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It is a commonly accepted view that light stimulation of mammalian photoreceptors causes a graded change in membrane potential instead of developing a spike. The presynaptic Ca2+ channels serve as a crucial link for the coding of membrane potential variations into neurotransmitter release. Cav1.4 L-type Ca2+ channels are expressed in photoreceptor terminals, but the complete pool of Ca2+ channels in cone photoreceptors appears to be more diverse. Here, we discovered, employing whole-cell patch-clamp recording from cone photoreceptor terminals in both sexes of mice, that their Ca2+ currents are composed of low-(T-type Ca2+ channels) and high-(L-type Ca2+ channels) voltage-activated components. Furthermore, Ca2+ channels exerted self-generated spike behavior in dark membrane potentials, and spikes were generated in response to light/dark transition. The application of fast and slow Ca2+ chelators revealed that T-type Ca2+ channels are located close to the release machinery. Furthermore, capacitance measurements indicated that they are involved in evoked vesicle release. Additionally, RT-PCR experiments showed the presence of Cav3.2 T-type Ca2+ channels in cone photoreceptors but not in rod photoreceptors. Altogether, we found several crucial functions of T-type Ca2+ channels, which increase the functional repertoire of cone photoreceptors. Namely, they extend cone photoreceptor light-responsive membrane potential range, amplify dark responses, generate spikes, increase intracellular Ca2+ levels, and boost synaptic transmission.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Photoreceptors provide the first synapse for coding light information. The key elements in synaptic transmission are the voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels. Here, we provide evidence that mouse cone photoreceptors express low-voltage-activated Cav3.2 T-type Ca2+ channels in addition to high-voltage-activated L-type Ca2+ channels. The presence of T-type Ca2+ channels in cone photoreceptors appears to extend their light-responsive membrane potential range, amplify dark response, generate spikes, increase intracellular Ca2+ levels, and boost synaptic transmission. By these functions, Cav3.2 T-type Ca2+ channels increase the functional repertoire of cone photoreceptors.

The skeleton of the actual T. rex is expected to be sold for as much as $25 million.

The actual T. rex for sale! The skeleton of the “king of the tyrant lizards,” Tyrannosaurus Rex, will go to auction on November 30 at Christie’s in Hong Kong. The fossils of the dinosaur are expected to be sold for as much as $25 million according to Christie’s.

Named Shen for now, the new owner of the 3,000-pound (1,400 kilograms) skeleton will get exclusive naming rights and be able to change it after purchase. Shen is 40 feet (12.2 meters) long, 15 feet (4.6 m) tall, and 6.8 feet (2.1 m) wide.

According to Christie’s, this will be the first time a T. rex skeleton has ever been sold at an auction in Asia.

Were you unable to attend Transform 2022? Check out all of the summit sessions in our on-demand library now! Watch here.

Every time someone invents a new standard, the rest of the world is compelled to comply: VHS to DVD, DVD to Blu-ray, or Blu-ray to streaming. Change is inexorable, but it can also be glacially slow. Converting the tech geeks and conspicuous consumers is easy, but getting the long tail of ordinary users to embrace the “new paradigm” is fiendishly hard — and so, it is with Web3.

We’re living through a transitional time when the slow deprecation of one standard is being countered with the mainstreaming of another. To say that red pilling the masses on the wonders of Web3 has been tough would be an understatement, however. At this stage, it cannot even be said for certain that Web3 will replace its numerical predecessor — rather, it is more of an if. For Web2 to go the way of the VHS and fully transition to a new format — much needs to happen first.

The man printed 110 firearms.

An upstate New York man told New York’s WKTV.

“I 3D-printed a bunch of lower receivers and frames for different kinds of firearms,” Kem told WKTV. “And he sees the tote and says, ‘how many firearms do you have?’ And I said, ‘110.’”

The idea came to him after seeing some relevant Twitter posts. New York AG’s “Cash for Guns” program tells residents that they can trade in firearms for money and many people on Twitter were considering doing so. This inspired Kem to use a $200 3D printer he’d gotten for Christmas to make some cold hard cash.