of Avengers: Endgame, Iron Man and Marvel collectibles.
So everyone can have fun in the sun this summer.
06/16/2017 04:31pm EDT
Modern day female longsword expert wins the The Longsword Competition at the World Invitationals.
Trained in European martial arts as she puts it (When you think ‘martial arts’ it usually brings up images of Far East fighting styles, so this was interesting to hear European sword fighting described in this way), and using swords that she herself designed (specifically for her style of fighting and longsword competition), Samantha Swords is a girl after my own ‘Geek’ heart.
See her video interview below complete with sword play demonstrations and training…